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Do you remember your dreams? Do you think that trying to understand what your dreams are trying to tell you is important?

Marika 4 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I love dreaming and find all the weird stuff floating around in my head fascinating. I don't think they are telling me anything important. It's just a nice break from real life and I get to see my mom <3

MsAl Level 8 May 29, 2018

I want to live on that island!

Yes, dreams are important. They are a process leading to emotional understanding.

That is Amalfi on the Amalfi coast of Italy. Worth visiting!!


I keep a notebook by my bed and write down any dream I remember as soon as I wake up. The more I write them down, the more I remember them. Does anyone else do this?

I did that for a few months about 25 years ago. I was on a kick of reading Jung. They seemed to comment on my life, but I never got any "important" messages from them. I had a voice in a dream tell me to listen to Mahler's 6th symphony, and I found it and listened, and other than enjoying it, I never got the meaning of it.

will give it a try

Don't do but I should, I write songs and poetry and if I could recall those beautiful melodies I dream about, oh mine, mine... the stuff my subconcious creates at times is GREAT!


I remember some, sometimes.
No. I do not believe they're "important".


Until Sunday morning, I seriously had never had a dream that I'd consider a "good dream." Sunday morning, I dreamed Barack Obama kissed me. My first good dream ever.


My understanding is that dreaming is the way your brain dumps excess data. And no, I don't think there is significance to dreams. Dream interpretation is another parlor game kind of thing.


The only time I remember any of my dreaming (and usually not much) is if I'm dreaming just prior to waking up. I think dreams are nothing more than mind noise.


I almost never remember my dreams. It's rare for me to have a vivid one, but when I do, I write them down, but have never ended up meaning anything.


I believe that there are some dreams that are telling you something and some that aren't.


I think that popular culture sometimes gives dream interpretation more emphasis than warranted. Dreams can give us important insights into our thought processes and emotional states at a particular point in time, but I don't think every dream is a hidden goldmine of meaning. I've noticed that when I recall a dream (usually after being awoken during or right after the dream) it's usually a jumble of images and subjects. Sometimes the dreams are related to issues that are troubling me and other times the dreams are almost completely nonsensical. There's so much varying brain activity that goes on during the different stages of sleep that I think our attempt to interpret dreams is like looking at a random inkblot test and trying to determine what it means.


This is a fascinating look at what part of the mind is actually working when you dream and what dreams can mean.


Usually I remember but later forget - unless it was searing.
. No. I don't think they mean anything except my unfocused consciousness is playing with my subconscious for something to do while I sleep.
Brain only stops upon death but I won't be aware to appreciate the silence. Unfortunately.


If a dream leaves a strong emotional residue, I try to remember it. Most of the time though I remember the feeling more than the dream itself. Also, if a theme is recurring, I usually remember it more; usually that means something that's pressing.

I agree. I believe that dreams are reflecting something about yourself that you need to be aware of, but are not yet aware of. Reflecting on my dreams helps me not to get in my own way so much.


I had a dream two nights ago that I was eating a sandwich with a few friends and mine had coleslaw on it and I said "I bet this coleslaw isn't as good as Angelas" (idk an angela) and the guy across from me took a bite and died and I suddenly had a pipe and a sherlock hat on and said "hmm yes definitely not as good as Angelas"

And for some reason it has stayed with me

And last night I dreamed that our ER doctor (cute but has zero a potato has more personality) was suddenly always coming in my office and flirting with me. That'll make things awkward tonight at work


Awhile back, when I was exploring lucid dreaming, I did this.
After awhile though, it became a bit confusing to my memories as to what was real and what had been a lucid dream, so I stopped my "experiments".


One more little thought on the subject. Dogs and cats seem to have dreams. Anyone with a pet can tell you that they frequently are moving their paws and making sounds as they dream. Also, little kids have dreams and nightmares, long before they have a whole lot of things to remember. My stepson had night terrors, where in the middle of the night he would be screaming and thrashing, yelling random words out. They would last for maybe 10 minutes or so, then he would calmly go back to sleep. He was about three at the time, if I recall, and I read up that it is fairly common around that age group and they outgrow it after a year or two, which he did. So the idea that dreams have some hidden meaning is hard to imagine given that they can happen to all creature and all ages, with no possible interpretational basis.


I dream a lot because retired I sleep a lot. I do not try to solve every enigma I dream about. But everytime my dream put me in Puerto Rico or in the Service of the Navy I found it interesting since is purely past. At times I realize I am dreaming and recognize I must enjoy it while it last. I find a dream where I am in a continuous loop of situations were I can't escape the building or like the other night the beach where I am so creative and rewarding regardless of the stress.... I live a life where only in dreams I endure stress. And since I been a fighter all my life I enjoy the stress! Ha, ha, he. By the way Marika that's a beautiful photo and remind me of the Mediterranean and the Caribbean! Well Traveled, I Salute You Traveler.


I wonder if some of our dreams are efforts by the subconscious mind to communicate or get direction. I sometimes dream that I am on the job, desperately trying to get something done, and things aren’t going well. Maybe my subconscious mind needs telling that I am retired.


I used to seldom have dreams, that I was aware of at least, and generally only had a vague memory of those that I did remember. However, one of the medications I got put on after my heart issue has changed all that, and I now dream every night, all night long, sometimes they seem to start before I am even asleep! And while they are not nightmare, they always involve a lot of activity or frustration, running around, crazy stunts, or on rare occasions, sex. So I wake up in the morning, I am exhausted, more tired than when I went to bed. Waking for a bathroom stop doesn't even help, since I go right back into the dream where I left off as soon as my head hits the pillow! I have changed one medication that the doctor thought might be causing the issue, but it didn't have any effect on it, I would love to go back to my nice quiet blank sleep nights! Too tired to try and figure out hidden meanings for the dreams!


Mine are so boring.
Dreams are not trying to tell you anything, but can be valuable as they are the result of the process of sorting memories.


Dreams are just the way our brains defragment. Like emptying cache files.


No. And no.


I frequently remember my dreams. once in a while it will be confusing and Ill try to figure it out


No I think dreams are just your brain being bored when it’s sleeping kinda if you look at a mirror for to long or stare at something to long your brain starts making you see things that aren’t there. When your asleep though instead of just making little hallucinations it has full control of everything so it makes whole worlds.

Dfox Level 4 May 29, 2018

Yes, I remember my dreams, but to a degree.

I think it is an enjoyable mental exercise to see what they are trying to say, but such things always have a physical origin, such as levels of compounds in the blood, crooked joints, tight muscles, and such.

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