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Help! Sitting here in Discount Tire waiting for my work truck to get new tires and I'm being forced to listen to bland, boring christian soft rock emanating from the lousy waiting room sound system.

webbew1 7 May 19

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Hahaaa put your fingers in you ears and just go LaLaLaLa. At least it isn't FOX News

Is there a difference?

@patchoullijulie good one! I guess not much difference except for being visually and audibly distressed by FOX. When I used to take my dad to the VA hospital, FOX was always on and I was trapped because I couldn't leave dad alone in the waiting room. So I'd pick up a book or magazine and hide in that.


Open up pandora and create some noise pollution.

Hell's Bells, Highway to Hell come to mind?


Look on the bright side: you’re on the clock and getting paid while you’re browsing!

I wish. I get paid by the job, so if the truck is down I'm not making money.


You can always go outside. Imagine being trapped in an elevator between floors for six hours of constant commercial elevator music.


You'll live 🙂


You could do like Jason and the Argonauts did: stuff your ears with bees wax. What keeps out the Siren's song should keep out that Christian rock.


Ha ha I dare you to dance !!!


Please ask if it's a corporate decision to play that music. That will determine whether or not I will ever use Discount Tire.


I would ask to speak to the manager and ask if the tunz could be changed. I'd let them know I don't care for their choice in music. If they give pushback I'd email corporate and tell them I can find other places to get my tired done, and I'd put a comment on their FB page. I use a local discount tire, I don't remember any music in the waiting area.


Enjoy it while you can.


My condolences....


Not sure what that is besides hearing Christmas songs. Try listening to klezma (hate it)

jab60 Level 6 May 19, 2018

Wave your hands slowly back and forth above your head. Point to the sky. Lift his name up dammit🙂


Break dance in tune to the beat, if confronted just claim the spirit was moving you...err Xtians don't understand what beat or rhythm, just flail your arms and legs. Look up white man overbite for inspiration


Yeah..ha, ha. Thats some cheesy, shit music huh?


My therapist's practice is predominantly Christian, (but they're great therapists!), and this is the hell that is their waiting room also. I've often thought of changing it to the local irreverent rock station and waiting to see if they notice.


If it's a franchise then it's their business , their choice of music. if you hate it that much then ask them to change the station (or go someplace else). i don't go to places for things i need based on what music they listen to, i go for pricing and how good they are at what they do ...


I hate that, too! And Fox news!

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