Anyone can mutter an expletive or curse another, but clever insults, made in public, are wonderful, though rare. One of my favourites is:-
"In this world there are 3 kinds of turd. There's "musturd", there's "custurd" and there's you - you big shit."!!!!
Do you have any?
No offence, but I don't think the example provided is witty or intelligent. I was expecting an Oscar Wilde type witticism.
I have asked "Were you born that stupid or did it take effort" ...
Usually in response to some bigoted remark.
Sorry, one more:
"I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!"
~ The French Taunter
To be honest, anything the French Taunter says is brilliant.
I try not to insult people unless they ask for it.
Then I'm more direct....'go fuck yourself ' gets the point across.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
You, sir/madam, are a waste of protoplasm that could have gone toward a perfectly good rottweiler.
Does your arse get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?
Your mum should have swallowed you.
If you're going to be two faced, could you at least make one attractive?
Number two could apply to a certain president we know, I do believe.
best shit of the kind
You win ten times over. I love all over those.
I still like Churchill's reply to a woman who said he was drunk, "My dear, you're ugly, but in the morning I'll be sober, and you'll still be ugly."
You beat me to it lol
Reminds me of a huge march held in Nairobi during the early 1980s, to celebrate World Literacy Day.
The participants marched holding up a banner that spread right across the width of a six lane highway, which read "World Litracy Day". I cursed, because I didn't have my camera with me.
That is a poor country which has been ransacked by the British.
There's some skullduggery going on somewhere in Internet land... Some photos of this guy show his poster as being 'Get a brain morans'
@Ellatynemouth Wrong. Read your history. The British who went to Kenya were not the usual colonisers. Many actually poured their own family fortunes and hours of toil into it, as they built up its farmland and industry. I should know!
Please read this prologue. []
I suppose it depends which source you read.
@Ellatynemouth Mine is personal and first hand. I'm third generation Kenyan and that is the start of my autobography.
The Funny Times (which I recommend as it helps give some relief to these times) has a T-shirt that says "The universe is made of Protons, Neutrons, Electrons and Morons".
I throw underhanded insults at people all the time hahahaha