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Why have people become so gullible to accept lies as facts? Has the media of today aided in this aceptance?

Marine 8 July 5

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The Media has TOTALLY enabled this with their #BOTHSIDES. Sometimes, one side is fact based and the other is FOS, but that's not how things are reported.


The Media has TOTALLY enabled this with their #BOTHSIDES. Sometimes, one side is right and the other is FOS, but that's not how things are reported.


I find a positive correlation between religious (use faith (belief without evidence) ) to find their "Truth" and those gullible to accept lies as facts. Same old same old. Every Trump support I have encountered is a devout theist. In every case, truth has no bearing on their evaluation of what Trump is doing to our country.


Confirmation bias: when people accept and/or believe that which does not make them uncomfortable, or conflict with their current beliefs. E.g., I enjoy hearing about "scientific" studies/reports that extol the benefits of a food, or beverage I like; for instance, coffee, red wine, and dark chocolate are now said to be good for one (in moderation, of course).

For some reason this phenomenon has expanded to political thinking and because of the extreme polarization we are seeing today, and the veritable flood of information from infinite sources, people sort of shut down and take the path of least resistance, I think. It's kind of like going to the supermarket for cereal and finding an entire aisle of different cereals; which one do you choose? Usually, it will be the brand/type you are used to, or that fits with your preferences, right?

Yes, the media has contributed to this, as that is where most people get their information, not through direct experience.


Some people only accept what they want to hear, or look for an excuse not to blame themselves.


Media does its damage, of course, but people didn't "become" gullible.

We've always been this way.

One only has to look at organised to see how far back that trait really extends.

Agree. ☝?


The ruling class owned media is mostly responsible. That's why the ruling class own it. Their media grooms the public to accept enemies, wars, poverty and inequality.

The only thing that bypasses their propaganda is social media. But they're going after that now.


Yes, I think media plays a big part. Take the National Enquirer for example. I think this publication set the basis for today's ignorance and acceptance of fake news.


One of the things I hate about the information age, is that people don't for the most part use any critical thinking when trying to find out if something is true or not. Most usually go to some site that they like and look for what they want to hear. to the extent that A paper from a nobel winner, is on par with some either some conspiracy theory nut, or something like that gives just as much weight to one another.

I was taught a long time ago that if I really want to know something, I should look up many different sources and deduce my findings from that which gives the most evidence.

I've seen in many debates about god, or religion, creationism etc. the believers will pretty much go to 'Answers in Genesis', spout off a quote that some appologetics moron writes. Where as those that are more Science minded, will in fact look up many articles or papers to make their point.

Skepticism is important.


It has happened before, particularly during the great depression. Yes, Fox News, Breitbart and Sinclair have abeted this selling of lies and fake news. Without those 3 propaganda machines there would be few vehicles for spreading the lies.

And other news outlets not countering them, rather they feel cowed into giving liars and mouthpieces serious time on their shows, in the interest of 'balance'.


Ignorance is more prevalent than knowledge. YouTube, et al have given it a voice. Too often, stupid ideas are given almost equal consideration to good ones. In this day and age, where 3 - 6 humans have been living in space, non-stop for the past 18 years or more, are there really so many people that still think the earth is flat? I don't think so. Then why do I keep hearing about such people? Nobody reports that your house didn't burn down today. It's only reported when it does.


I often find that when someone has accepted something that is false, usually it is accepted without evidence or on weak evidence. This plus our natural disposition to assume we are right or at least mostly right leads to some pretty crazy interpretations of the truth. It is actually pretty easy to explain when you look at child psychology. Children come up with wild reasons and conclusions to explain the world around them. This is because this is what they are capable at their developmental level. This does not change when we are adults with the exception that we can autonomously direct or learning to acquire the proper information to explain our world.


I think in part is because all major media is owned by major money and objective researched reporting is not common, and in all likelihood is discouraged.


of course


The people of today are accepting lies as facts to their own detriment. This is true of many trumpie followers and also of many in the democratic party. We have lost the power of the press who once stood for the people in fact checking the policies presented to the people. They once called it muckraking but it did in many cases protect he people.It seems that today we have nice looking reporters who just repeat the same thing over and over to the point it becomes fact. Where have the investigative reporters gone? Does the news media no longer have any desire to protect the people.It seems all they report are the easy to get stories about shootings, accidents fires and other disasters and repeat the same boring stories of trumpie using talking heads until one becomes sick. Please press become the protectors of the people like you once were. Stop acting like the big corporations you have become.

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