Should clinics be established to assist people who want to go ahead and die? They could go in a humane way at there own choosing. Some people are hurting mentally or physically so bad and have little or no hope that they wish to go on out. Mental anguish can be worse than physical pain. Life and death are one string anyway. Life is a terminal illness in itself. Some people believe we already allow assisted death in abortion clinics.
You appear to have answered your own question (?) but ... yes.
Thanks for the interesting and informative article. Good reading, very compelling..
The vote today (Monday) is 68 yes and 3 no.. Honestly, I am surprised the yes vote is overwhelming. Chuckles III entered a great Washington Post article that anyone interested should read. I believe mental anguish can be as painful as medical problems. A nice painless way to go on out is certainly better than a pistol shot to the head. Of course, anyone who says they want to die should be receive counseling. However, the mental health system at least in Georgia is in shambles.
I guess most people want to live as long as they can, even if they are in pain.
One of the tenets of Christianity is that suicide is a sin. (Of course, sin is a man created idea).
Damn tooting & not one down vote, at least in the first 15, good sign.
With doctor's ok.
With individual's OK. The doctor has the right not to participate at his/her discretion.
Why should any other person have a say? Even a doctor. They have
their own beliefs and agendas, and cannot be counted upon to have
the patient's interests at heart. Just because they might have taken the
Hippocratic Oath, doesn't mean they live by it. We've all seen ample
evidence that many don't.
I wouldn't trust a doctor to change my tire, much less to counsel me about death!
@KKGator $$$$$$$$
@Honey4Oshun Yep.
Always talks the loudest.
@dani2382 When Death becomes the "Big Biz" that Current Dependency is... consider yourself an enabler and hopefully one of the first customers.