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Should prostitution be illegal?

I feel that our society's disdain of prostitution is derived from irrational religious morality so I'm curious to learn what you heavens think about this topic.

Here's what I think-
The exchange of sexual services for money between consenting adults is not immoral and should not be illegal. Porn actors are paid to have sex and that is legal but if a sex worker is paid to have sex he/she has committed a crime. How does that make sense?

Legal prostitution is safer/healthier because it can be regulated and is not pushed into back alleys and seedy places. Currently, prostitutes work under the thumb of often brutal and manipulative pimps who take advantage of them. They can not go to the police for help so they must rely on a pimp for protection. If it were legal, they would work in regulated brothels and would be protected by the law rather than persecuted by it. They would also be tested regularly for std's which would help control the spread of disease.

Regardless of how you feel about prostitution personally, the freedom of others to make their own life decisions should not be infringed upon if those choices do not cause harm to others.

Prostitution is as old as civilization itself. People always have and always will exchange things for sexually services and attempting to end it is folly. The prohibition of it causes much more harm than prostitution itself.

Prostitution prohibition is a result of a paranoid society sexually repressed by irrational religious beliefs. I see no detriment to allowing prostitution to operate freely and in fact I think it can be beneficial for people to have the choice of gaining sexual release without a need for commitment to a relationship. There have been lots of societies throughout history that allowed and even encouraged it without issue.

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RoboGraham 8 Dec 30

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114 comments (26 - 50)

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I think it could be illegal to buy sex. Most people in the sex trade were abused when they were younger. The prostitute ( male or female ) can be concidered a victim and the one buying sex a perpertrator ( held accountable by law ).

Those who were not abused, are they also victims?

That’s called transference—- counter transference a complicated psychological relationship between at least 2 or more people where deep internal experiences can be relived. So yes that can be a dangerous situation and abuse hx can be re-enacted

Yes prostitution can be a resounding or re-enactment of abuse as a child but I can say what the statistics might indicate

How do you know that most were abused? Please site some evidence?


OF COURSE it should be legal!

Seriously....when did it become illegal? WHEN CHURCHES HELD MORE INFLUENCE THAN THEY DO NOW! I've always been mystified about poor Mary Magdalene. Now, the bibble never says she's a prostitute...but she's been rumored to have been one. Why's that? Because the people who wrote the bibble (MEN) also demonstrated great hatred toward strong women. Even poor Mary (mother of Jebus) was only revered because she was a virgin. This is the sort of attitude which causes prejudice against women who own their own bodies and use them as they see fit.

Anyone who's traveled in the world has seen countries where prostitution is legal, protected and regulated.






Regulate it to increase standards for sex workers and reduce exploitation


Hell yes! safer for everyone AND sex work is WORK!


@Ellatynemouth So has normal the concept is that we need to fix the concept of "work" so that no one is exploited or forced to work. But working for sex at a fundamental level is not an issues. Grind that ax elsewhere.


You have no right to silence me.

@Ellatynemouth we need to move 5 Billion (that's billion) people NOW because of global's low on my priority list right now. And I'm confused ( said with zero distrspect and in complete honestly) why there is anything more important than that. Sure We must make sure that sex workers are treated as the same as every other type of worker which is MUCH better than they are now. But saving lives is more important right now. #Priorities.


Keeping prostitution illegal serves no public interest. It's a moralist agenda residual from a puritan founded society. What people do with their bodies is their business.



It's the world's oldest some cases it's the only asset a woman (or man) has to survive.

But that might verify what has been said above re: the emotional part



I usepros occasionally, it harms no one and makes me happy.


“Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.”
― Oscar Wilde

Men hate the power women have over them sexually and so attempt to control them. Making prostitution illegal is part of that control.

I think it has been shown with little doubt that if you make something which is frowned upon socially, like prostitution, drugs etc. legal the situation gets a lot better for everyone concerned.

I have known quite a few prostitutes and they all have very different lives. One female I know works very hard at her job and has bought a house and is set to retire at 30. Another is in prison for drug smuggling even though she comes from a very wealthy family. She loved being a prostitute as she had never had a boyfriend before and liked the adventure. Two of my male friends have been prostitutes and one still is. He does it mainly for the money but is quite promiscuous anyway so enjoys it mostly. I went out with a girl who’s ex. boyfriend/girlfriend was a transexual prostitute who loved it. She lived with him for year and still sees him socially now.

