46 6

You are on a date...

You are on a date, you are very attracted to the other person... night is going great!...but then, he/she said something that ruined the magical moment. .. what he/she said????

vmedel 6 June 27

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46 comments (26 - 46)

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I am still trying to figure out how I got a date. 🙂


I use prostitutes sometimes.


I went on a blind date and met her at a nice sea food restaurant. We talked a little about the mutual friend who set us up. Then the waiter showed up and ask if we knew what we wanted. My date arrogantly said to me your buying right? I said I'll get this one and maybe you get the next one? She said well I'm not a cheap date and proceeded to order about ten Items from the menu. I asked her how she was going to eat all that food. She said she would box it to go. I told her she made a big mistake and asked her to lose my number as I walked out leaving her at the table.

Wow. Just wow.

... been there, too! It makes me wonder if any guy anywhere goes along with this.

oh wow!! how rude from her!!! I always offer to help with the bill..

that is really crass and are smart to walk could anyone have the guts to even think of such a thing? UGH!

@ProudMary hahahaha


Almost all of my guy friends have had a woman say, "I want to be married and pregnant within two years" on the first or second date.

Thank Zeus I'm older now and women don't look at me like a sperm bank.

I was setup with a woman who was talking about pregnancy in the first 10 minutes. Good atheist girl, too bad her bio clock was ticking so damned hard.

Another woman PROMISED she'd NEVER come after child support and offered unlimited sex until she was knocked up.


An unwarranted criticism of another person.


That she is a: 1. Trump supporter or otherwise solidly conservative, 2. Believer of creation science, 3. Scientologist, 4. Rascal Flatts fan, or 5. New England Patriots fan.


" there's too much garlic in the salsa." 😉

NerdyB Level 4 June 27, 2018

Everyone needs to watch, "Full Disclosure." 17 minutes of clarity.

JacarC Level 8 June 28, 2018

That was a great little mini-movie! Thanks!

That was soooo good!


Your premise is faulty..."you're on a date". I don't know what that means.


Where do you see yourself in five years?

Not on the first date, maybe but I'd have this chat with anyone I was getting serious about.

on the other side


That she is a tRump supporter.



"My ex was a drug-dealing, nazi. " And then she defended her involvement with him.


"Bend over. I think you'll like this."

JacarC Level 8 June 28, 2018

how can this be wrong?


Could be a thousand things...


If they said (and one did!):
“I’m a tRump fan and I don’t like black people.”
Fast exit.


"We should see a dc movie next time!"


He has to go home to send the babysitter home. I'm not looking for someone who has children still at home.


Well... She came out and picked me up. It's unusual, you know, girl coming out spontaneously to pick up a guy. We went out, place was a bit of a dump, but we we're chatting, and laughing, and I was having fun. She brought tea. How cool is that? Chicken, chips and salad... but it's the way that she got me to stay the night. What she said, before bed. "You're being charged for drunk and disorderly conduct". It was all good. I got a caution. ?
Yeah... I'll take love where I find it.



I got tired of dating strippers and porn stars, they get me but we just don't have the same much money do you make?



Hi, Vmedel,

If the person were to mention Trump of religion in a favorable light, that would be when I suddenly remember I have a previous appointment and take my leave.

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