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Did you ever have someone or something significant show up in your life when you least expected it?

I'm not talking about miracles, because I don't believe in that. But I feel sometimes things show up when we're ready to see them, whether or not they were something we were looking for.

bleurowz 8 July 13

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Yeah. I was really broke near Xmas and found $60 (in two different stores) laying on the floor.


Just today, I figured out how to attach my greenhouse to my tiny house by using an alcove or mudroom. I've been trying to solve that issue for a full year.


Yes and I love it when it happens.


I met my wife when I was 37. I expected to stay single. Good to be wrong, yeah! I had to add to this comment to say that she left me when I was sure we would stick it out with the marriage. Bad to be wrong, bummer!

A farmers horse runs away. Neighbor says “oh what terrible luck.” Farmer says “we’ll see.”

Horse returns with a whole herd of new wild stallion friends. Neighbor says “what good fortune!” Farmer says “we’ll see.”

Farmers son breaks his leg trying to tame the horses. Neighbor says “what terrible luck!” Farmer says “we’ll see.”

The draft brings every able bodied young man to war and the farmers son is safe. The neighbor says “what good fortune!” Farmer says “we’ll see...”

@Wurlitzer from an old Chinese proverb...


Yes. Things or people appeared when I needed them.

I get the concept when you say "sometimes things show up when we're ready to see them" but that still suggests our need was acting as a signal to invoke a greater work or higher power into .

I've also had people or things show up when it was the WORST time. We're humans, having a human experience on our small patch of earth. Things are bound to come in and out, at both the best and the worst times.

You never hear someone who believes in "the universe" say, "I was stranded in the middle of nowhere because my car broke down... and just when I'd lost all hope that someone would drive by, the universe brought me a thunderstorm."

I know that's not what you meant in your post, but people tend to mention things coming along when it's a good thing (not when it makes matters worse) - and attribute it to something more than it is.

Athena Level 8 July 14, 2018

I don't believe in "the universe," but if something shows up we don't expect I feel it's something subconscious that we're ready to see. I attribute a lot of this stuff to something we may not be in touch with internally.

The universe totally digs bringin me thunderstorms. I think its my vibe or my aura or somethin. ?‍♂️

@Wurlitzer []


I have an do live a very serendipitous life, so yes it has happened quite a few times, with both things and people.

Yes, serendipity! I couldn't remember the word.



It is called serendipity or chance happenings, usually applied when something good happens unexpectedly. Sometimes it is just being in the right place at the right time.

Yes, serendipity! I couldn't remember the word.

whats it called when it’s usually negative serendipity? Just shit luck? lol I think Ive got that one.


Yes. I wound up marrying her.


Like my profile says.... pay attention! Serendipity is real.

Yes, serendipity! I couldn't remember the word.


Yes. I met a man the month I filed for divorce. His name is in a tattoo on my hip. I stay in contact with him by email but I may never get to see him in person again. We discussed my tattoo for months before I got it. The tattoo is about my life change, not him.

I get it.


Almost all of them, really.


Yes. And he left my life the same way way.

I wasn't just thinking relationships, more about people or opportunities in general. But I'm sorry that happened to you.

@bleurowz One of life's lessons.




Of course. Always. Everyone does, even if they have been brainwashed to be "rational."

We are co-creators of our own universe..making our own reality.
What you believe, or fear, comes to you, since your focus on it makes it manifest, for good or for bad.

“Consciousness is fundamental, and matter is derived from consciousness." – Max Planck, theoretical physicist who originated quantum theory, 1918 Nobel Prize in Physics

Yes, that's sort of what I meant. Things show up when we're ready, whether we realize it or not.


Yes, and you can lose them in the same manner.

Not just talking about relationships, but yes that happens.


As some others said, yes, many times; and I could use one now.


Yes, frequently


Only once....when I ran into my youngest brother at a dance hall party for Latinos. A few years before we had "row"(as the Brits would say..)...a "row". Fast forward to the dance hall, I turn, there he is, and all is forgotten. "Brothers for Life"..


Trump as president!


Not anymore.

Sparks Level 3 July 13, 2018
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