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Upon the inevitable...,.

Upon your eventual demise, do you wish to be buried or creamated? Both? Are you an organ donor?

cercatrova 6 Jan 5

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Cremated. I have advised my kids that I do not wish to take up more space in death than I did in life. I am also an organ donor, should anything be viable upon my demise.


I am being cremated. I have a place I want my ashes spread to get the last of me back into circulation. Yes, I am an organ donor but I specified for transplant not research.


I am an organ donor as hopefully my parts and pieces could help someone else. As far as what happens to my body after I die, I really don't care. It could be "properly" respected or fed to dogs I won't be too concerned about then.


I want to be cremated. I have told my family I do not want to be buried. I also do not care what they do with my ashes. I do not want a funeral and all the bs that goes with it. If my son's want a memorial of some kind, fine.
If they bury me and I was wrong and there is an afterlife, I will come back and haunt them!!


I am an organ donor. My plan is to be cremated and have my ashes spread somewhere in the mountains. Exact place to be determined. I want my family to have a party and not some depressing receiving of friends/funeral. I hate going to those! I don't want people dreading to come see me. A lively party with stories sounds perfect.


I am a blood donor and registered as a potential bone marrow donor while alive. When I die (hopefully not too soon), I have requested my wife to donate everything that is possible, then turn whatever is left to a university (they really lack bodies to study on). I do not want a grave in any case at all and possibly not even a headstone or anything like that.


Of course I'm an organ donor - whyever not? For the rest, the cheapest and most efficient way of redistributing my atoms would be greatly appreciated.


Couldn't give a toss about what they do with my dead body.
I carry a donor card in the UK -- if my dead body is any use at all, be my guest to do whatever.


Cremation. No service. No celebration of my death by those who helped kill me. Believe that!


I am an organ donor. They can take whatever is usable and cremate the rest. I have told my children they can then scatter my ashes in whatever place they find meaningful.


Cremated, ashes scattered. No service of any kind.


They can take out whatever re-usable parts that are still good, then send the body to the Body Farm in Virginia !


I want to donate my body to science. This isn't organ donation, but rather for things like medical education, organ studies, forensics (decomposition), etc.... In this way, my entire body would be utilized for the greater good. I've looked into it, but haven't set it up yet.

@witchymom Damn. This does beg the question, was that body kept so long due to lack of donors? It's one of the factors I considered in my decision. As much as we often hear about the need for organ donors, I rather suspect the need for whole body donations isn't being met either.


I am an organ donor. Actually in an uncharacteristically smart move the UK government recently made organ donation an opt-out rather than opt-in system.

As for my remains... I dunno, honestly I don't care that much, I'd probably say burial in a biodegradable coffin since it's the most eco friendly.

@Rufus_Maximus Ijust recently found that there is a crematorium here in Denver,CO that will take you in a cardboard box.

@Duke I think that's quite common here. I like the idea of the bugs eating me though, good for them!


Buried in my backyard not my family's plot in a Jewish cemetary.


Cremated. And, I'm an organ donor. Who wouldn't want a piece of this? LOL

Duke Level 8 Jan 5, 2018

EXCELLENT answer. I’m stealing it.

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