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What do you think about the politically correct situation? Is it too much? Not enough? Simply a stupid ordeal in its entirety? Can no one take a joke, or are the jokes in bad taste?

Catnublia 6 May 25

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There has been to much not revealed because of being politically correct.It is time to be less politically correct and reveal that which needs to be said in a polite manner.


With the election of the current US President - that term no longer exists


as it is with all things, too much 'political correctness' is a problem. The trick is to find a balance. PC does have a place in life - after all, politeness and civility are the glues that hold a society together. Some of what we call 'PC' these days used to known as simply having good manners. But we've become so divided as a people that even those groups who claim to 'uphold the values of our past' will attack someone for being 'politically correct', when all they were trying to do was be polite or conscientious.


It's just striking the right balance between the rights of the individual and the ability of a group you move freely. We haven't really explored these ideas as a culture with much subtlety. I do think that the sign of civility is the capacity of the majority to respect the minority. On the other hand, I get it that I'll have to drive by a million nativity scenes in December and feel like I'm stuck in a mental ward that month. I'm in the minority currently on that issue. We need to find the balances and agree to them.


In my opinion PC has gotten way out of hand. Instead of drawing us together, its become something to tear us farther apart. It has caused what I see as individual entitlement issues and as a result people are to easily offended by even the most innocent of observations.


I appreciate that people feel like they have a voice now, and are free to state when they get hurt, or offended. I just find it offensive how people look for reasons to feel bad just to pretend like they know how to speak. Most folks only know how to opperate their vocal chords,but not how to actually use words


Some of the best jokes are in bad taste. ? Taste is very subjective.


I'm offended by this post and do not find it politically correct. See it even sounds stupid. I'm just not very politically correct. I try not to say things that are ugly or offencive but I'm not politically correct.

LOL. I agree. I think it's more important to promote kindness and respect than PC.

@Mantra I'm glad someone's on my side.


We live in such an outrage culture. People will take offense at anything, including other people taking offense. Unfortunately there is a boy who cried wolf effect going on.

The internet has given everyone a voice. Not everyone deserves one.


I've noticed that the people who complain about political correctness are some of the most easily offended and triggered people around.


I hate what has become of the term polically correct. Since when is it a bad thing to not intentionally devalue another human being with a poor choice of words?
I will say that some people look to get offended by the wording of others... and they are part of the issue. Not those who poorly pick their words because of ignorance.
The subgroup who go out of their way to intentionally offend... they're just assholes


I firmly believe that we should treat everyone with kindness and respect but I think PC has been taken too far.

I would have to agree with you. There are some people who seem to LOOK for an opportunity to get offended


I guess that would depend on who you are and how it may effect you.. I know some people that their being is politically incorrect to me.. I avoid them as much as possible.


It is not a question of political correctness. It is a question of what expresses disregard for the human dignity of persons or groups. If you can't see that, you have a problem and may be part of the problem.


In some respects political correctness has run amok. Some people seem to seek every way possible to be offended. At the same time there is nothing wrong with being conscientious about what we say and how we say it.

In my opinion it has gotten to the point where we are unable to deal with the issue in generalities. Each situation has to be considered on it's own merits.


I feel no sympathy for those who feel bereft because they've been denied a laugh at someone else's expense.

And it's funny how these conversations are usually enjoyed by those with white, cis gender heterosexual privilege.


Lost in all of the noise is an understanding that language subtly shapes and characterizes the things we say. Put another way, it matters how we say things as well as what we say. What many of us who care about such things were taken by surprise by is how many people do not.


People now have been taught to be too precious.


It's just been too much. Go back & watch comedians of the 90's and before. They'd be called racist/sexist/homophobic/bigots by todays' standard. People seem afraid to use, or are lacking common sense & good judgement about what is offensive vs what's just intended to be funny, dark/vulgar as a joke may be.


As with most things, there's a right amount; neither too much nor too little.


Political correctness is the damnation of civilization. To say that I must make amends for anything I thinking, do, or say is just plain idiotic.If I say, do, or think anything that offends you just ignore me and move on as I will you.


I think the backlash against political correctness is significantly down to the naming. Call it "being respectful" and suddenly it seems a very different thing. So yes, of course it's fine to make jokes just don't be an ass about it!


Any idea should not be out of scrutiny and religion and politics belong to that group. Some people get "offended" when they listen to something they don't like, and make an scandal about it. Honest conversations about any topic are very important in a healthy society. And don't forget to be polite. Check out the Rubin Report.


There's nothing wrong with NOT going out of your way to insult people. It's just good manners and being polite and courteous etc. The term PC has morphed into an extreme and used to silence people who have differences of opinion in modern times though. Also, trigger warnings? Really? I've seen people giving movie reviews warn readers that someone ate an egg in the movie, or that the phrase "choking the chicken" was used. You might as well just live in a dark basement your whole life and not come out. The ridiculous thing is that people who get triggered sometimes unload on the person who they think committed this horrible offense. They start insulting them and sometimes screaming at them. It's just like when you try to have a conversation on here and someone thinks you made an "ignorant" comment in just trying to discuss a topic and then they start actively insulting you instead of discussing the topic. Someone can be offended by EVERYTHING! Should you walk around with a list of everything that you're triggered by and give it to people as you walk down the street? We are in no way responsible or obligated for making them comfortable and catering to their every need. Like I said, there is a difference in just being rude or insulting someone with derogatory terms etc. and knowing they have an aversion and making fun of it, but the problem is who decides where the line is crossed? It's a very touchy subject.

I agree that trigger warnings can go to the extreme, however if there is going to be a post on rape or another very emotional topic, then it is appropriate.

For me, I hate blood, needles or anything "gross" like that. It really pisses me off if someone posts a bloody picture on Facebook that I have no choice but to see. I pass out, like literally faint at that shit. Simply say, hey if you want to see how gross my finger looked after I smashed it with a sledgehammer, look in the comments. Don't put your fucking mangled picture right up there!

@Marcie1974 I agree. Rape is not something to take lightly, as well as PTSD from it. Right, if something is extreme then I agree a little warning is warranted.


What they said below.
Depends on the circumstances and knowing your audience.
I get trying not to offend.
I get "oh you're offended ? So what."


It depends on who you are talking to what is considered politically correct. So rather than try to figure that all out I just try to be who I am and since I'm not mean or nasty to begin with I'm usually ok and if I find out I'm with a group of people that think political correctness has something to do with following Trump, I just beat a hasty retreat

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