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If you could marry any fictional character, who would it be and why ?

Wildgreens 8 May 22

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Alice from Resident Evil...shame Morticia is already married but perhaps a short and sordid soiree', she seems open minded.


Naomi Watts, The Ring
Why? Intelligence, courage and a hot as hell body.


(Starts writing a novel about a handsome life guard...)


House. He’s brilliant. Direct. Well..... maybe a bit, maybe not.

I know!! Luke on Gilmore Girls!! Yep, that’s the one!

@evestrat Yeah, I find him funny....and I was remembering how he behaved with his girlfriend—it’s been a while for me, but I think I recall he refused to show any vulnerability with her. ?

Now, the real life Hugh Laurie......sign me up!! ?


Superman, cuz he could leap tall buildings in a single bound ... seriously those super powers would work for me y'all.... and he looked really good in tights. 😉

But faster than a speeding bullet.

I love Superman saving the world one day at a time. Keeping me safe as well . ????


Debra from "Everybody loves Raymond" .... I am a silly commediant that see fun shit in life everywhere I look, unfortunately my wife of 25 years wasn't a Debra ever and eventually that won the battle. In a way we are a re-born version of Lucy and Ricky (were married in the real life and got divorced) were Lucy said once "oh I love him dearly, I just cannot live with him"..... There is no bad blood between us, just distance. She already found a nice guy (she was always the hot one) and I am happy for her. Anyway, sorry about the detour. Debra from that show. Always loved her reactions to situations were I thought she was going to be like my wife and she always surprised me and that's kind of how I knew... mmmhhh there are other ways...


That's okay, I pass.


I can't say which fictional character I absolutely would marry. I have too many questions about the specifics regarding universes, cosmology, sexuality, etc.

That said, probably Abigail from Stardew Valley.

However, and this probably only means something to a few of you, I've married Illia in Skyrim every time since the first time I encountered her (with the exception of an Argonian character and a character based on Julie d'Aubigny who married Senna for reasons related to the real life La Maupin). Note that marrying Illia requires console commands and/or mods because she's not normally eligible for marriage in the game - I was heavily motivated!

Runner up would be Veronica Santangelo from Fallout: New Vegas..."runner up" because she's gay so she probably wouldn't want to marry me. Sadface

@Cherie44 Stardew Valley is a very non-gamer game. I could only get through it once, though, since I did pretty much everything I'd want to in the game


Hela, Thor's sister from Ragnarok movie. I am a big Cate Blanchett fan, but I got a crush on her after watching that movie! <3


the one that loved me back.


Ziren is chief maid to jia baoyou in the Chinese classic, dream of the red chamber. Ziren is caring, responsible and compliant in all ways.


Jane Jetson. Because she's out of this world.


The Invisible Being, from the Native American folktale. I grew up in MN so it might be an Ojibwe tale; dunno for sure, just that we heard it in school growing up. It's a Cinderella analog, basically:

The ill-favored youngest sister is made to tend the fire, and so she is covered with scars from the popping embers; she's hideously deformed and treated cruelly, a slave. A Chief or Medicine Man or somebody comes along looking for a suitable wife for his son, the mighty Invisible Being. Only a woman who can see him will do.

Each candidate is tested: "Tell me, what is his bow made of? etc. (I forget all the qualifiers.). The wicked older sisters lie, of course--and their vain, shallow natures are revealed.

Then it's the ugly sister's turn. She has loved the Invisible Being for a long time, so she knows exactly what he looks like. "His bow is the great rainbow", etc. The wise old father is pleased to have found a humble, deeply caring wife for his powerful son.

She takes a charmed dip in a pond and the scars fall off. The Invisible Being and his beautiful (inside and out) bride live happily ever after.


Beatrix Kiddo... "The Bride" from "Kill Bill 1 & 2" (codename Black Mamba)

Tough, disciplined, athletic, beautiful, smart, honorable, etc...


Marry is such a big word, but "date..." that's easier. I think Dean Winchester from Supernatural would be up at the top of my list to dating... For marriage, I wouldn't mind marrying Castiel. He's a little more stable than Dean.


Jesus... He can turn water into wine

Hutch Level 7 May 28, 2018

Eqwene wheel of time series

Dfox Level 4 May 27, 2018

Too many options, but my first fictional crush was Yumi Ishiyama from Code Lyoko. I really dig tom-boy girls that wear black.


Roberta "Bobbie" W. Draper from the expanse....both book and tv show....🙂 She kicks ass.


Daphne Blake


Naomi Nagata and Kitana Girl from Heroes Reborn come to mind. Selene would be great, but our lifestyles don't mesh very well.


Lady Chatterley


Melanie Hamilton


At least right now, James Fazier (Sam Heugan) from Outlander. Why? addition to the sense of humor, intelligence and honor...just look at him!

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