10 3 and relationships this is a topic that keeps coming up..
What i find interesting is how many people are so willing to give up there personal relationship over social media even if it mean losing the relationship they are currently in.

What you thoughs?

Rdurham 5 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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This is a very important question. I'm addicted to my smartphone, as are some of my friends.

I think technology has pushed our most meaningful human connections out of the nest.


Never gave it a thought.


Ok brother.... I've had a lot of thought about this. Its sad... I've seen addiction to the bullcrap on social media and causing families to bust up... if that's what your talking about. I suppose that's life... I don't know what else to say.

@irascible that's cool too.


Everything else being equal, a good and steady known bird in hand is worth many, many times more than a speculative one in a distant social media bush!


I honestly don't know anyone like that.


Do you mean unfriending your obnoxious Fox watching Trumpster trash friend because they keep parroting the last thing they heard from Hannity?


I see your point. Social media is so strong within most of us that we would give up the real relationship just to have one in social media. This often appears to be true., maybe because the real relationship is the hard one. It's easy to be Facebook friends. Harder to be real time lovers.


Please clarify or give an example. Your comment is vague. 🙂

Betty Level 8 May 18, 2018

Nope... not even. That my brother is a loaded question to start trouble.


I am not too sure I understand what you mean? People on social media that I have heard who give up relationships, do so because of mean spirited interactions. At least from the people that I know who cut and ran! I am not on FB, so that is the limit of my experiences!

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