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The Loch Ness Monster (Or not)


Will evidence be found

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ipdg77 8 May 23

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Words just cannot express how much I love seeing the word 'daft' used in a sentence. I can't explain why but I love that word.


Nessie will never be found

Coldo Level 8 May 23, 2018

So interesting. At the very least, it will improve our genetic catalog


It would wane as one of the most interesting tourist spots if it were not. - All those people who believe they have photos of monsters would be upset to know they were decayed trees. No one would visit the Loch as without a monster whats the point and Scotland would lose its revenue '
Interestingly there are other landmaks Molly Malone is a statue called colloquially the tart with the cart and there is another woman in a fountain called the Floosie in the jacuzzi. I think we have to go for the enjoyment value not for disproving. Plenty of real history in Kilmainhen gaol.

I like the fag on the crag myself lol

@ipdg77 Careful....

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