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I have never hated women but for a fact,women, a bigger percentage of them but not all do hate me, wish they could see me cry in agony,this includes my own biological mum. I have a nice skin, but the way women change seats on metro after I enter the bus or max, one may think that I smell like feaces, just the other day,when I was riding my bike, bypassed two black women in their 20s,I wasn't even aware of them,they shouted at me "why are starring at us"? Each time, I see women with that look that suggests may be Iam monster, of course I have met some few who are not behaving that way, I can count them on my fingers, that has been nice to and they are all above 55+ what do that tell you?

Humanlove 7 May 15

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I don't know what others people's problems are but I do know what mine are and the biggest factor in how I feel inside is how I address those problems internally. If my self talk is negative or bitter or destructive then it reflects poorly on how I feel and how others ultimately perceive me as a person. If I maintain a positive, realistic and creative self talk then it reflects well on my inner happiness and by extension how others can perceive me in a more positive way.
Some people are going to hate, be negative or distrustful of me and that's their problem, how I deal with me is my choice so I try to choose the positive route as much as possible. It doesn't always work but it makes thing better in a general way and it opens me to positive people that I would otherwise overlook. Focus on your own happiness and the rest may sort itself out.


You must be as the Nobel honey badger and not give any fucks.


That sounds like one of my bad days & I'm 55. lol


It seems like an awful waste of energy for all these women to hate someone they don't even know. Are you sure that you are not picking up on what is just normal "stranger danger" fear? Most women are trepidatious around strange men or when strangers get into their personal space. It's not's just a fear.
Don't take it personally.
Familiarize yourself with these statistics.


While I can appreciate your frustration, I don't think you're doing yourself any favors by being so concerned with what other people think and how they act.
There isn't anything you can do to control how other people think or act. None of us can.
If people are going to walk around with wrong ideas in their heads, that's THEIR problem, not yours. You can't do anything about it. There is no point in allowing it to affect you.
For instance, the two women you passed by that said "stop starting at us". You cannot do anything about their perceptions. Even though you weren't looking at them, they decided that you were. So what??? You're going to let yourself be bothered by that?
We live in a world where a lot of people have an awful lot of preconceived notions about others. Sure, most, if not all, of those notions are generally wrong. That is not your fault, or your problem, unless you allow it to be. They are the ONLY ones who can change their perceptions.
Not every person you come into contact with is going to take the time to get to know you. That's just how life works. Stop worrying about what others think and just do the best you can, for yourself.
Good luck to you.

This is super. Thanks,I feel your voice.


If hatred begets hatred, then this world is fucked! Be strong.


When doing these kind of post please try to break them up a little more. It formatting reads like a rant, which isnt helping you at all.

Women in general have a level of fear of stranger men. They deal with unwanted contact every day.

Think of it this way. If you were in a desert dying of thirst could you really picture someone drowning? The same thing for the drowning person?

Furthermore you may have what appears to be a more aggressive posture even if you are kindhearted. A good friend of mine from Nigeria has alot of the same problem. He is much darker than Americans are used to, which scares them, he grew up hard leading to a intimidating posture, and to top it off he has resting bitch face but when he's talking is nothing but smiles. He is the single kindest man that I know but if you didn't know him he unnerve most.

Take a moment and pay attention to how men respond around you as well. I know this maybe disheartening and I am sorry for that but I maybe more culturally driven discomfort.

Best of luck. Also the bus/train seat thing happen because we all want as much space as possible. If there is room people will move almost regardless.

Alright,thanks for the input.


I have a friend who has a facial deformity. People stare at him. Ultimately you can't change other people, only yourself.

You sound very angry. This is not going to help you.

I am not angry for any reason, I am frustrated by the fact,that people think what I am saying doesn't exist.Thats the problem.


I read your bio and took a look at your pictures. You're clearly a very intense person who has fearlessly taken on some big and important issues in a country where doing so in the public square can easily get you killed.

You're going to need to keep company with women who can match your wavelength. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you as a person as far as I can tell. In fact, if what you wrote in your bio is all true, you're pretty freaking awesome. But the average individual will not be able to match your intensity or your drive and will in fact be intimidated by it. You're just going to have to learn to live with that and become comfortable in your own skin.

