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Are you a loyal partner?

There is less loyalty in our community and in our relationships. And temptations are everywhere. However, I think there are some people loyal in any situations. Are you one of them?

Sensiwoman7 6 July 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Loyal friend, loyal partner, l don't have much to do with the community.


Yes, definitely loyal. When I am with someone I don't give any other guy the "boyfriend" attention. I've been cheated on so I know what it feels like. But in today's society you really have to talk to your partner about what is deemed as cheating in that relationship. Some people view porn as cheating other feel that (although innocent) flirtatious texting with friends of the opposite sex to be cheating. Ultimately boundaries need to be set up within the relationship so that expectations are known beforehand.

Lanx Level 4 July 11, 2018

Well stated.


What's the point of even having a relationship if you're not?

Self gain.

@Carin I don't see it as such, but then that's not my thing, either.

I don't have a relationship right now, but maybe I had in the past πŸ˜‰

@chilehead9 Mine either, but it seems to be for a lot of people.

@chilehead9 Not my thing either!


When I love someone it’s absolute. Nothing will get me to cheat on my lady. I went several years without sex as I watched health issues drag my fiancΓ©e down until she finally lost her fight.

PaulD Level 5 July 12, 2018

Ohh, so sorry for your lost..

@Sensiwoman7 Thank you. I hope you have a great day

What a dude xxxxx

@LolaOrlando Thank you, I’ve felt the pain from that type of betrayal. Plus I’m just not like that.


I have always been a very loyal partner & friend. Often it is not appreciated or returned. Once I'm done with someone like that, I am DONE.

Carin Level 8 July 12, 2018

Assuming loyal is in the sense of dedicated and trustworthy not subservient. I would say if one lacks loyalty, one could not call themselves a partner anyhow.

You're right!


Less loyalty in our community? I feel like the opposite is true.

That said, once a person is mine (in any context: family, friend, lover, partner), they are mine and I am fiercely loyal and love deeply. It takes a lot to become mine, because that level of loyalty leaves a person open to hurt deeply, and I'm not trying to get hurt...

Yes I agree with you


Absolutely! I have been with myself all my life and plan on being with me until the end!

Haha, good point!


Very loyal.

Honor and integrity are the only things life cannot take away


Unfortunately us loyal and faithful men are going extinct.

That's true, unfortunately..


I don't understand why you would say "there is less loyalty in our community and in our relationships". What are you basing that pronouncement on?


I cheated on a girl when I was 17 and learnt my lesson. Been cheated on a couple of times since then and learnt a lot from that too!

Salo Level 7 July 11, 2018

I'm extremely loyal. When I was with my ex I was faithful for 12 years. I only date one girl at a time. Its inefficient but I can at least give that person my full concentration. I could be wrong I am new to this dating thing.


Do you mean loyal as in honest and consistent or loyal as a euphemism for monogamous?

I took it as both, & more than that even. Protecting your partner, helping them & looking after their best interests.

@Carin All that seems kind of standard issue just friendly behavior for anyone I would consider a friend. So, yeah. I couldn't imagine why a godless person would be any more or less inclined to want to create civilized situations with others. We aren't antisocial because we don't believe in Santa Claus.

I have to confess; seeing someone put protect in that list is a curious thing that must be rooted in something primal. While I'd be willing to physically protect someone I care about, I've never had to.

@Carin being monogamous is overrated. If that's what people want, then great. If people can both be honest about their preferences and be comfortable with that, then that's great, too. If that's loyalty, then I didn't get the memo... sounds like unnecessary suppression...

@HonkyBMcfunky Thanks--I didn't necessarily mean to physically protect, although that's certainly important. I was mostly thinking along the lines of standing up for your spouse if there are in-law problems, shielding them from experiences that you know would be upsetting for them--things like that. Things that occur a lot more often than muggings or pit bull attacks.


Yes. Loyalty and honesty are critical qualities for any friendship, let alone a romantic relationship.


I don't know that there are that many disloyal people. I think the loyal ones waste time with disloyal people, as the disloyal ones are out messing with everyone else. The exposure skews the ratio.


My wife and I are "fiercely monogamous" .
It's a core part of our "mission statement".
We've been together for 22 years.
And we like it this way.

@Fanburger really?


You can be whatever ... I am not judging. I will always expect the same in return


27 years with my late wife,never had the urge to stray(probably had the chance,but followed the command " Forsaking all others" in the wedding vows). Loyalty to a fault I suppose......


Id say yes loyalty and integrity are conerstones of my person until resently i was in a 6 year relationship wich i ended after finding out that she was not and i stil have good friends that help me trough all of it sometimes the ones that play you are the ones closes to you but it doesent mean you don't have other loyal poeple in your life or that you should not be loyal just focus your energy on those who are and those who show you they deserve your loyalty


Yes I am


When in a relationship, I'm extremely loyal. I would never cheat.


Very much so


Yes, I was disloyal once as a teen and felt totally rotten about it. Have never done it since, I'd rather leave than do that it just feels like the wrong thing to me.

On reading the responses it seems that either the premise for the question is faulty or only pretty loyal types answered πŸ™‚


Yes! But the older I get, the harder it is to be that loyal.

Ohh, why?

@Sensiwoman7 Life happens and every time you get disappointed or back-stabbed, it takes a little longer before I can be that trusting again. At least with me it's like that.


That's good!

Are you?

@Gatovicolo yes, if I have a partner πŸ˜‰

@Gatovicolo yes, if I have a partner πŸ˜‰

That’s reasonable.

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