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First try at Alabama Pecan Bread. Decent. Very easy. Not bread, really cake!
LovinLarge comments on Oct 27, 2020:
@Lilac-JadeCanada Thank you. I wanted something else to take tomorrow to that nice young man who did me a favor. Or at least that's how I justify it!
Kanzi the Ape Who Has Conversations with Humans | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network - ...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 24, 2020:
Bonobos and chimpanzees share more than 98% of their DNA with humans.
US House Speaker Wun Dum Ho is leaving Taiwan China today.
LovinLarge comments on Aug 3, 2022:
What a disgusting excuse for a human being you are.
Homemade mushroom soup - perfect comfort food on a cold day Sautee 2 cups of sliced mushrooms and...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 13, 2021:
Looks excellent, thank you.
As I grow older, I tend to be less and less thrilled with living.
LovinLarge comments on Feb 1, 2021:
Many people have real success treating their depression. There are also very effective ways to work through grief. Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. The starting point is always to let your doctor know what is going on. We're not going to let you walk alone.
Why has Zoology become so zoological?
LovinLarge comments on Dec 14, 2022:
It's good to ask questions and I'm sure this is a valid one. I apologize that it went right over my head, however. Perhaps someone else will weigh in?
It’s completely insane that biological males are being allowed to compete in women's sports and it...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 4, 2022:
Here is how you can always identify a conservative: They will take every issue and turn it into an us versus them so that they can use their arsenal of hate to disenfranchise entire groups of people in a single swipe. They do it with every single issue. They use hate to exclude people. That is who they are. That is why they must be fought at every turn.
As an atheist I do not believe that the individual life of a person has an absolute and intrinsic ...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 29, 2020:
American law protects American from discrimination on the basis of age. I won't trouble myself with citations since you didn't.
If you was told not to do something with out fully understanding why or the consequence behind it .
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
LovinLarge comments on Jan 30, 2021:
100% agree and I told him so the very first time he hawked his survey here. But never underestimate the determination of moderate liberals to fencesit and misogynists to attempt to undermine your beliefs!
LovinLarge comments on Oct 21, 2020:
I care. I am also furious. I want updates. I want to know if there's anything I can do to help you. I don't know how old your son and his gf are but they are old enough to know better than this. To me the immediate issue is how are you going to stay safe living there? Is there anywhere else you can go at least temporarily?
San Francisco, California October 24, 2020 Charles Hugh SmithDear Reader, The belief that the...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 24, 2020:
To be afforded any credibility, blogs like this need to cite the evidence upon which they rely.
The South Lawn has just come under attack by landscape gardeners.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 21, 2022:
1 yard. Prove me wrong.
Going by the PO today. This is kind of a big deal, so wish me luck y’all…..🤠
LovinLarge comments on May 31, 2023:
The very best of luck to you! Please keep us posted!
Thursday night supper - Salmon Cheeseburgers with lettuce, tomato, grilled onion, and dil pickles.
LovinLarge comments on Mar 9, 2023:
Looks delish!
Im confused is blm part of the far left now because of protest?
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
It's very important to edit your posts so that they will make sense to the reader.
I noticed that Agnostic now has a Biden 2020 group.
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Do you really think "angering" other members is a productive use of this website?
The truth about how the Democratic Party is just an modest extension of the obstructionist ...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 31, 2020:
That was worth the watch, but everything is deniable until it's proven. She doesn't seem to understand that change occurs incrementally. SCOTUS and the Constitution won't be abolished next month, but there are many things that can realistically be changed for the better incrementally. The problem generally with these types of critiques is that they point out problems but not solutions. For instance, there has to be a final arbiter of federal lawsuits. She denounced SCOTUS but offered no alternative. Equating the Democrats with the Republicans is a false equivalency. The Democrats have been more progressive than the Republicans for decades and it is particularly so today. We know that one of two men is going to be our next president and the difference between the two despite them both being old, white men is glaring. Give Biden a Democratic Congress and that is how we will get things done.
Do any of you guys deal with acne?
LovinLarge comments on Feb 24, 2023:
And now you're going to tell us about something that worked really well for you, right?
LovinLarge comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Another typical lying con. Zero evidence as to the political identities of the people in the clips even though he calls them "the left". Zero evidence of who Kamala Harris was referring to in the clip of her. Completely unsubstantiated claims. Yet again. Yawn.
Something posted on my profile only. Does anyone see this besides me?
