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If you lived in the distant past, would you have been an agnostic/atheist?

So as a historically minded person, I often imagine what life would have been like back in the day. I feel that I have a very skeptical personality and a good nose for sniffing out bull shit so I'm inclined to believe that I would be a heathen no matter what time period I live in. However, with such a lack of education and information and scientific discovery back then, I'm not so sure. Thoughts?

RoboGraham 8 Dec 30

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Whatever has gotten me "tail". I would had been very Hormone Driven in the Past too. Flat earth... 200 gods... walking around semi gods... living in cave... praying to the stars... peed on the burning bush... I only know of the present... they might had cut my tongue for being a big mouth and too malcontent. I would had been breaking the code of silence for sure.


The poster mentioned skepticism. I believe that this trait and my intelligence would lead me to get the idea that the concept of gods are rubbish. Would i tell anyone how i really felt? Not likely. Not going along with the group back then was a quick path to your own death.


Impossible to say. Indoctrination was so all-invasive that if may have been impossible to be a free-thinker. If I'd had the courage to be an atheist, of course I wouldn't have declared myself as such, because I would have been burnt at the stake. But then of course they would have burnt me anyway, because I'm left-handed. []


Probably much the way I am today. If I had questions during this life, I certainly would have questions back then and they would have had no better answers than I received during this life.


As weird as it may sound, part of why I express a militancy regarding Atheism is the fact my ancestors couldn’t -- and still have allowed for ‘me.’ I speak up and sometimes fight because they couldn’t! They’d have been ostracized, at best - and more likely burned alive. It chills and angers me everytime I consider it.. I live for them, because they likely suffered in silence for me ~

Varn Level 8 Dec 30, 2017

My genetic heritage and circumstances made me what I am today. With the same genetic heritage and different circumstances, I would be different. How different I don't know. It would depend on the circumstances. I don't think great men make history, but history makes great men.


I'm not sure either. I'm a free spirit now. Would I be the rebel I am and get accused of being a witch back in Salem? Or go back further in time? I don't know. Education and scientific discovery have played such a major role in social and religious thought.


no id of pretended to be religious if my life was in danger.


There is no way of knowing.


Live FAR enough in the past and there was no religion at all.

Religion is only a temporary illness - I suspect we'll recover in time, if we don't wipe ourselves out first of course.

Really? I have always imagined that in any primitive society a belief system (probably including the supernatural for control/ignorance issues) had always existed. Where do you get your information on this from?

Just have to go back far enough ... ?


An unanswerable English Third Conditional hypothetical. It would depend on where and when. But the point is this: it was only possible to be a Christian, for example, after the religion was invented in its time. But atheists and non believers have always existed, though not always openly, obviously.


I don't know


I'm sure I would have found myself being burned at the stake for being a witch for something or another.


Oh, that's a tough question because it requires so many assumptions. If I were reared in a religious family to lower middle class parents centuries ago, as was the case in my actual childhood, I think I'd have retained at least some religiosity. It's hard to imagine having the experiences and opportunities I've had in reality had I been in that setting hundreds of years ago. My education would have been slim, and my exposure to outside influences nearly nonexistent. Had I been born with similar opportunities as I had growing up, which would have required an upper class upbringing, then I think my chances for shucking religious thought would have been considerable — but whether it would have been safe to be openly atheist would depend largely on the specific society.


I would have been a Jew, so well educated and literate but most likely murdered for my beliefs. Knowing myself if I were persecuted for believing or following Torah I would have probably clung to it even tighter. So no, probably less of an atheist and more religious ironically enough!

It is a tree of life for those who cling to it, as we say.

Why would you have been a jew?

why not?


The more we know, the more we can deduce.

Prehistorically, I feel that I would have been just as scared and unsure as everyone else. Though, I of course hope I would try to figure out things I didn’t understand.

My focus at University was prehistory.


I think for me, it would've been a preference for survival foremost. If heathens were accepted, then certainly. If not, blend in.

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