Looks more like a disc to me. A discworld if you would
Discworld is real to me.
Did you hear the Muslim Cleric (NO joke!) who said that Earth does not revolve, because if it did we go up in an airplane, facing in one direction, and and wait for our destination to come to us! In the other direction we would never reach our destination because it would be constantly moving away from! I saw his speech on Youtube. He was not joking! HAhaha!
Let's test his theory by throwing him out of an airplane and see if he lands where he started.
How can you argue with that! LOL
Kinda like the proof that global warming isn't happening...you know, 'cause it snowed last winter.
Did you catch the story about the flat earther who built his own rocket to prove that the Earth was flat? He actually launched it the other day and made it to almost 2,000 ft before nearly killing himself.
I could have done much better with a Cessna
I was impressed he went that high without killing himself. I was expecting the Flat Earth Memorial Crater.