I mention this for those who have the idea that prostitution is only the result of hitting rock bottom. There are those stories but there are also many much more happy endings (pun intended).

I detect the whiff of incel.

I agree. The incel movement is based on the hatred of women because they can’t get one.

I feel sorry for socially inept guys like these but you shouldn’t blame other people (in this case women) for your own shortcomings. This is exactly what men have done through the ages and the incel movement is just another very dangerous manifestation of this.


Prostitution is not illegal in Canada. There are some actions surrounding prostitution that are illegal but not prostitution itself.

@SACatWalker it’s not illegal to offer it but it’s illegal to purchase it !! lol

Yeah, it's just as ridiculous.


Unfortunately until we get the religiously comtrolled lawmakers out of office it is unlikely to be legalized as the norm.

Dear I don’t think I’ve got a century or two left in me


@Ellatynemouth The problems cited in that article seems more to do with Human Trafficking than the legalisation of prostitution. I doubt the trafficking only started after legalisation and I'm sure the law didn't make it legal for 14 year old girls to become prostitutes. Generally, making something illegal drives it underground and creates situations like the ones illustrated in that article.

@djalicex Unfortunately there will always be perverts who want to have sex with children, some are obcessed with virgins and so on. They are just plain sick.

Ellatynemouth thinks that the spiegel article is absolute proof that legal prostitution cannot work. She has been posting it everywhere. She doesn't seem to realize that it is focused on one example of a legal system and that there are many other countries that have legal systems of prostitution that function much better.


Legalize it and for many of the reasons you stated above. I tihnk it would also reduce the instances of young girls forced into prostitution if it is regulated, men will prefer to use legal services than risk getting arrested or diseases from illegal prostitutes.


You state: "Prostitution prohibition is a result of a paranoid society sexually repressed by irrational religious beliefs." It certainly isn't something with which I'd disagree. Lots more relating to this 'oldest profession' is attributable to irrationality of androcentric religions. We should be more generous with credit for roles they play in the phenomenon of prostitution and moreover, the very structuring and oversight of societies as a whole.

Attempts to prohibit are necessarily secondary. Religions block and harness primary sexual drives via indoctrination at the earliest possible stages. Far reaching, cumulative consequences of thwarting otherwise self-regulating human sexuality development has at best distorted and at worst crippled populations of 'modern societies. Actually, distortions effected are the goal of indoctrination as a means of supporting irrationally based mores built-in to the social framework by theological overseers. We call it being normal...

Those afflicted by the process with crippling damage are considered abnormal, degenerate, perverted or even criminal. Toxins were too much for them to absorb and meatabolize. They couldn't survive and fell short. These non-survivors; ostracized pariahs stand convicted of the very crimes that caused their injuries. Among them one often finds prostitutes.

Prohibition is but a partial result of such ills. It's an attempted secondary block on an 'end run'. Many might ask why end run? I looks rather direct. After all men and sometimes women have to find an 'outlet' don't they? What's wrong with that? We are products of advanced, 'modern society' aren't we?

We correctly recognize naturalness of sexual drives instinctively; by common and professional consensus and simple reasoning. We draw the conclusions, however, from a shared 'secondary platform' upon which rests our entire social and historical frame of reference. We're afforded only a partial view:having left primary, ground level long ago. Note, it probably accounts for why we call it 'primitive'.

From a primitive cultural perspective, appetites and behaviors considered 'givens' or normal on our secondary, irrational, Patrist dominated platform would be CONSPICUOUSLY ABSENT.  From up here, only prohibition appears clearly connected to irrationality of religions.  Religion is also the causal source of secondary (substitutional) cravings; for blocked primary drives seeking secondary outlet via artificial means.  

Religion also, unintentionally, creates the market. Absence of market would also mean absence of product. This is but one example of how Patriarchally dominated religions create the very 'evils' they claim to oppose. Religion is the most prodigious manufacturer of human misery on the planet; with a long 6,000 year history of spawning such ills as usurpation of the natural role of women as society's leaders; degrading females to a status ranging from property to socially (religiously) subordinate; 'virgin' worship, child abuse, genital mutilation, cranial deformation, foot binding, dehumanization, war, conquest and genocide.

