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A friend asked me why I am so much in favor of the space program. I replied that soon they will be sending a man to mars. He said that was going to be rather costly and that he couldn't see any good coming of it. I then told him that the first astronaut has been chosen and he's the greatest and when he gets to Mars will make Mars the greatest. My friend, being a rather intellectual sort, then expressed his full support for the newest Mars mission. Do you think we should send that ship to Mars with the greatest human being ever aboard who will make Mars as great as he has this country?

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  • 8 votes
Enchanter 6 May 14

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There have been tremendous unforeseen benefits from the space program. The benefits have outweighed the costs many times over.



Yes. To boldly go where no one has gone before.


I think it would be one of the greatest of human achievement and a lot of useful technology would come from it just like the Apollo program did. I have heard talk about Terraforming Mars to make it habitable for humans to walk around. Personally I don’t think that would be possible because it doesn’t address the reason Mars is in the condition that it is in. The main reason is size matter in a planet. Mars is only about half the size of Earth so its iron core cooled faster and when it cooled enough the magnetic field wakened so the solar winds ate away that the atmosphere to where it is almost all gone. So I think it is logical to assume that you would have the same problem now. However you warm the planet and thicken the atmosphere you would have to do it continuously or you would lose it. I don’t know how you could make a planet bigger but if you could and restart the “engine” then there would produce enough of a magnetic field to protect your atmosphere to produce enough air-pressure so you could have liquid water and breathable air. With all that being said I still think we should go.


Responding in the only appropriate way I know how - with humor.



Elon, Elon he's our man.
If he can't do it... no one will try for another hundred years. ?


Why spend billions of dollars sending him to Mars, when there's a perfectly good American volcano we can throw his lying ass into? MAGA!!!!


There is no such thing as the greatest human being ever and we're not the greatest country in the world. That being said, we should colonize Mars and beyond - though before we do Mars we should put our attention towards the Moon as it's less expensive to go from the Moon to Mars than from Earth to Mars.


So long a there are homeless people struggling to survive here, the priority should be to spend the money on people first.


Maybe there is enough money to do both. And if there is enough money, why aren't both being done already?

Either way there are human beings sleeping rough like animals. How do they feel when they know their own government cares more about sending rovers to Mars than keeping a roof over their heads, especially in winter when they might not make it through to the next day, and perhaps they don't want to.

I suppose my argument would be better aimed towards the military and nuclear weapons since they cost more.

Ultimately these are ugly government priorities.

I know this will get someone out there angry, and I apologize in advance. One thing that would help the homeless situation and overpopulation is to stop having so fanned many babies! I know that isn't a perfect solution. Some people choose to be homeless. I was one of those for a while.


You really chose to be homeless... That's interesting

I've met others that did as well. It was definitely an experience....


Excuse me if I find that hard to believe. I once volunteered in a homeless charity for several years. Whilst I was there two young people killed themselves.

@Ellatynemouth A fair share of homeless are homeless by choice.


I can't wait for us to discover intelligent life somewhere else in the universe because I believe that is the only way to force all of mankind to unite and put aside their petty differences.

I've always wondered though if instead of exploration would humanity "unite" to wage war on other beings that are different from ourselves..... it'd be a terrible path to take imo but humans seem to be really good at killing each other.........

Do they have oil???


I think humans are a virus pretty much. Why find another planet to destroy? Why not try to "fix" this one that we have fucked up royally? I know we want to extend our bloodlines etc., but if we can't take care of what we have then maybe we shouldn't be trying to colonize anything else. I know I will take a hit for this, but I think anymore exploration is futile in a sense. Sure, maybe in a 1,000 years we will invent machines capable of traveling light years, but if we could do that, then why couldn't we transform our own Earth? By then, we will probably die off anyway the way we're going. Put a limit on reproduction and use renewable energy. Great things have come from space exploration, but what is really left? We have rovers on Mars and satellites that have gone past Pluto. What have they brought us? The nearest galaxy to us is 25,000 years away if we traveled at the speed of light. I think we've gone as far as we're going to go. What new technology is going to emerge in bringing us that much closer? We don't even really have the technology to colonize Mars, and even if we did, it would probably be a miserable existence as I have read.


Send Herr Trump to Mars by all means.


I think space travel and travel to the depths of the Earth are a lot better things to spend money on rather than war efforts..... just saying


Exploration without trampling. Have some respect for what's already there

We would no doubt screw it up beyond repair.

@Holysocks you're probably right :/

We can't seem capable of enjoying anything unless we manage to find a way to ruin it.


As long as it’s a one-way trip.


With so much emphasis on the greatest you must be talking about trumpie.Please send him quick.

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