Awesome advice. I will follow both of you. @0752532706 not only is your intensity high, you discerned reality from the blair of cultural bias and propaganda everyone gets from family, friends, and media. That means you have a clear mind, and people your age with such a mind are not common. For that reason, women who are a good match for you are also not common. On the other hand, you are visible, which improves your chances. Finding a mate is difficult for everyone. I wish you luck my friend. I admire your efforts and wish the best for you. You are awesome based on your bio. I suspect there are women on this site wishing they could know you better.

@EdEarl Thank you for the note, let me hope for a friendly day today as I head to work. I will share every kindness I receive from today onwards,nothing to hide.

@0752532706 "Life's shit and then you die." is a popular saying for a reason. One must pick the good things in life and celebrate them, while ignoring the shitty noise. Otherwise, it is easy to be paranoid.


So why do they react to you in this way ? Maybe you should look inside yourself ?

He sounds a bit incel to me

Or he genuinely hates women and won't own up to it ???

@VAL3941 I don't hate women but when I came to US, I was overwhelmed by the hate I get from women, or some of them. I knew very well, that women deserved protection and stood by them. I didn't know that there was two types of feminism, that's classical feminism which I truly embrace,and now there's modern feminism,which translates into misandrism. The problem is, many people pretend not see this problem,and when I highlight, they say I may be a trouble maker.

@VAL3941 Because, modern feminism teaches them that, their misfortunes all stems from me or men who look like me,even when they don't know me.

@VAL3941 Doubtful, more likely a severe fear of them. This is often the case.

Val - I assume you are reading this. I share some of your feelings and can relate. I think part of what is happening is a projection of those feelings rather than true rejection from women. Because I am a teacher I am fortunate to have many close female friends. I can tell you that they (women in general) are the most caring and concerned people on the planet.

@0752532706 you may be mistaken to blame feminism for your problems. The anti feminism women are much more militant from what I've seen. They're frustrated that they can't find a good African American man anymore, and all men begin to represent why their life is so damn hard. But this is just my personal opinion.

@Kojaksmom I don't have personnel problems, that's your mindset, I am happy, I say what I see and observation, your comment is one if those who live in denial that this problem is not amongst us as human beings.

@0752532706 no I never said anything bad you may be mixing me up with someone else

@SallyMc I said people who know nothing about me, I use phone to type,and no time to edit. Being defensive of what's the truth about this society,doesn't help,stepping back and ask yourself, if there's content in what I say is good because it leads to honest conversations.

I do not have the peoblem with women, 0752532706 does. And what is it with the long number, is that perhaps a clue to his problem, communication ??

@SallyMc my mum is long dead,20 years now, I hardly knew her and she have very little input in me,she never left Africa, so I don't see any connection between her and the misandrism that rules America. You want to tell me that,there's no misandry in US!

So show us what you look like ? Post a profile pic. We are working blind here ? There might be someone who can help, or are you just looking for pity ?

He might just be looking for pity, or maybe blog points. Damn good topic ???

Maybe he is looking for points to level up ??

It certain isn't one of mine, but I do think you are seeing things that are not there ?

I think it is bad enough already ?

Because you think the content is good, does not make it so for everyone ?

I now think you are one sick puppy. Get help and stop looking for self pity ?

@SallyMc You can now see clearly why no women likes him. He is too self centered ?

Thats telling him !

He's a troll, ignore him ?

@VAL3941 Ah yes! The number confused and puzzled me - I didn't identify it as a use. :-0

@VAL3941 There are pics in his profile.

Me niether ! For sure !

Thank you ! Plenty of them too ? I suspect he might be narrsistic ?

@VAL3941 It is easy for smart people to get a big head when not challenged, perhaps he is narcissistic. It isn't fatal, contagious or permanent. I think there are others in this group who are also energetic and smart.


@VAL3941 usually incels do hate women. They hate them for not sleeping with them , which is probably because of how they treat women. And the cycle repeats .

Did not realise my comment would garner so much interest ? Yipee, I am famous at last ! Lol

No idea about what, may I ask ?

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