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LINK Half of America Doesn't Know That Auschwitz Was a Concentration Camp - Being Liberal

A reverend friend of mine posted this link on FB this morning.
I can't - and won't - watch the video, but if these numbers are true they illustrate part of the reason that hate groups are so easily growing in numbers.
This memory, this truth, has to be remembered by not only by my Jewish family....but by ALL families.
My millennials did not learn about the Holocaust in public school. It was my responsibility to inform them.

Addendum: I saw a similar post after I shared this,I need to avoid that repetition. sorry.
As always such a post brings out the bigots...I forget sometimes that no place is immune. Saddens me each time.

AmiSue 8 July 4

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Half of America is Dumber than Dirt and the Education system is designed to keep them that way, ignorant and compliant worker bees.


What do they think it was?


i know and its unacceptable that they think its all made up they can't see what is happing now and similarities


OMG how could they not know?


Do you blame the parents or the public school system? Both?

Want to make a difference? Run for your school board, become a teacher, get involved in summer education programs at your local library and community groups, etc.


The other Half still believes that Columbus Discovered America.

probably the same half...

Another of the continually perpetuated myths.

@SkotlandSkye probably are the same people

@NothinnXpreVails that's what I said

@SkotlandSkye that’s why I tagged you... I was in agreement

Funny because the native peoples knew that it was here all along. 😀


Years ago, Jay Leno had a Jaywalking segment where he asked a bunch of people "who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?", and nobody knew. He then asked "who lives in a pineapple under the sea?", and everybody knew.


The ongoing genocide being committed by Israel against Palestine is something also not well known by Americans who for the most part think that Israel is not only Jewish but a democracy. As a Jew, it is important to me to remember all peoples who have been persecuted. Yes the holocaust should be remembered but so should the Armenians, Palestinians (Nakba), American Indians, Bosnia, Rwanda,.... The list is long.

It is refreshing to see this, especially coming from a person who is a Jew. We can try to make amends for the genocides of the past and we need to stop the genocides of the present and prevent further genocides in the future. Banning all religions would be a good step in the right direction because they are usually at the heart of the matter or at least aiding and abetting these crimes against humanity.


Half of America would vote for a turtle in the Whitehouse as long as it was rich.

a turtle of any species would be a vast improvement over what is there now !


A topic like this is often brushed aside cause many schools don t bother mentioning it. , And thats a problem in and of itself. People in Germany and Poland claim at the time they had no idea it was going on , i don't buy that. On the bigotry and racism stuff . That hate is thought to kids , when growing up ,they arent born with it. Many people probably would like to See another Reich rise, as disturbing as that sounds. Unfortunately the Sane and good people have to rise above the sick people and fight , Darkness rising and the light to Meet it!


A topic like this is often brushed aside cause many schools don t bother mentioning it. , And thats a problem in and of itself. People in Germany and Poland claim at the time they had no idea it was going on , i don't buy that. On the bigotry and racism stuff . That hate is thought to kids , when growing up ,they arent born with it. Many people probably would like to See another Reich rise, as disturbing as that sounds. Unfortunately the Sane and good people have to rise above the sick people and fight , Darkness rising and the light to Meet it!


ameriKKKan schooling.


I teach it every year. And Auschwitz complex contained some 40 camps and sub-camps. If anyone wants fascinating reading about the camps, I'd suggest 'Into That Darkness' by Gitta Sereny.


I'm probably going to get a lot of verbal abuse for this.... but what the heck!!!
The Nazis did ethnic cleansing. No argument.
And it was a horror. But it's just one of countless examples of this very dark side of humanity. Every government I can think of has done it. It's unfortunately, how we as a species are wired. That's not a excuse for this. But it is reality.

Everything you say is truth. We, however, have the ability to overcome man's inhumanity to man. Whether it ever happens or happens before we annihilate ourselves is yet to be seen. I am not encouraged.

Lynn, I think we might have the ability.
I just don't think we have the desire.

As I have mentioned elsewhere in this forum, I'm currently (yes, still) reading ... WOUNDED KNEE. Also, as I've previously stated, it's a very difficult read as it virtually chronicles the genocide of Native Americans. This is another story everyone should be intimately familiar with, as it happened on our own soil, as did the enslavement, torture, and institutional oppression of Africans and African Americans. We need to come to terms with these atrocities before we can advance as a culture and civilization; and I'm not sure we have or ever will.


That is our education system. In the 90's l was looking at a high school history book in Texas, and they dedicated one not very long paragraph to the Vietnam War. One of the seminal events in our history, completely changing the trust the people had in their government. I could not believe it. So l am not surprised. I wish l didn't have to say that.


It was not just a concentration camp. It was a death factory. No hyperbole. Human beings were transported to Auschwitz for the sole purpose of being killed.

Thousands were regularly transported by train to the giant sprawling complex of Auschwitz (Stammlager) and Auschwitz Birkenau with German industrial precision.

Italian prisoner Primo Levi survived Auschwitz and wrote about it. Photos of inmates taken by Wilhelm Brasse (someone should make a film about him) haunt the viewer. Once seen, they can never be unseen.

And the insane psyche that defines fascism is revealed in 'Playing For Time' starring Vanessa Redgrave.

The suffering and barbarity is undeniable. Auschwitz was hell on earth. But so too were many other camps. The common denominator between them all was the people who ran them. Their personality. Their ideology.

Stanley Milgram's psychological experiments from the 1960s aimed to discover how the Holocaust could have happened if most people are good.

The depressing conclusion he arrived at was that most people are easily controlled by authority. Only a small minority are brave enough to stand up to authority. Contemporary narratives have broken the dynamic down into a battle between Psychopaths, Apaths and Empaths. (A crude, simplistic tool, but still useful.)

Psychopaths, Sociopaths, Narcissists (10%).
Apaths (60%).
Empaths (30%).

The 10% control the 60%.

From above, the faint hint of a curve of a railway track that once linked to the Birkenau camp is still visible on Google maps. It would be foolish to assume the physical decay of these historical sites equals a parallel decay of the ideology.

The ruling class will always prefer fascism over socialism.


I agree it is a shame that we forget. I might add that Jews never mention the 5.3 or 5.4 million other people (not Jewish) who were slaughtered by the Nazis. Or that Stalin slaughtered 20 million Jews in the 1920's. History is about convenience not reality. Without looking it up: how many people were slaughtered by the Khmer Rouge?

“I might add that Jews...”

There’s no ‘’might add.’ You actually did add that. What you really are is a f*ing ahole anti-Semite.

@Hermit You are saying I'm anti-Semite because I added the other people slaughtered to the 6 million Jews slaughtered?

@AmiSue I suppose I could be wrong -- however all I ever see is the 6 million Jews slaughtered without any mention of the other people killed


The Holocaust is a horrific blight on the history of human kind. The atrocities committed there are unthinkable for me. The mixture of authoritarian rule and sadism is lethal. We should all be aware and be on our guards to fight it whenever it appears. I'm fearful about the current condition of the world at this time. I'll do everything I can do to fight against it. I hope others who can see the danger will do the same.

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