LovinLarge comments on Jul 24, 2020:
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question but your profile is visible so I would guess, yes.
Great video, good points.
LovinLarge comments on Dec 23, 2020:
"Questionable source"
I found this (first image on left) from Richard Dawkins.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 8, 2020:
I've never seen Dawkins identified as an agnostic before.
LovinLarge comments on Jul 24, 2020:
I agree wholeheartedly, I think this sends exactly the powerful message we need.
The anger that is blazing in Trumpy Dumpty's eyes during "That Debate" shows precisely why he is ...
LovinLarge comments on Sep 30, 2020:
He has no dignity and no respect for other people. He doesn't know how to collaborate because he didn't have to work his way up the way most of the rest of us did. That's why he can't get along with anyone for any length of time. When did becoming the best person you can be fall out of favor?
Thanksgiving Shooting Sees 3-Year-Old Kill 5-Year-Old Cousin: Police
LovinLarge comments on Nov 29, 2021:
Let me guess, self defense?
April 23, 2020 Trump: Inject Bleach - YouTube
LovinLarge comments on Apr 23, 2021:
How fucking dense does one have to be to take seriously someone with no medical training who thinks he can pull out of his ass ideas that no one else has thought of to treat serious medical conditions? This is the same aspect of the anti-intellectual movement that undermines the expertise of people like Dr. Fauci who devote their lives to the public good.
This from my fundie sister .
LovinLarge comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Do you think there is anything to be accomplished with that conversation?
Danielle Smith; the new Premier of Alberta, says that the unvaccinated are the "most discriminated" ...
LovinLarge comments on Oct 12, 2022:
It's not "discrimination" when it's warranted.
LovinLarge comments on Dec 14, 2020:
Maybe one day your reading comprehension will develop to the point where you'll be able to read adult books that are actually fact-based.
How much usa knows about recently gnews.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 25, 2020:
A reputable website would not allow this type of allegation to be published without evidence.
The seriousness of the COVID doesn’t really hit home until its hits a family member or someone ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Thanks for sharing. I sure hope she makes it through okay. Presumably the rest of her family is at risk, also. I suppose all each of us can do is protect ourselves and those for whom we are responsible to the best of our ability. Have the elders or whatever form of government exists there taken any steps to help the people protect themselves or any subsequent control measures?
In at least 5 states with abortion trugger laws, rapists and their families can sue.
LovinLarge comments on May 8, 2022:
Wow, you would have to be a real asshole to approve of this. There is a principle of law that you can't sue on the basis of something that is illegal so I wonder how they got around that. I wonder just how much the incidence of rape will increase now that the government has provided incentive.
So no more am I dealing with the left or right collective,where are the Errants?
LovinLarge comments on Aug 21, 2022:
Likely just a figment of your imagination. The word "errant" is an adjective, not a noun or proper noun.
Back to the zombie squad.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 20, 2021:
Hang in there, everyone.
What does love mean to you?
LovinLarge comments on Jan 30, 2023:
Please look up the word "agnostic".
My grandfather was was part of the greatest generation; surviving the Great Depression, and serving ...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 15, 2022:
I bet you are a white man! You conveniently neglected to mention that generation's rampant racism, sexism and war-centered culture of bigotry and hate. Vaccination is important but let's keep our eye on the real prize. Nope, we refuse to return to the bad old days,! The best is yet to come, it's just taking us a while to get there.
So the snowflakes at "Conservative Atheists" have banned me from the group for the attached ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 6, 2022:
"on mass" In addition to being morally bankrupt, a majority of them are illiterate.
Treatment with Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Combination in Patients Hospitalized with ...
LovinLarge comments on Jul 3, 2020:
I'm trying to understand the hostility generated by the study cited in this comment, particularly when no other research was properly referenced. Are we interpreting this research as a partisan issue because I just don't see it since Trump touted hydroxychloroquine as prevention not treatment, and there is no support for that position in this study. Anyway, I was actually looking for a non-religious forum that is not so combative so if anyone knows of one, I'm all ears.
"Telling somebody off for 15 minutes and not giving them an opportunity to respond is an abuse of ...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 26, 2023:
I definitely do, but may I ask why this is in quotes before I expand please?
Apparently the Democraps aren’t interested in free speech! []
LovinLarge comments on Apr 30, 2022:
Sure, but just don't say "gay".
Anyone Agree?
LovinLarge comments on Oct 24, 2020:
I strongly agree and think it's an important issue. I was one of the few fortunates to be raised religion-free.