What we call social probems, legalized or not, are often only what can be seen at the top of a planetary pot that is about to boil over.


Not to mention that women are condemned for being prositutes but the men who use them, not so much.

True. Some respondents to this post have proposed the idea of making it legal to prostitute one's body but keep it illegal to purchase a prostitute. The idea being that it will shift the condemnation from the prostitute (usual a woman) to the john (usually a man). I think it's wrong to ban it for either participant and if we legalize it completely, the social status of prostitutes, and johns as well, will probably rise.

@RoboGraham I agree, I think legalizing it is the way to go. It is after all just sex and just a big deal. Legalizing it will hopefully remove the dangers and abuse that it mostly operates under presently.

Excellent point, the double standards live on unfortunately.

I used to believe in legalisation. But all that does is reinforce the cultural idea that women's bodies are a commodity, which is degrading.



My question is should it be?



I now live in Australia where prostitution is legal, and I believe should stay that way. Legalizing it solves a lot of problems, let's face it, it exiists, legal or otherwise, and that isn't going to change. It becomes safer for everyone when it is legal.



No, I don't think it should be illegal. Makes no sense. Who's it hurting? When it comes down to consenting adults making informed decisions, it is infringing on my right to use my body as I please, whether it be giver or receiver.



It's not right to treat prositution as something different than what it really is, and I think any moral authority would be able to tell what it actually is, both in reality, and in terms.

Plus, if we made it illegal, we'd be throwing 25% of female culture in the trash. Is banning such a thing the right thing to do?

It is illegal nearly everywhere outside of Nevada, we really do need to follow the netherlands model and legalize and regulate it.


I am still smelling a one-mile long bill of regulations. Keep it minimal.


25% of female culture is prostitution?

I had no idea that a quarter of my reason for being is to service men.

@Ellatynemouth Okay but this "service to men" thing is actually making women wealthy and helping them fare financially. You're not these women's parents/coach or whatever to decide the nature of what they're doing, especially when they're observing customer-friendly practices, like enforcing the use of contraception. You have a reductionistic and impressionistic view of female prostitution.


You need to educate yourself about prostitution.

Did you read my link?

You realise many women are trafficked into prostitution and most men don't care about that. In countries where prostitution is legal, trafficking has increased.

One fundamental thing not being mentioned here is gender. When we talk about prostitutes we are talking about women, not men. This is not an equal playing field.

@Ellatynemouth Prostitution and sex trafficking are not the same thing. Please pay attention to what is actually being said.


It should be legal but regulated. I spent a few years in places where it was legal and used the services on occasions.
Safe practices should be priority and the law.


The government has no business interferring with our bodies. Regulation & states rights yes. But an outright ban has no place in a free society. What someone wishes to do with their body without harming others should be regulated for disease & violence prevention, regarding consenting adults with cognative abilities intact.


It’s the definition of insanity, keeping doing the same thing and expecting different results. As long as there’s sexuality there will be prostitution, in one manner or another.


Legalize it, regulate it, tax it...just like they do alcohol

Regulate it with what? You're not coming through clear, and I smell a thirty page bill of extremely strict regulations in the horizon.

@DZhukovin Regulate in the same way they do alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. How they do that would be up to the politicians and who is in their pockets.


Okay, so your idea is to regulate in the same way that do alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. How they do that would be up to the politicians and who is in their pockets. I use your input to show that this idea was fully addressed.

How is that going to remotely accomplish anything? All of those regulations you mentioned are founded on the premise that everyone matures in the same rate, with the same maturation profile, and the laws surrounding alcohol, tobacco, and drugs are so extensive, that it only complicates the issue of what the proper size of government is.

That suggestion is actually very mistaken. I don't know what you were told about the real proficiency that any government has in doing its functions, but they are extremely minimal and you have been misinformed.

@DZhukovin the question was not about the proper size of government, or maturation rates of the general population. It was a simple question about whether prostitution should be legalized. I answered the question with my opinion. My opinion has not changed.


Okay, so your argument is that both of us are working under different premises. However, we are both working under the premise that prostitution should be legalized, regulated, and taxed, just like they do with alcohol.

