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Incest: Immoral or Moral?

I was asked this question today by a theist. If there is no God why is safe sex between brother and sister immoral to an atheist? This guy was smart to add safe sex because it closed off my avenue to argue the health issue. So, I was thinking why is it immoral if it is consensual? I understand we find it gross but is that because of Christian influence?

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paul1967 8 Oct 12

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it's not healthy or natural in the animal kingdom mostly and I agree with nature. on a personal note, it just seems wrong.even like my brother's ex-partner seems wrong


as long as we're not talking about sex with younglings, i have no opinion between the moral/immoral argument for other consenting family members. as for me and a family member, i still won't go so far as to judge it moral nor would still be a consensual choice, but WRONG for me.

i'm the same with sex with multiple partners. i see no moral/immoral argument, but it's wrong for me.


Because, in reality, a child is always possible no matter how safe sex. It’s best to just stay away from that. I guess, if it was theoretically impossible, then do what you want.


Typically this involves a child. That’s the reason for the taboo. It’s psychologically damaging to a child. As for cousins, it’s their affair.


Morality is a construct of cultural ideology, sociology, and religious conditioning. QE2 married her cousin and family intermarriage was abundant in many cultures. Morality is a reflection of how we've been taught some actions are ethically wrong and a flaw in character. As a humanist, if consent isn't violated and no one is hurt, I couldn't care less what the wizard behind the curtain thinks.




I don't really see it as a moral issue tbh, thought it is pretty gross.


Option 3: Amoral. I don't consider it a moral or immoral act. Most of us have a strong, innate aversion to incest among close relatives, and maybe that's ingrained as beneficial for spreading out the gene pool, but that alone doesn't make it immoral. There is some risk to genetic disorders, but it's not as high as some people think, only marginally higher than the general population. But, I'd argue that incest itself is distinct from the choice to procreate and should be treated separately in terms of morality. In the Middle Ages, I think, a theologian claimed that incest was wrong because work wouldn't get done. That seems like an unsatisfying reason, but could be a consideration in terms of its moral status. But I don't think of it as moral, either. To claim something is moral is not just to say it's not immoral, but that there's some intrinsic good that the act entails and that it would be a benefit to people to engage in the act. (If the situation we're different and a brother and sister we're the only survivors and thought they had an obligation to repopulate the earth, then incest could be considered a moral act because it would be necessary to achieve that ostensible good. I disagree with the premise, however, so even in that case I'd be loathe to call it a moral act.) So, I say it's an amoral act, but one I still don't want to engage in.


Honestly,. I don't think morality is the issue here. Birth defects are. Personally I could care less if a brother bonks his sister, but if they breed it's going ot lead to some very serious problems...ones they probably can't afford that my taxes will have to take care of. I'm very much on the side of parents with disabled kids or children with birth defects except when those birth defects were knowingly done. I don't stand with parents who birthed a fetal alcohol baby, I don't stand with parents that brought crack babies into the world and I don't stand with iincestual couples who breed kids with birth defects. If you're family and want to f*ck, get fixed. Then you can do whatever you want.


Stepping away from religion is easy for me but I am not an atheist. Please remember that my comment is strictly opinion based. On the subject of incest, I consider it immoral, there are so many people out there in the world for someone to find a mate. The fact that a family has a bond that we all respect and understand is something to take into account. Say a brother and sister commence in the sexual act together and become pregnant. should the abort the child because society will judge them, are they taking into account the possible problems that the child is going to grow up with? ie: my daddy uncle is sick and my aunty momma is mad cause family won't help them.

I love my family but to lay with them in the act of love is something that pulls into question one's sanity and the clarity of the situation when presented to them. personally, I could not do it because I am not attracted to my sisters that way.

Ravon Level 2 Nov 19, 2017

What if the siblings were raised in two wholly separate households? Still feel this same sense of revulsion? If not, you may want to examine the ways society. especially religion, have conditioned your beliefs. I'm not challenging the vilidity of your beliefs, just the effects of our conditioning and offering you choice. Peace


True morality is enshrined in everyone's conscience! So if the conscience is hurt,there is a reaction. That reaction keeps us in check!

Multi Level 1 Nov 18, 2017

Ultimately grey. Not a participant personally, but who is to challenge another if there are true feelings.


Genetic reproductive defects is main concern. Some things are going to be grey areas. I don't think it can be called completely free of moral risk because the practice of it, even with protection seems to possibly contribute to cultural conditions where reproduction might occur. But yeah, eww.


As long as it's consensual on both sides and they're the same age and using protection I honestly can't think of any reason why not, other than "eww". But that's not exactly a concrete basis to form our mortality around.

Ariel Level 4 Nov 16, 2017

Ha I get that. But hey, who's it hurting? I feel like things are only truly crimes if there exists a victim. That's not to say I wouldn't still judge personally of course.

