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Anyone read the article about the Muslim lady who got strangled by a guy claiming to be Jesus? She lived and thanked "allah" that she was able to get away ? You fought off this guy, give yourself some credit, lady.

Mandabear 4 May 10

Enjoy being online again!

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No different than to be left standing in the middle of a church that has just been blown away by a tornado. God save me!


Definitely she fought him not allah.


She is not an Atheist nor agnostic ! She can't think like them either ?


I would put this in a bad taste basket.


It may be an automatic response, but it demonstrates the depth of brainwashing in all religions.

JimG Level 8 May 10, 2018

LOL! True, that. Hopefully, the comment was a reflex statement, made out habit.

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