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This young man (13 ) who happen's to be a genius explains Quantum Physics and god. And most likely the the smartest person in the world today. Also, may he have solved the energy problem. His name is Max Laughlinm. I believe him over just about everyone else for his explanation about god. Says the bible is a book for "5 year olds". And he's right.

Tourirst 7 Dec 25

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Whoa!! THAT was FUN!! Kid's got it together. The energy thing at the beginning is where Tesla was going. He's put out there to the universe he would like support. Could be funding, could be emotional. His thoughts on god/energy resonate with me.


He may very well do wonderful things for science someday....right now he is 13 years old and his opinions cannot be fully formed, which i am sure he would be the first to tell you if people would stop treating him like a phenomenon.
Do you know the truly sad endings of most of the geniuses that got lionized as children? Mozart, anyone? What are his parents thinking? Money couldn't possibly be involved, could it? I feel so bad for him!


He is a clever little kid, but he most certainly didn't solve the "free energy" problem. He created an energy harvester that leeches its source of energy from other sources which were certainly not created for "free". This kid would do well to take a thermodynamics course. Even with what he is doing, which is effectively recycling energy, it would be difficult to produce any meaningful kind of output.

forgo Level 4 Dec 25, 2017

Give him time and he may...


I always have to call it just the 'sum of the universe' as god....otherwise I don't win my bar bet...

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