Thank-you cuz all i could come up with is ewwwwww!


it is vastly immoral, the example given isn't too frowned upon, but flip it and say its a 7yr old girl or boy against their dad or mum, what can they do but do what is said and cry about it because they're told no one will believe them because they're a child. And in some countries incest is seen as the butt of a joke, not a serious issue that ruins the lifes and innocents of many children way into their own adulthood.

What you have described here is child abuse, aggressive manipulation of unwitting victims. This is rape, not consenting sex between people who understand what they are doing, It is not the only form of incestuous relationship, nor would such behavior be acceptable in any of the modern/western societies. However, there is a culture in which the daughter's first sexual experience is with her father, and in that culture it is not only accepted, it is part of community life. There are other cultures with interesting sexual behaviors that might turn the head of the average westerner, but are part and parcel of everyday life.

That would be considered child molestation, incest or not.


thats why there is health issues.We found a work around called contraception so its all good to sleep with mummy,hell why stop there we have the whole animal kingdom lets start doing them aswell.No contraception gives a 100% guarantee so its wrong.Just because we can does not mean we should.Muslims practice incest first cousins but it has been proven many of them ignore the rules and have to hide away or evan kill the end product..I don't think wild animals practice incest its probably just a human thing.we need to live by some standards i think,first comment so go easy on me guys and gals and all the other sexes out there



It's neither. It's none of anyone's business besides those involved in the sex.


I think it's more of an issue of how it might affect the dynamics of your family WHEN discovered. Also, it's kind of like when people date at work, break up, and how it affects not only their work but their co-workers sometimes. Just not a very wise relationship move. Moral vs Immoral - that's a tougher call. I guess there are personal morals and community morals - and sometimes it's not easy to separate the two, unless you live in an isolated situation. Rarely a wise choice - I'd say, and frowned upon by most, for sure - I'd just steer clear. I'm sure there are exceptions (I sometimes wondered about Angelina Jolie and her brother). We all might say "who am I to judge" - and then we do, we do judge. So, again, not a winning move.


If we accept that individuals decide what they want to do with their bodies then that is all we should say. They decide how they want to live their lives. There are 7 billion people on earth. Why should what 2 of them do matter to anyone.

Just to be clear I don't personally like incest. I just don't see my sibling in that way. But for everyone else, who am I to judge. We only get 1 life, so that means no one is an expert at living and we cannot tell each other how to live. At least that's how logic works.


Moral it was a social norms until like the last 100 years and so long as no genetically flawed human is born who cares


I actually don't see it as a huge deal if cousins or distant cousins decide on having some sort of relationship or even children. The genetics would be way more diverse and you wouldn't be raised in the same household so it's not the same as siblings.

Now siblings is immoral for many reasons. Your children would face repercussions of not having enough diversity in their genetics one way or another. If the siblings decided on just a sexual relationship then there is A LOT of emotional problems that could and will occur if it happened and shame since it's a very taboo thing and could ruin your relationship with them as a whole.


Too many variables to consider. As to your question... it's not really, it's procreation between parent+offspring, uncle/aunt+niece/nephew, siblings, and half-siblings that is just not right. Based on genetics, the risk of having a child with your half-aunt/uncle or first cousin doubles the risk of having a child with a birth defect... which brings it up from 4% to a whopping 8%... which honestly isn't that scary.

There are studies that find some minds are wired (genetics) to be attracted or repulsed by the thought of doing the deed with family. Sex between two consenting adults has always been and always will be alright in my book. I've personally been attracted to a cousin and a half cousin, both of which I was not raised with having contact prior to puberty, have had absolutely no sexual contact with. It's like being young when your mom remarries and you grow up with your step sibling vs your mom remarrying when you're in your late teens and your new dad has a daughter that's cute and around your age, with the former you're more likely to be grossed out by the thought while with the latter it's far more likely to be attracted. It's attraction, it can't be stopped, only controlled.

I've not been involved in any type of incestuous activity, but I know a guy who married his first cousin without knowing it was his first cousin until about a year after the ceremony (estranged family and all that). To the best of my knowledge they're still together and happy, had two perfectly healthy baby boys. It happens, may not be your cup of tea, but as I stated, there are too many variables to consider before labeling it moral or immoral.

Personally I find sex between two consenting adults (with intact healthy minds, i.e. no retardation, disability, etc.) has always been and will always be okay in my book.


Neither was not an option. Incest is not good from the gene pool standpoint but neither moral or immoral if consensual.


Just because one does not believe in a God does not mean one can be a sexual anarchist.


It is immoral as long as either one is not an adult with the intellectual ability and knowledge to understand their actions. They must not have had psychological or physical incestuous relations in their youth with each other or others. There should not be any history of incest or pedophile relation with any other adult prior to their relations. I do not believe they should be sibling or parent child relations. If they have incestuous feelings that are troubling they should seek counseling.

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