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Does justice exist, or is it wishful thinking? It seems like an innate need, and I think a major reason that religion was created. A friend that was a cognitive behavioral pyschologist said everyone's first session was 'no, there is no justice'. We try an create systems of justice in every society, but there will always be instances where it is imperfect, and it makes us annoyed. I'll admit there is dark corner in my mind where I agree that stupid lazy people should die from it. Does shit just happen and we need to accept it and keep beating down our futile attempt at justice?

CrazyQuilter 7 May 19

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There is no justice animals thats all we are. Behind the veil of civilised society we are a bunch of primative barbaric savages we are born we die and inbetween some stuff happens some good some bad but through it all theres one underlying fact it's not personal its not nice but your gonna get fucked by life and it's not fair or just but if you expect anythig else your just going to get hurt worse.


There is no justice, and no such thing as justice, other than that which we create. And as such , it will always be flawed and imperfect, because it only exists as an idea/concept/ideal. To quote DEATH (Terry Pratchett) "there is no justice, just us" (this was when he had an apprentice)


There is no justice, just those who have the most money hiring the best lawyers to obfuscate the truth. Cynical yes but look at how many innocent people are in jail.

jab60 Level 6 May 19, 2018

Would need to know your definition of "justice", I have no objection to vengeance/revenge.
I do not believe in forgive and forget.

Kool, I thought you meant in terms of our legal systems. Yes I agree totally. There is no karma, bad things will continue to happen to good people. Platitudes such as turn the other cheek, the meek shall inherit the earth, give to Rome and all are just ways of placating the masses to accept the unfairness. There are no benevolence governments or religions. Individuals need to look out for themselves and their families, no-one else has your best interests at heart. I do a lot of charity work, having aid available reduces the chance my home will be broken into. I encourage people to provide for themselves and show them how to do it, again it makes what I have less desirable to them.


To me "justice" is just another form of "closure." I don't know anyone who has suffered a traumatic loss and achieved wholeness by "closure."


Justice is subjective as is morality. It comes from what we think ought to be. What is right to you may be wrong for me.


No I don't think justice does ever happen because it usually involves more than one person judger and judgee at the very least - so yes I think shit does just happen and we deal with it and usually it makes us a bit stronger & sometimes we 'win' on our own terms, and sometimes we 'lose'

(Forgive the 'men only' fighting bit, Wm Morris was of his time - just thinking the sentiment is in the ballpark.)

I pondered all these things, and how men fight and lose the battle, and the thing that they fought for comes about in spite of their defeat, and when it comes turns out not to be what they meant, and other men have to fight for what they meant under another name. William Morris
Read more at: []


Justice is only a creation of human mind. Justice can only exist where what it is, is understood by everyone in a social group. Larger groups (where you don't know every other person) try to codify behavior and call it justice. But no, justice does not exist as it is only a concept and never agreed to, without exceptions, by everyone.


The fact that it’s so rare is what makes it so delicious..

Varn Level 8 May 19, 2018

There is certainly a difference between "is there justice?" and "is there ALWAYS justice?" Nothing is perfect but I can tell you as a prosecutor for 20 years that there is justice. Religion has ZERO to do with it.

lerlo Level 8 May 19, 2018

I think CBT brainwashes, in removing symptoms. No clear idea of what you mean to encompass by term "Justice", I think religion was needed by rulers to make obedience to the rules a question of going to heaven or hell. Yes, I agree that concept of Justice varies from place to place, being fair can mean hitting a fair ball or being even handed.

Justice at the level of society:

"...society should be structured so that the greatest possible amount of liberty is given to its members, limited only by the notion that the liberty of any one member shall not infringe upon that of any other member. Secondly, inequalities either social or economic are only to be allowed if the worst off will be better off than they might be under an equal distribution. Finally, if there is such a beneficial inequality, this inequality should not make it harder for those without resources to occupy positions of power, for instance public office" John Rawls

cava Level 7 May 19, 2018

Justice is a tricky word and means many things to many people. I'm thinking right now of a slave holder who might decide that he had to reign justice on one of his slaves because he heard that the slave looked at a white woman. So just from this example I think we can all think of instances where "justice" was nothing more than a person exerting power over another.


Justice exists where just people reside. Where cruel people reside, cruelty exists. Unfortunately, alongside our need for justice lies a desire for revenge, which often masks itself as justice. The two seem to be in constant conflict.


Just gotta be careful who you go on about "justice" to.


The way you've worded it makes it a little like a semantics loop.

Morality is personal and varies by individual, but there can also be a cultural 'consensus' morality too. This goes for justice as well.

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