Wore ankhs when I was a Christian, still wear them now, still get asked if it is a Celtic cross, some peoples are idiots.
mostly ignorant
Don't quote me on this but I recall somewhere discovering that the Celtic cross derived from the Coptic cross which in turn was developed from the ankh. Not sure but the Coptic/Egyptian connection might make some sense
They have always been freaky to me. And that's coming from a weirdo...
Hey! I resemble that remark!!
I'm telling on you! (Typed really loudly) Donotbelieve is being honest at me!!!
But... But.... But.... Mooooooooooom!
@Donotbelieve You made my nose run all over the screen.
@Donotbelieve Hahahaha! Ok meaniehead.
I absolutely love that poster Malcolm in the Middle was one of my favorite shows
nope...I collect them and Madonnas still because I like the art and the iconic symbol...
I never ask out a woman wearing them as jewellery
take out the second "L" just to make sure.
I like them if they are upside down.
Me, too!
Given that the Christian cross represents a fast-tracked version of a relatively common and brutal Roman criminal execution method, no. It's already pretty horrific and ironic before you even add the concept of sacrificing a demigod to appease mob mentality and political influences.
They always give me the creeps. I get the same exact feeling looking at pictures of those medevil torture devices. Yeesh. Might as well wear a guillotine around your neck. . Pun intended.
What? Did I spend any time, ever, thinking about them? Do NOT understand this question!
Not really ruined, but I see it for it's reality now: a torture device. I attach no magical propensities to it. Just a tiny replica of a torture device.
Whether you want to admit it or not we live in a judeo-christian society surround us regardless of what we might want the only point that matters is what significance we choose to place upon them . What are we going to do refuse to use because it says in God we trust on it . We as atheists must except that icons are part of our culture