I was asking you to go into that more, but you were speaking tangents, and not answering my original question. So I will just ask it again: regulate it with what?

@DZhukovin I have no argument. I made a simple opinion statement to a question asking for an opinion. I'm not here to argue so I'll leave it at that.


Prostitution should not be legal, but it should be discouraged socially.
Prostitution should not be illegal, because that makes criminals of the prostitutes, but it should be discouraged socially.
People say prostitution is as old as civilization, and will never be eradicated, but that is a false argument. It's as old as civilization precisely because civilization is patriarchal, meaning that women as people are devalued, and sex is comodified. Slavery, child marriage, forced conscription and child abuse are all also as old as civilization, and that doesn't make them moral, or desirable, either.
Prostitution is the attempt to divorce sexual reciprocity from the emotions of love and connectiveness. The same is true of pornography. Yes, it can be done. But that doesn't make it a good idea.
In places where prostitution has been made legal, organized crime has moved in in a big way. In the red light district of Amsterdam, officials are rethinking the policies that have allowed prostitution to flourish there. Sex trafficking has increased, not decreased. Most of the women who work in the brothels are poor women (and girls) of color, who were brought to Amsterdam to service what has become a huge business, and nearly all the elements that go with this situation are undesireable in an advanced culture. The same is true in Germany, where 9 storey buildings house hundreds of impoverished third world prostitutes. Researchers in one study could not find a single German woman who chose to prostitute herself in one of these bordellos.
You can always find women who claim to love prostitution, and some who make a lot of money doing it. That doesn't negate the fact that for the vast majority of women and girls who make their living prostituting themselves, they would do anything else if they possibly could, and their lives are marked by suffering and degradation. Most cannot, and do not, escape the horrible life of sexual slavery.
Men (and women) who claim that prostitution is empowering for the women are deluding themselves. Just look at the evidence: it's not that hard to find. Women who leave prostitution have very sad stories about it. Men who visit prostitutes, and post their reviews, are horribly cruel and mysogynistic to the women they have just paid to fuck.
Upstanding male citizens who view porn and argue that prostitution should be legal, would generally not be thrilled to learn that a beloved daughter or granddaughter has decided to go into the sex trade. Why not, if it's just another job?
Because they know, even if they will not admit it, that "sex work" is degrading and dehumanizing.
In the Nordic model, only the purchasers of sex are prosecuted. This approach tends to shame men who are willing to engage prostitutes, and remarkably, the incidence of prostitution goes way down, when such an approach is implemented.
Isn't that more like the kind of culture we all want? Where prostitution is rare, rather than commonplace? Doesn't that reduce suffering more?

Sure it would be great if prostitution happened only rarely but the reality is that most people's romantic lives are far from perfect and it's not just men who pay for sex by the way.

I don't see how shaming people who pay for sex is a good thing. For some, it's the only option. Why should they be made to feel like evil criminals and lose their freedom?

Yes some men treat prostitutes horribly but it doesn't have to be that way. Uber drivers are able to give ratings to their passengers and those passengers who get bad ratings don't get rides. The same could be done with sex work but that could never happen in an illegal system in which the pimp decided who the prostitutes services.

I don't buy the argument that prostitution shouldn't be legalized because there are a lot of third world sex workers living in poverty. That's like saying we should ban farming because there are a lot of third world migrant agricultural laborers who are living in harsh conditions. The problem is with the way that the profession is treating it's workers not the profession itself. Such things can be regulated.

Equating prostitution with sexual slavery isn't necessarily accurate. If society did more to care for it's vulnerable and downtrodden members, only those who truly wanted to be prostitutes would work in the profession and they would be free to leave whenever they chose.

I don't think sex work is inherently degrading and dehumanizing. We see it that we because we have been conditioned to by our culture. Perhaps some day prostitutes will be revered for their beauty and skill. I think that would reduce suffering.

Thank you.

These discussions always come from men. It's always men endorsing prostitution, because they have no concept of what's it's like to be debased and commodified the way women are.


Prostitution itself is not a crime its the lead up ,solicoting for sexual business that is the crime.
this was put in place by so called religious moralists who were afraid of being caug'ht by their wives and others and being judged in the same way that they judged others


As long as it's not a human trafficking situation . not my cup of tea .. but if it gets you through the day and you are ok with it ..

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