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How many of you atheist are pro-life? Just curious

Greenheart 7 May 20

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34 comments (26 - 34)

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Pro-choice all the way! And I mean real choices with viable economic options for women who may prefer to give birth. Women who feel ambivalent should have access to knowledgeable, empathic counseling so they don't feel pressured into whatever choices they make. Privacy, dignity and safety for all women.


'Pro-life' and 'Pro-choice' are unnecessarily limiting and disingenuous labels for this stupid, merry-go-round topic. An atheist should really be beyond subscribing to the juvenile simplicity of it.


As a man, that is absolutely none of my fucking business.


Rather anti choice, cus being anti choice is very often against lives of female human beings, so term pro-life doesnt fit


I can understand the pro-life argument (hypocritical tho I think it often is), but I still think this is a decision best left to the mother. I'm far more in favor of measures that have been shown to effectively reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies.


The governor of Iowa just signed into law restricting termination when a heart beat can be detected. So many women will not know they are pregnant when the miniscule ticker begins. The anti choice movement is often pro death when it comes to capitol punishment when we could be studying these criminals while incarcerated for life.


Do you mean pro-life, pro-birth, or anti-abortion? These terms may not be used interchangeably. Most so-called pro-lifers are really anti-abortion.


When the anti-abortionists first came out, they did use pro-life. Once they were laughed off the stage of life, they changed their name to pro-life to confuse things. I'm still laughing at them. They just want everyone to believe like they do and are willing to kill for it. (at least 1 time in MA).


Political views? Lean right or lean left?

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