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Yes "Roseanne" should have been cancelled. So should "The View". But damn it, I'm tired of the justification for inappropriate behavior- "but they do it too".

BrightLeigh 4 May 31

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What's sad is that would have been tolarated back in the 90s. ABC would have move the show to different time slot and life would have gone on.


If they treated all things equally, a lot of shows would've never been.


Btw, what can be considered "inappropriate behavior" is wholly subjective.

I disagree. We know this is "inappropriate " because there are so many comments about it.


The View doesn't "defame" 45. Pointing out his lies, ignorance of history or the Constitution, and complete incompetence, is NOT defamation. Making jokes, rooted in the truth, is not defamation, either.
Calling someone the product of the Muslim Brotherhood and an ape is not only racist, it's also a lie.
There is no "double-standard" here.
What it is are people not understanding the difference.
Another case in point: Samantha Bee called Ivanka Kushner a "feckless cunt". Just because she used the word "cunt", some people are losing their minds. In truth, they're just focusing on that and not the fact that it was a true statement. She IS feckless. It's a shame so many people don't understand what that word means.
The comment wasn't racist because it wasn't about race, like Roseanne's was.
Bee shouldn't have apologized. She didn't lie.

I'm not going to censor anyone. Especially when they're telling the truth!
Tell lies and it's a whole different deal.

I think I agree with you. But, can you tell me who/what is "45"?
(I am not joking. Is it the president?)

@COGITOERGOSUM I will not use his name. I always refer to him as a number. I will not humanize him, under any circumstances.

@KKGator Awesome!!! Best commentary/idea I have seen this year!
[Now, may I ask why that specific number? Why not 666.5; or 13 square; 0.0...?

@COGITOERGOSUM GW Bush was 43, Obama was 44...


Racism is ignorance & the worst evil under the Sun. I never watched her ugly show.


Its what made America Great Again. We are the stage of Racist, Bigoted and Hateful People who like Guns, Nazi Rallies and Prostitutes who are the only ones telling the truth. Slaughter and Guns allowed everywhere except the NRA Convention while the infrastructure of America is crumbling. The only thing we can be sure of is what Golf Course will make the headlines while innocent students are being buried as a result of some senseless slaughter. Roseanne figured if making fun of disabled people was acceptable then whats a few racist slurs for which she was as popular as on stage as whats been viewed during the past year. I'm waiting for Dylan Roof to be up for a Presidential Pardon.

I think you are being unfair to prostitutes.

@KKGator Stormy will get more recognition in American History Books than most Congressman could ever wish for. Even the Christian Coalition is embarrassed for their hypocritical endorsement announcing 45 as their Savior. Its a truly pathetic state when the whole GOP sits back and lets this charade continue as if its nothing of any grave concern. This is one kink that has a lot of serious mental issues as do most others in Notable positions in Society. Judges, Doctors, Priests and Politicians are of the most corrupt who are able to escape persecution while the rest of society suffers relentless financial and mental duress under their hypocritical righteousness.

@Nevermind345 The "christian coalition" isn't remotely embarrassed about anything 45 has done. One of those "pastors" even publicly said they're giving 45 a "mulligan". They're all damnable hypocrites, just like him.
They aren't embarrassed by 45 at all.

@KKGator He wrote them mega checks via tax favors and other aside deals that they will make all of their new airplanes more comfortable then ever. Jimmy Swaggert,Pat Robertson, Joel Olsteen and even Billy Grahams Son got gratis by letting the Senior Graham be laid out in the Capital Building which is another first for Hypocrisy. More than half of our tax money is going for WMD's and Supersonic Jets and to pay for their medical insurance while the rest of American is without. And these people are followers of Jesus.


Maybe let the viewers decide. If viewers are offended they can write letters to sponsors or just not watch. I never watched Roseanne and never would because I know what she believes. My choice. I watch Colbert and Samantha Bee and others like The View who get offensive at times and I don't want them removed. Ratings rule. I can see where inciting violence or raciest comments pass a norm though. Norms have been destroyed by this administration and hopefully some type of norm will be resurrected in the future and we can again just say: "Now that's improper."

gearl Level 8 June 1, 2018

Orangespeak I reckon.


No comparison. It's like comparing apples to the Orange one. ☺


This post wasn't about either TV show. It was about how we justify (or don't) unethical behavior in all segments of our society. #deepermeaning

Ethics are subjective. I think too many people are conflating the issue to refle t their own agendas.


I don't think on the View I ever heard anyone get called a monkey, ape Muslim etc. Joy Behar has called Pence evangelical Christians mental cases. I call them cults.. Roseanne was written by liberals. . Take her out of it, keep the rest. All good actors and actresses.

YES! ☺

I also call them cults, With an "n", like Samantha.

Behar never should have apologized. She was 100% correct in her statement.


I hadn't watched it because of her, never intended to.


How was the View comparable?

it's not. thats the trump supporters argument.

False equivalence. It's their ground game.


"Roseanne" normalized racist, bigoted and crude behavior by white Trump supporters.

I feel delighted that ABC canceled the show.


Agreed. Glad they canceled the show!

Mea Level 7 May 31, 2018

yes, good riddance to the racist ignoranamus


But Trump said!,,, lol

But....but....but....her EMAILS!!!!! 😉

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