Portland Protesters Set a Police Building on Fire - YouTube
LovinLarge comments on Jul 19, 2020:
Yes, very irresponsible headline without evidence of the arsonist or even that it was arson.
Almost two years to the day of the January 6th coup attempt in the USA and a few days after a ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 10, 2023:
Could the person who voted that there is nothing evil about the Republican party supply their phone number please?
Kyle Rittenhouse Is Begging For Financial "Help" As "The Legal Bills Are Piling Up" In Multiple ...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 24, 2023:
She knows.
Quirky and weird fits....
LovinLarge comments on Feb 24, 2023:
Let it all hang out, baby!
Thought we had freedom of speech!!! Think again!!! Three charged with hate crimes after social ...
LovinLarge comments on Mar 11, 2022:
What law did Congress make abridging free speech? Why do you support public threats based on race?
This picture says so much; especially depicting the aloneness one feels awaiting 'what is so', ...
LovinLarge comments on Mar 14, 2022:
Sure, you're so far ahead of the rest of us that you're bringing up the rear.
If you think too hard then depression comes in then a lot of negatives thought arrived in your mind ...
LovinLarge comments on Sep 28, 2022:
Anyone who believes in something for which there is no evidence hasn't done enough critical thinking.
If youre calling yourself woke and you still have a political affiliation, you're not woke, quit the...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 20, 2023:
Speaking of manure, I see from your profile that you are 100% certain that there is a God. Now, you were saying about only being here to troll and convert?
There is talk that Trump supporters need deprogramming (debriefing), as you need to do to those ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 15, 2021:
Faulty premise. Let's see your evidence of any credible reference to "deprogramming camps" for Trumpers?
How much would it cost consumers to give farmworkers a significant raise?
LovinLarge comments on Oct 21, 2020:
$25 per household per annum. Insignificant by any standard. How dare anyone argue against a living wage?
I recently had a hankering for Brunswick Stew but didn't feel like spending two days to make it and ...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 3, 2022:
Looks excellent!
This is how corrupt medical science has become.
LovinLarge comments on Feb 5, 2023:
Sure, extrapolate indefinitive results from one unsubstantiated study to all of medical science. This is exactly why no one credible takes you seriously.
Managing domesticated human livestock []
LovinLarge comments on Jan 15, 2021:
"Acts 17 Apologetics seeks to defend and proclaim the gospel by educating Christians and non-Christians about the evidence for Christianity while also countering opposing claims, especially those of Islam and atheism."
Is this how the world should look at supporting Ukraine to attain peace in Europe?
LovinLarge comments on May 12, 2022:
Should the world look at supporting Ukraine as the way to attain peace in Europe?
I have amazing friends.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 13, 2022:
Absolutely beautiful, thanks for sharing. Keep us posted, please.
and for all the mask addicts USA is on a good path to finally get rid of a non working method to ...
LovinLarge comments on Mar 5, 2021:
Oh geez, not you again. You've been wrong on everything you've ever posted here. Remember in November when you wrote "it's now already very clear trump will win"? "The thing surprises me most." And remember when you perpetuated all those unsubstantiated lies about Hunter Biden yo try to influence the election? "How much usa knows about recently gnews." BTW, your links do not support your claim about masks. Very misleading.
Fighting against Republican led book banning. []
LovinLarge comments on May 1, 2022:
Why are Republicans afraid of everything?
To any who lost a child
LovinLarge comments on Jan 3, 2021:
I wish to apologize for shitting all over your post, brother. I want you to know that I think long and hard before I go after someone like that but there seems to be some things I just can't let pass. From my perspective, to use art to communicate a feeling that words can't convey is nothing short of profound. Thank you very much for posting this and please accept my apology.
Listened to this today - 48 minutes of worthwhileness.
LovinLarge comments on Aug 28, 2020:
Thank you, I can't watch now but I will later.
This is just awesome... Me with my new license plate!!!
LovinLarge comments on Jul 19, 2020:
I also like the provincial motto at the bottom, although I have to be honest about what first came to mind!
Pathetic Biden lied and bragged when he stated he was arrested 3 times and now he asks black ...
LovinLarge comments on Aug 7, 2020:
If you are going to rely on an article, could you include the link please?
Bill nails it again...78% of COVID mortalities were those suffering from obesity. []
LovinLarge comments on Apr 18, 2021:
You have misrepresented the claim he made. And what exactly is it that you think he nailed? Please provide supporting evidence if you rely on any factual claims.
