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What books should all atheists read?

I have just started reading, well listening to the god delusion, and I am thinking of other books that other atheists think most of all atheists should read. I am mostly looking to really expand my own philosophy’s. I used to consider my self an intellectual person, however I have been out of college for a few years now I feel like I am less intellectual then I used to be, from back when I was reading and researching and doing school and class projects along with conversations with other people who I considered intellectual’s and professors who I consider some of the most intelligent people I have ever meet, so now I am looking for books to read or listen to. Sorry for the long explanation.

NOCMike 4 June 21

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49 comments (26 - 49)

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The dictionary


Richard Carrier: Sense and Goodness without God and On the historicity Jesus. Hitchens: God is Not Great.

And I would add Nailed, if we're looking at the historicity of Jesus.

I know.


The bible, the qoran, all religious books to increase your knowledge ?


All of them !!! Lol. the Bible is a good start then hitchens and Harris then whatever you want really

Simon1 Level 7 June 21, 2018

Brave New World Aldous Huxley
1984 George Orwell.

Coldo Level 8 June 21, 2018

Leviticus. It contains all anyone needs to be thoroughly disgusted with xtianity.


I don't get your point. Religion is so foolish; why would any thinking person take the time to confront it? Have they nothing better to do with their time? It tells me where their so-called "intellect" is. I am an agnostic- I am interested in what this experience is about- but I will accept no quasi answers- or outright fiction either.

@CoastRiderBill If you like taking your time up with foolish issues- GO FOR IT. Enjoy yourself.

You must have made a mistake. My IQ is higher than the Donald's "156", but that ain't saying much; isn't everyone's? Thanks for your unintentional laugh.


His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman.


Mark Twain's 'Letters From Earth'


The road to Atheism is paved with well read Bibles, Korans and other Holy books. If these books don't make you see the inanity of religion then you are probably too stupid to make it as an Atheist. It's an acid test for Atheism.


Comparing a number of books and there ideas is a difficult task and one which can be very confusing. However to study these provides enlightenment which takes time and effort.Most individuals stop along the way and therefore retain a position only half developed.

Marine Level 8 June 21, 2018

A good place to start? 'Saharasia' James DeMeo, Phd.


"Sacred cows: a light hearted look at belief and tradition around the world" by Seth Andrews


The printed word?


I don't read any. I just don't believe.


Anything - Its funny you reminded me of an encounter in Spain - When Franco died many of us went to Spain to celebrate - my partner and i with two children went to a campsite and politely asked where we should pitch our tent. The owner made this amazing smile and laughed & threw his arms in the air and shouted 'Anarchista!' Anywhere! at all!

jacpod Level 8 June 21, 2018

The Virus Of Faith, or The God Delusion by Dawkins. That is a good book. I know you said you started it on audio. Maybe Beyond Good And Evil by Nietze. That is a very hard book to read. I find myself reading the same parts over and over again to try and figure out what he is saying. Forgot maybe something by Car; Sagan or Steven wineberg (can't think of any titles off the top).


I agree, The God Delusion is great. I also read God Is Not Good, very good also.


Read '"introduction philosophy of religion" by William Rowe and "The atheist's primer" by Malcolm Murray for starters if you want a basic solid foundation for atheism


I went to prison few years ago for a 6 month strech. It was a very possirive think for me...and there every one spoke of god. I saw a revolving door in that small amount of time and realized I didn't believe in a deity. When u got out u stayed with an elderly lady who I stay (she's a deity!) With till I got I my feet call on a Atheistic hiking group found on the netz in Phoenix. I just moved here in june. Got a place up here on southhill. I haven't read anything Atheistic. I appreciate your comment. You are pretty girl. Have a great day.....


Well then I have the book for you. It's entitled, foundational falsehoods of creationism, the author the legendary Aron Ra.Aron is a science educator, secular activist, debater and public speaker. This book covers everything and which you mentioned. Goes into great detail about plantology zoology anthropology evolution prophecies that never come true disproving all the fables in the Bible this man is an absolute genius never met a more intelligent person for somebody who wants to study up on anything of this nature this book is an absolute must.

Thank you. I will check him out sooner than later. It's nice to learn of reality rather than just accepting a perception built on beliefs rather than the history of the planet.


Why All Atheists? We are not Equal.

So not how I wanted the post to be take at all. I was just asking for good book recomondations from other atheists and non-believers. I phrased the question incorrectly. Personally I am a big believer in equality. Word usage and grammar and phrasing are a weak point for me personally.

@NOCMike Myself, I am Equal to No One but Me. Guy next to me may be similar and of the same specie but... Beside if you are already there... what do you need to read? Seems here everybody read the bible. That's the only common book about all of us already here.


If you want to go beyond just the refutation of the belief in a literal god and come to understand why 80% of the world's population still does believe in the 21st century, and are likely to continue in the foreseeable future...

The Illusion of God's Presence: The Biological Origins of Spiritual Longing
by John C. Wathey


skado Level 9 June 21, 2018

Some authors you might enjoy: Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Lawrence Krauss, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Brian Greene. The first four above are known as the four horsemen of atheism. But, as an atheist, the one author that is a must read is Robert G. Ingersoll. Ingersoll's writing is allover the internet. Copyright protection is long passed, so it's free. If you only read one author, then read Ingersoll.

acrm Level 2 June 21, 2018
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