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How confident are you in debating fundamentalists? Is your lack of faith thru NOT being completely indoctrinated, or thru research and evaluation?

Hutch 7 June 3

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I have been a Scientist my whole life. Debater in High School & have traveled much of this World. I have total faith in what we experience as being just an accident to be admired. Enjoy & do no harm so that it can remain for others to enjoy too.


Sometimes you just turn away from someones actions.


Like talking to a lunatic. I never debate religious beliefs or lack there of. I have some friends who say they are Christian. But sometimes I think they say it just to fit in, sort of like Trump. I just don't care to talk to people about the subject.


You cannot debate a fundamentalist in any true sense.Debate requires logic and evidence. Fundamentalism requires neither. I feel comfortable with discussing anything at all with anyone, including the fundies. But it's never a debate. I see others have made the same point, so I guess I'm in the amen corner. LOL


There is no debating a fundamentalist. Your time would be better spent teaching your dog to play chess. My beliefs, or lack there of, are based on a triple digit IQ and the ability to reason.


I'm pretty confident now, because of extensive reading and reflection. I was raised Southern Baptist so I got plenty of religious instruction.


I haven't had the opportunity but I'd be reasonably confident because they won't show up with any evidence 🙂


I have no interest in debating or defending my lack of Christian belief. With my deeply faithful sister I try to find common ground in our other shared values ... treating each other with respect, love, family, loyalty, honesty, ethics, etc.


My lack of faith comes from observing reality, using logic, reason, skepticism and living an evidence, fact and data based life. I am totally comfortable asserting why I am an A-theist but I will not debate or argue the subject.

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