A new video was posted today on the P-shall-not-be-named wingnut social media site (the one that's ...
LovinLarge comments on Jan 10, 2021:
We're dealing with the dregs of society here, people so ignorant that they don't understand the significance of democracy or that conservatism was defeated in our first Civil War. Invoke the 25th, hold inauguration by video and zero tolerance of domestic terrorism.
Ooh, this is hard... Perhaps, he shouldn't have served 13 years. What do you think?
LovinLarge comments on Sep 21, 2021:
I say "no" to vigilantism. Our adversarial system of justice gives both sides the opportunity to tell their side of the story, not just one side as in this case.
Still thinking you have a choice???
LovinLarge comments on Jan 20, 2023:
The choice isn't exactly free but there is a distinction between the party that wants me to have bodily autonomy and the party that doesn't. I'm not satisfied with the choice but it is better than neither party wanting me to have bodily autonomy.
Whoopi Goldberg Suspended From 'The View' For Two Weeks Following Holocaust Remarks | Fox
LovinLarge comments on Feb 1, 2022:
The issue appears to be that the Nazis considered Jewish people to be a lesser race even though, as Whoopi said, being Jewish is not a race. I knew a Jewish atheist once. He said being Jewish is an ethnicity. Whoopi is right, the Holocaust was not about race.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Thanks for the reminder. Please take good care of yourself.
The inside of my ears are itchy, have anyone els got that problem.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 17, 2020:
I get that a lot. The pharmacy sells an inexpensive ear cleaning kit that you use over a three day period and the wax comes out. There is ear candling but I haven't tried that. I know you're not supposed to put qtips in your ears but when it gets really bad, I do it anyway but very carefully. Best of luck.
Portland suffers serious street violence as far right return 'prepared to fight'
LovinLarge comments on Aug 28, 2020:
They don't seem to appreciate the significant losses suffered by both sides in our first Civil War.
Christian love...
LovinLarge comments on May 2, 2021:
Where did that come from?
Oh My God T-Shirt with Trump defeats COVID, coming to the W.
LovinLarge comments on Oct 4, 2020:
100% fraud. Trump and @Gareth who said we were all nuts for even considering that Trump might be faking it. Appreciate you blocking me Gareth, you POS.
I made yogurt ☺️
LovinLarge comments on Nov 16, 2020:
I don't like yogurt, but I sure admire your many kitchen talents!
When a keyboard warrior calls me stupid, yet expects me to listen to what they have to say while ...
LovinLarge comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Sister, there is a lot of negativity here but I hope you can find a way make this site work for you.
Glad to see Sam Harris is admitting that he was wrong about Biden and Harris being the right choice ...
LovinLarge comments on Aug 28, 2021:
Typical dirty con unable to support his factual claims with evidence, warranting zero credibility. Dude, you are nothing but a bad joke.
If any woman dies as a result of SCOTUS allowing abortions to be banned, should any of the six ...
LovinLarge comments on Jun 25, 2022:
SCOTUS has 9 sitting judges. Courts always have an odd number of judges to avoid ties. It is very hard to sue the gubment in the US and most employees and office holders are immune.
Federal Food Tax to Pay for Healthcare What if everyone could see a doctor, get treatment at a ...
LovinLarge comments on Feb 5, 2023:
Your food tax is regressive. It will disproportionately hurt poor and working class people. Progressive taxation must be tied to income and possibly wealth. Your exercise tax on food is offensive. People must be treated with dignity regardless of their personal circumstances. Many food bank users would not be physically capable of performing for you like you would like them them to. The rest of the civilized world saves money by funding universal health care. This can be done through progressive taxation. Historically, Americans in the highest tax bracket paid as much as 94% income tax but Trump has them down to 40%. 4% of that already funds Medicaid. There are more than 22 million millionaires and almost 100 billionaires in the US while 38 million Americans live below the poverty line.
According to a new report by Americans for Tax Fairness, America’s 704 billionaires have gotten ...
LovinLarge comments on Mar 14, 2022:
Did you know that there are more than 20 million millionaires in the US? Meanwhile Americans including children continue to die of poverty.
I was asked once. How do I remain so happy and peaceful?
LovinLarge comments on Apr 25, 2022:
Are you sure they didn't say pathetic and lonely?
