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Theists and believers

OK so I'm new here and was wondering if theists or believers of god are allowed to join as well or if it's exclusive to atheists, agnostics, apateists, etc, etc. Just curious, don't really care either way.

sellinger 7 July 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I can only speak for myself, but you, and anyone, are welcome here. This is a community and I believe we are a welcoming community. Join in and let your thoughts be known.


They can, wish they wouldn't, but that's just me. There's enough of 'em in the real world without having them here. Some think that exposure here might change them. Never going to happen.


Another point is that "atheist" says nothing about whether you're anti-theist or to what degree. There are thoughtful posters here who do not take the simplistic view that all religion is equally squalid and harmful or that teaching children religious things is uniformly "child abuse".

Personally I take strong exception to authoritarian religion, particularly the Christian fundamentalism I was raised in and am most familiar with -- particularly given its immoral endorsement of Trumpism in exchange for the temporal power they once denounced as beneath them, so that they can get closer to their wet dream of a quasi-theocracy. But I recognize that some believers are far less arrogant and controlling, and as such are relatively harmless (if, at the same time, often failing to speak out against their more strident brethren). And I recognize that I don't have the right to infringe on anyone's freedom of thought, including freedom of religion, anymore than they have a right to infringe on my right to not believe.


They can join.

Believer, and Spiritual are tags that that can be selected to identify a person those are inclusive for theists.

As for an earlier post "Anybody is welcome" . . . I would not go that far. Theists that attempt to promote faith (belief without evidence) over science are in my books trolls that need to be decimated.

I disagree. If a theist wants to debate they should be more than welcome to if they're civil. Go ahead and decimate them, but it's not trolling. That's healthy debate.

My form of decimation is blocking. I have zero qualms about blocking annoyances -- and that includes god/religion promotions, no matter how careful and discreet.


Be prepared to debate honestly.


In the "settings" section there are three questions that pertain to your belief status.

The first asks, "Do you believe in a god?" The answer choices include "yes", "no," and "maybe."

The second asks you to rate your level of belief in a deity as a percentage, between 0% and 100%.

The third asks what term you think best describes you. "Believer" is one of the answer choices.

So it's possible for someone who self-identifies as a believer with 100% certainty in the existence of a deity to join. How many such people actually do is another question. I think it's a really small number. ?



I think it’s exclusive.. At least I remember checking a box stating something about not being religious. I’ve long assumed, though, that those lying to themselves about the existence of a being having any bearing on their life wouldn’t likely hesitate to lie in order to stalk our realm… They soon disappear, though - like magic 😉

PS, welcome to the jungle ~

Varn Level 8 July 15, 2018

@varn thx varn that's kinda what I thought, they're outnumbered here


There are a number of theists, science deniers, faith (belief without evidence) over facts (supported by evidence), etc. on these pages. When you run into these - - I have found it best to just ignore their stupidity.

Haven't seen one yet. Must be extinct ?

@sellinger I really wish that were the case.


Theists of one religion are atheists of another religion.

Also there is no reason why they shouldn’t be allowed in. But they will be the minority. I just hope this community has the maturity to ignore the trolls and not attack the naive.

This is a place of community and discussion. Believer or not, that shouldn’t change.


I think it's open to all.


Sure, but be prepared to be challenged. But, I assume you must be willing to be challenged or you wouldn't be here. What most agnostics/atheists on this site object to is theists coming on this website to save us poor infidels from the eternal torturous hell of a loving God.

I've been challenged by the best and the worst of them haha


Nobody checked my religious proclivities nor would what I think show up on a DNA test.

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