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What's something that is popular right now that annoys you?

Mea 7 July 16

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61 comments (26 - 50)

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People use the word organic to describe a vegetable. Technically it's all organic.

It's mostly a scheme to put a higher price on fruits and vegetables too.


The #DotardInChief...


pop music


50 Shades of Kardasian Pumpkin


Those spinner things!


The obsession with portable electronics.


Young women with dark bushy eyebrows. Surely there is a compromise between the super thin 90s brows and a totally unkempt old man brow.

GwenC Level 7 July 16, 2018

I disagree. Give me au natural eye brows. Bushy is sexy!

@CK-One no thanks. A 20-something young woman shouldn't have that same facial hair as my grandpa.


India Pale Ales. San Diego is like the craft beer capital of the US right now, but 90% of the beers produced here are IPAs, Double IPAs and triple IPAs. I guess that's what the kids like these days, but I could do without 'em. I would actually rather drink a bud light.

I am in agreement with a lot of the other comments I see here, too.




People constantly on their smartphones even when they are hanging out with friends


Bachelor and Bachelorette shows. Im all for Love, but going about it that way ,i really don't buy it! Its sad prime time tv has come to this


Unfortunately popular music, pop, country, and hip hop. Very, very little of it has legs.


Memes used for everything




I see most of what the general population fixates on as pointless and a distraction from reality.


Agree with many mentioned below, including: reality TV, Trump/Republicans (not sure how popular he/they are, but still), anti vaxxers and the "my ignorance is as good as your knowledge" attitude that permeates society; the rehashing of popular culture (we've had two or three Spider Mans in two decades, at least three Incredible Hulks, a new Star Trek series -- couldn't we make up new characters and new settings for once? Or just adapt other comic book characters to the big screen instead of trying to do it with others again and again (and look at how well The Black Panther did in its first big screen incarnation).

I'll add: the gluten-free craze and other fad diets to the list. I know some people need to be gluten free (celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, assuming that it's been properly diagnosed and not imagined by the self-diagnosed patient) and that some diets work better for some people (for the way they live their life, their personal dietary demons, etc.), and I do like cooking different foods, but I don't see a need to follow to paleo or low-carb or gluten-free diet just because.

Recently found out I have a gluten sensitivity after having a pretty severe reaction. I wish I could eat gluten, I miss all of the yummy foods.


Dabbing (not the cannabis kind)

Hermit Level 7 July 16, 2018



Karaoke contests thinly veiled as talent contests & people driving (especially newer cars) while they're on their cell phones. Figure out bluetooth pairing or have someone help you!


World Cup


...I might say Fidget Spinners ..had I ever knowingly seen one 🙂

More seriously, though, Up-speak, where the person talking ends every statement in the form of a question? Drives me nuts? ..makes me turn off NPR, frequently? ...hope it becomes a dated fad sooner than later..? 😕

Varn Level 8 July 16, 2018

sex without love

IAS1 Level 5 July 16, 2018

That's been around for as long as people have existed

..I've never been able to pull it off 😕

Recreational sex is just as exciting, pleasurable, satisfying and wonderful as any other and none of the baggage when it is over. Try it, you'll like it.

@Varn That is the only sex I will have and have done it that way for 50 years. However I feel that I "love" the woman while we share and enjoy the sexual experience together.

@jlynn37 I fall in love too easy.. But have always found love a prerequisite. I’m not knocking it otherwise, and should likely give it a try 🙂

@Varn Nothing ventured, nothing gained. It either works or it doesn't.

but when it is done u feel so empty from the core



DerekD Level 7 July 16, 2018



Several.. the political climate, religious hypocrisy and man buns.

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