Romney on Trump and the Republican party - YouTube
LovinLarge comments on Jan 13, 2023:
At least the things he says make sense, which is more than can say for most of the rest of his cohorts, but he's still a serious religious nutter so how much can his judgment really be trusted?
Seriously disappointed in this site.
LovinLarge comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Hey, a misogynist who admits in his profile that he doesn't act his age. Every woman's wet dream!
Just atrocious and unlawful
LovinLarge comments on Aug 27, 2020:
I wonder how they'd feel about their tax dollars supporting our political rallies? These people have no standards.
Hey everyone, I'm conducting a 2-minute survey on people's religious/spiritual views.
LovinLarge comments on Nov 27, 2021:
Not you, again.
Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms [youtube.
LovinLarge comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Good morning. How long do you suppose it will be before someone goes missing and will we even hear about it?
Cross dressing to have a career…
LovinLarge comments on Nov 7, 2022:
They may have been transgender. Either way, a very talented citizen that made a notable contribution to their community.
You have to wonder how Payton Gendron became such a seriously and dangerously damaged person: ...
LovinLarge comments on Nov 28, 2022:
And at only 18! What did he think he was going to accomplish that was of such great significance thar he was willing to trade his freedom for it? We might get some glimpse of the circumstances that led to this if one of the surviving employees proceeds to sue the parents. Here is a discussion of his online radicalization by white power groups.
SEE IT: Man unleashes racist rant on London Underground, gets knocked out cold with one punch
LovinLarge comments on Aug 18, 2020:
Beautiful hit. It's always a bonus when your target has a glass jaw.
Elvis's grandson, this 27 year old man died by suicide.
LovinLarge comments on Jul 12, 2020:
It is heartwrenching to think of someone in so much pain that they see no other way out. We who believe in a compassionate society have much work to do on this front.
In last night's monthly Skeptics Zoom discussion, a lady invited by the moderator revealed herself ...
LovinLarge comments on May 10, 2021:
Life is too short for time wasters like that. Did she indicate in what way she identified as a skeptic?
Tucker Carlson Mocks Dr. Jill Biden, Compares Her Degree to Dr. Pepper
LovinLarge comments on Dec 16, 2020:
Carlson doesn't understand what a doctorate is because he's not bright enough to earn one.
If you love someone truly love them, and there is a small hiccup in the relationship.
LovinLarge comments on Jul 15, 2020:
There are hiccups in any relationship. The strength of the relationship is determined by how many of those hiccups the relationship survives. But I don't know if loving someone and commitment to a relationship are synonymous because you can love someone without being in an intimate relationship with them. Also, some people aren't good at relationship or problem solving or both. All you can do is your best, ask for what you want and accept the outcome. Not everyone wants to be in a relationship and not everyone knows how.
Don’t blame the white race for all the racist atrocities worldwide.
LovinLarge comments on Feb 11, 2021:
What race were the people that forced the Bible on the Pagans in Europe?
A five letter word.
LovinLarge comments on Mar 24, 2022:
Just because you're not bright enough to understand her answer, doesn't mean it wasn't valid. Perhaps it's time for you to abandon the game show circuit and crack a book for the first time since high school, way back when.
This weeks’ yogurt.
LovinLarge comments on Dec 9, 2020:
I do not do yogurt but I sure admire your prowess in the kitchen. I have found that where I live many Americans are not very adventurous when it comes to food, but I was raised and educated in Canada where multiculturalism is cherished and encouraged. I really enjoy your posts and I hope you don't mind me commenting on them so often.
Am I the only one who has adverse reactions to some posters but instead of blocking them, I continue...
LovinLarge comments on Apr 24, 2021:
It's like watching a train wreck!
I've gotta say, Joe Rogan WAS good in NewsRadio.
LovinLarge comments on Jan 26, 2022:
The choice between commercialism and integrity is not easy for everyone, but it does tell you who you're dealing with. I don't take anyone who likes Joe Rogan seriously. There is a picture of him beside the entry for "dumbass" in the dictionary.
I had a friend over last night and he came in carrying his fountain drink.
LovinLarge comments on Jul 25, 2020:
That's ironic because I don't trust anyone who carries their own cup around! (Water bottles excepted.)
For all the people that said white supremacists attacked jussie smollett, not one owned up to their...
LovinLarge comments on Dec 6, 2021:
Let's see your evidence of anyone saying that.
There was a discussion begun in the Community Senate that was decided to be brought into the general...
LovinLarge comments on Aug 15, 2020:
What power does the Community Senate have to implement any ideas generated?