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Well fuck me sideways with no lube I am so fed up.

It's like if I start to adapt to my shitty as fuck circumstances the world says "ohoh noooo honey you still got lots more suffering to do" (I dunno why but the voice of 'fate' always sounds like a drag queen in my head)

So on top of ALL the terrible shit I'm going through, (small recap disabled mom can't find work, my checks are garnished, I have 90k debt and am filing bankruptcy, my bankruptcy lawyer is on medical leave, I have a rare disease that is steadily taking my arms and hands away, the only doctor who can even do anything in the entire region STILL hasn't called me back, they cut my pain medicine down, we can't afford food, and I spent the last two nights sleeping on a bed harder than cement with animals that wake you up EVERY TWO HOURS like clockwork) And MY CAR JUST FUCKING BROKE DOWN.

that is like the straw that broke the camels back. Like, I'm utterly distraught. I'm desperately trying not to sob my eyes out at work, because the last thing I need is to have a total mental breakdown at work too.

I just....I'm lost. I have no idea what to do. I have 15 dollars to last me until the 17th, and now no car.

LadyAlyxandrea 8 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you have community service personnel where you work? Are their support programs you can avail yourself of?

Sort of. Most of the assistance programs go off of gross income, of which I have plenty. Unfortunately they don't account for the fact that I only see 400 of it. The food bank is a once a month excursion, and most of the food is already expired.


Life is suffering. Transcending the catastrophe that is existence is the only thing beautiful.


I’m sorry you are going through so much. I have been in some really tough spots myself.


Call 211 they can get you in touch with free food or vouchers. Or go to

I'm so sorry - this is so unfair.

And all I wanted was a cheeseburger

Okay I'm not going to lie, I am now a toddler.

It's healthcare appreciation week, so administration has been doing cute shit to celebrate and stuff. Well my department is ALWAYS forgotten when it comes to literally everything. It's like we don't exist except on the phone. I'm over here just having the shittiest day and I see admin walk by with 5 thousand cookies and hand them out to the staff.

And I got excited. I could use a cookie to make me feel better.

They walked past my office window and didn't even look at me.

And yes. I am now crying over a cookie.

@LadyAlyxandrea That sounds terrible.
I'd make someone bring you a cookie.
You need the nice donut Doctor,

@RavenCT i know right? I wish he were working right now so bad

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