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How often do you exercise?

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Hermit 7 June 30

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lifting a tall one is just about my extent of working out. lol


I exercise everyday...but that is because I am currently trying to lose weight. I started mid-September 2017 at 426.3 lbs, I weighed in this morning at 244.4 lbs. So it has worked so far. Once I get to maintenance phase, I will probably still exercise 3 - 4 times per week.

@Jlangston70 Thanks!
Just wanted to be transparent as to the reason why I am right now, and that it won't be my level in normal course of life.


I just started trying to get healthier about 2 months ago. I walk almost every day, sometimes it's walking inside up & down my hallway. I swim now every day, most days at least 2 or 3 times. Lost 20 pounds .


Good work!

good for you!


How the heck are we supposed to fit in any exercise when we’re on here every waking minute?

At least our thumb gets some exercise


Five miles walking five days a week, plus however many miles I clock up in my day job. My photographer colleague at the weekend has a fitness tracker thingy and reckons we clock up around 12 miles at most events, so in an average week I'm walking at least 37 miles.

Jnei Level 8 June 30, 2018

you must look like a gazelle


HIIT three times a week and weights three times a week. And I hate it.

That is a lot. How long has that been your routine?

You hate it? What's up with that? You ever get to the states I promise to show you how to have fun working out!?


The HIIT takes about fifteen minutes, with three bursts of intensity lasting 20 seconds

The weights are just some dumbells. That's takes about five or ten minutes.


I miss regularly exercise. Bring disabled is no fun.

I am so sorry, I have just left a jocular post above here, and now I realise how lucky I am to have full use of my body. You make me feel ashamed that I don’t take more exercise and look after my body better. I do hope you are finding this site as much fun as I am and wish you the very best in friendship.

@Marionville I would never want anyone to feel ashamed. In the end no one is perfect and we could have always done something better. That's just life.
And yes, I like this site.


My job is pretty strenuous. Try heaving up someone's 75 lbs of ass cheek so you can clean them up and see how much you feel like lifting weights when you get home. In the cooler months, I do 3-4 miles 3-4 times a week at a very brisk walk (have a partial knee and no running or pavement pounding per ortho doc). In the summer, I swim hard against swim jets 3-4 times a week). I am hoping at some point I have some better access and time for gym, but I do a lot of heavy lifting as it is.

My fitbit thingie pings on the 10,000 steps by about 5pm on my 12 hour shift most workdays.


A short morning session and some sort of informal work during the day. Twice a week at the gym. Wlak or bike whenever I can.


I walk everyday

Even when it rains?


I lift weights three days a week. Generally walk or do some sort of cardio class daily. I give my self one weekend day to veg out and do nothing, except I might do a little gardening or house cleaning.

I used to use weights, but I tweaked my back one too many times. Now I use a pull up bar and suspension straps.


I'll go to the gym and lift weights 5-7 days a week. I walk at least 5 miles every day.

I didn’t really start working out till my early 40s. I was still into abusing my body in my 30s.

@Hermit I'm glad you are taking care of yourself now. Better late than never. 🙂


In average 4, 5 days sometimes less sometimes more.


3 to 5 days a week


I run a handyman Landscape Maintenance Service all I do is exercise


4-5 days a week, I can get a good swim in and/or a 12 mile bike ride. I'm lucky that I have a pool and a bike path that goes right by my driveway. I used to go to the gym, but it's too far away and expensive. I do fine with some home exercises when I get in the mood to do them.


Spasmodic was not an option. I just finished walking 100 miles over 5 days and I'm not doing anything for a week.

Spasmodic would be a great answer for me as well. I just came home from a camping road trip that included daily exercise. I have 3 days rest before another exercise filled trip.


I walk 3 miles outside at least 5 days a week, ,Summer and Winter. I was a runner for 12 years and a walker for the next 25. I have a beautiful trail where I walk and look forward to it every day.


Not enough.


Trying to get in shape so I'm working out and eating right (most of the time).


Usually every day.


Every day unless I'm ill.


I count walking the dogs, and chasing small humans, as exercise.


Just by daily piddling around my house. I do enjoy taking short walks in Spring and Fall.


I don't kow if it counts but I garden every day even in the rain.


I walk the dogs two miles everyday. Last night we didn't walk until 11pm and it was still hot and humid.

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