13 3

I have only 20 points to go till Level 7. I hear they give you a free puppy. Any truth to this? ?

GuyKeith 8 June 2

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Yes it is, and my job is to take care of them until they find their Level 7 forever home, so PLEASE hurry up and get there so I can keep these pups moving...


If they give it to you then it's not free. Free the puppies!


No, a kitten ?


Still waiting.


I'm still waiting for my level 5 decoder ring & my level 6 x-ray glasses.


I'm moving past my disappointment. I'll just water my tree.


All I got was satisfaction that I got over the hump. On to Level 8!

8 looks impossible. The exponential curve is brutal.


You're getting a puppy? All I got was ice cream.

Dammit! Where?


No. At OT7 you are at cause over rmatter, energy, space and time (MEST), and can communicate with plants. OT8 is where it's really at. You will get to know yourself completely, and finally cast off all body thetans. And you get a t shirt that says "I walked the bridge to total freedom, have control over all that is around me, and all I get is this lousy t shirt?"


Oh, yes! Mine was delicious!

Deb57 Level 8 June 2, 2018

We need to talk.


I don't know..I'm enjoying the Saluki hound they sent me.


@GuyKeith I guess you weren't good enough for one. Ya gotta be GREAT..

@birdingnut I still have my outside friends. My wild birds and my giant ash tree (under attack) in the back. Both are awesome and the trees never talk back...but they sure communicate. My expensive water is running right now. I will save my beloved tree from the EAB at any cost. The rant is on. Due to climate change our plants and animals are under a vicious Darwinian attack from predators. Don't get me started about TICKS! Due to warm winters, the beetles and borers are having a field day on the trees in the Rockies. The head Arbortist at CSU states that within the next generation, there will not be a single LIVING ash tree in 30 years. This is hundreds of millions of trees GONE. Evolution is not about progress. It is not about doing what is right. It is just about what survives, nothing else. If the nice, pretty trees are replaced by horribly invasive and destructive species like the Russian Olive or the Bradford Callery Pear with 6" spikes that will puncture a John Deere Tractor Tire, then so be it. Fucking Tics? God's Love in action. What do they do? Suck the blood out of, drive insane, and kill Arctic populations of moose and elk. Lyme Disease will be a pandemic. Our Political Leaders? They just want God to sort it out while they stuff their pockets. Sometimes, just fuck this country. /rant over.

@GuyKeith Eeeks! Have you tried tick tubes? You can rid your yard of 90% of the ticks by using mice, and tick tubes.

Ticks reproduce in mice nests and then use the mice to transport themselves across your yard. The tick tubes-you can use empty T-paper rolls to make them yourself, contain cotton balls laced with a poison called permethrin. It is harmless to mice but effectively kills the ticks.


@birdingnut Oh, I don't have tics here, but they are making a stand in the US.


Yes! It's waiting at your local shelter. You get 3!


Well, the ceremony is over. I'm a made man, but still no puppy. I was hoping for at least a CAT-a-pult.

It was great to open my mailbox and find this:

Big puppy ?

@Wildgreens He has great hair, and boy can he run. Hmm..this is actually making me want one for real.

One of my dog pals here in Songkhla, Thailand is a wild Thai dingo dog that looks like a Pharaoh Hound, complete with greyhound body and long slender legs. When he lies down he cross his ankles and looks so photogenic.

He can run like a greyhound also. He moved into the under-the-building garage of this apartment building to be near me, even though I never feed him, and we only exchange mental communication.

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