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What kind of Atheist are you?


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WeaZ 7 July 12

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My bad. I'm a passive atheist. But that's close to being an agnostic, I think.


I wish you had an option for someone who is staunchly atheist, but doesn't have a need to insert that into everyone's throat.

And I share your point all the way.

ME, too! .... Let's think of a in "Non-evangelical?"

@LucyLoohoo unobjectionable-atheist.


I identify as an Alcoholic Atheist - religious people drive me to drink!

Strabo Level 6 July 12, 2018

And some people think religion is useless!

@David1955 Cheers!


Active atheist, militant anti-theist.
Being anti-theist is much more important to me than merely being an atheist.


I’m just an atheist. Nothing else. I’m out about it. Not ashamed of it. Not trying to convert anyone. Passionate re separation of church and state. Would be happy to see religion disappear. Just an atheist.


Live and let live.


I don't know the exact definitions of each of these. But without looking them up, I would say Passive. I just live my life; not trying to make other people atheists; don't go looking for debates or arguments or rallies; as long as other people don't use their religion to hurt, discriminate, or coerce/guilt others then I'm fine with their beliefs

Get out of my head!
Seriously though, I have to agree with this. Don't want nobody up in my business and I return the favour.


Theists have truths without proof, therefore, the opposite of is a double negative. Most everyone would accept truth with proof making the word atheist literally one of the dumbest things ever made up by theists.

mt49er Level 7 July 13, 2018

I fantasize about being militant but I’m passive because I’d worry about my truck being vandalized by religious people. I don’t like confrontation.


Active, as in I don't go lookin for trouble, I'm not invitin trouble in for coffee & conversation but if trouble does not carry itself away from me when I ask nicely, it will walk away with a quickness when I call it on its BS. I'm middle age, its hot, humid, I can't have my favorite summer adult beverages because of gluten & fon't get me started on the dearth of cuddlef*ck in my life right, I miss my dog.


I don’t understand the choices.

I’m an nontheist, that doesn’t push my non belief on others and doesn’t search out opportunities to be preached at.


An old bald one!


I'm more tolerant of passively delusional people than I am of fanatics who make others pay for their delusions or cynics who ally themselves with fanatics for their own gain.

Religious fanatics have a penchant for outlandish drama that triggers instant, valid condemnation. The notorious Phelps family sing hymns that don't scan outside military funerals, while brandishing banners saying "God Hates Fags". Misfit jailbirds mow down pedestrians in trucks for nookie in the afterlife. Abortion doctors get blown to smithereens because Jesus, apparently, was a fetus-fetishist, and murdering the 'right' person, apparently is pro-life.

But there also are non-religious fanatics. Some are dramatic, such as the mass-murdering Maoists with their little red books full of impenetrable gibberish. But others go under the radar and are part of the mainstream. You have the money-worshipping neo-liberal bankers prepared to crash the world economy for a decent bonus. Or the "patriots" prepared to cheer on any war so they can feel great again (and maybe get a good deal on oil.)

The Bush advisor, Karl Rove, was a fanatical neo-con and an atheist. The "Hitch" - who had a fine intellect - was a cheerleader for the Iraq war.

We all are deluded in one way or another. When confronted with our delusions, we humans tend to put our hands on ears and go nananananana, Before I bought a house, my brother told me that prices were over-inflated and a crash was inevitable. He made a sequence of very valid points to justify his position. He might as well have been warning the head of Lehmann Brothers about liquidity problems. I wanted that house. So I chose to believe he was a party-pooping neg head.

I hope if I harbour delusions today, someone will tell me and I will listen.

I have more in common with liberal, secularist believers than I have with Karl Rove. Being 'wrong' on the God debate doesn't make someone bad, any more than being 'right' makes someone good. Nor does it necessarily make me globally smarter than another person.

Think about it. Everybody harbours some delusions. So sneering at non-threatening believers is likely hypocritical.


I'm a little of each depending on the situation. I volunteer at a free breakfast feeding the homeless and hungry sponsored by a Presbyterian church. When they pray I remain silent. So I'm passive.

I'm a devout atheist so I am sometimes evangelical and speak my truth.

I attend atheist meetings and Humanist meetings. I've written letters to the editor of newspapers correcting misunderstandings about atheism or showing the error of faith belief. So I'm activist.

I donate money to secular candidates and atheist organizations. Not so militant.


I have no gods, if others have the need for one/many, whatever, I couldn't give a flying f***; just don't try to foist it on me.


I go one step farther than passive to an apathetic agnostic atheist.


I never have pushed my atheist beliefs on anyone, including my daughter. Her father is an atheist, too.

We raised Claire to be kind, considerate, polite and respectful toward others. We taught her by example.

"I'm an atheist, too," Claire said at 22.

Most of my friends are Christian. They love me for who I am. They never hassle me about my lack of religion.

I don't push my atheism on my daughter either but I do try to plant seeds. She says nothing about my lack of belief but listens and even spent time with me while I attended the FFRF convention when it was in LA.


Agnostic. I don't know and I don't care that I don't know.


Depends on my mood and even more on who is around me.

When I'm with atheist friends, why would I be militant? What are we opposing?

When with my chill religious family or friends, still fairly chill.

The few times I've met asshole theists, I might respond in kind if there's utility....or fun


Actively working to give people fact-based reasons to doubt the religious balderdash gain a better understanding of nature.


I guess I would be passive. Since I was never raised with a religion, I don't have the anger and need to convert people around me.

GwenC Level 7 July 12, 2018

I say I'm passive w atheism. It's not my job to save souls so I don't try to change what people believe. The only time it really comes up in my life is if someone is pushy with their beliefs and I have to stand my ground. I must brag--no one has ever won the religion argument with me. ? I like to think my debating skills are so advanced they're legendary. No fool dare to cross that turf. So I can rest easy in my passiveness like a legend should..... ~this is what I tell myself anyway~

HAHA! Love this!


I was born atheist like everyone else... Fortunately I had never fall for any dogmas, so I remained a free thinker, a skeptic and a humanist.


Just me being me.
Open to discussion, annoyed by persuasion, angerd by evangelism, militant on separation of church state.


A friendly atheist and a thinking atheist, just like my 2 favorite podcasts.


I'm the kind that's always ready to stand up for reason and logic. I try to be polite while not pulling any punches. I'm ready to engage in respectful debate at all times. I have a growing disdain for the willfully delusional, and for those involved in child indoctrination.

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