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I think this forum is a great way to meet like-minded individuals. I don't see this medium as a place where people can act like a troll. I try to respond in comments as if you were sitting next to me at a social gathering. I share this because I managed to offend some people, apparently, and I doubt that those people would respond that way to my face. And if they did talk to me like that, I'd be even more repulsed toward them than I am now.

omalita 5 May 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Trolling should be reserved for teenagers or the feeble-minded. I'm hoping to meet some like-minded people around my area because it's fairly bleak here in terms of open-minded individuals. Everyone and their brother is a religious conservative that holds pretty terrible views.


At one point in time early in my participation I felt there was more general respect and maturity here. I think things have gone downhill in the last few months. I've seen a number of people behave in ways that I would not expect from intelligent or reasonable individuals. I'm a little disappointed.


I'm new here. So, I hope my experience is the same. Even among my Facebook Friends, it sometime feels like a dysfunctional family, rather than pleasant conversation.


The moment someone starts to troll me, I simply click on their avatar, go to their profile page, and click "block" at the bottom right.

Problem they can no longer "see" my posts and I can't see theirs.
Best of all, there's one less troll to worry about.


Come sit next to me Darling, We can chat next to one another. ( smiles )


I agree with you about the tone. Mostly, this feels like a gathering of friends to me. Sure, there are going to be those who disagree or are triggered because we have different perspectives, but then I can shrug, turn on my heel and move to another conversation where there's less drama, or I can ask pointed questions to understand how I might have caused offense, perhaps learning something at the risk of escalating the conversation.

Truly, if someone is offended and wants others to learn their perspective, then it can be helpful for them to channel their offended state into something mature and conversational, rather than ugly and immature.

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