314 12

Incest: Immoral or Moral?

I was asked this question today by a theist. If there is no God why is safe sex between brother and sister immoral to an atheist? This guy was smart to add safe sex because it closed off my avenue to argue the health issue. So, I was thinking why is it immoral if it is consensual? I understand we find it gross but is that because of Christian influence?

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paul1967 8 Oct 12

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I don't know how many GREATS to add, so I will just say, ask my grandma Eve...since for a generation or so every male on earth was committing incest with her...and there are still lots of people buy that shit, without thinking about it...BUT on the serious side...I am in total awe and respect of all the professional postings...I can almost understand how everyone has an opinion, but only a few have actual experience....BUT KNOW ALL THE ANSWERS.... based on religious teachings....I have never experienced it, but an good friends with a man who grew up having sex with his year older sister, they are both married to others, but he is the father of his sisters 3 children, since the hubby is sterile ! ALL ARE HEALTHY, HAPPY, AND LIVING GOOD LIVES. So to that extent, I would have to say, it's all none of my business, and so long as they are no in jail, what the I said, I have never experienced it, but did have a sister who was my BFF before she died.


One does not have to be religious to believe in the laws of nature and since "safe sex" is not only a myth but man-made option than I rule that out as a test and say the consequences for incest are evident by the "fruit" being produced by those that choose it.


As an only child, I can't even begin to imagine incest. I've been indoctrinated that it's utterly wrong, and do seem to have succumbed to that view, but I have never really given it a second thought. I've actually seen this post laying here for a long time, but today is the first time I checked it out, just because it's so often in my "similar posts" list.

I would say to that person that morality has nothing to do with God, and would counter by bringing up Adam and Eve. According to the bible, there must have been a shit load of incest early on. As in, no choice. Be fruitful, and multiply, he said.


Taking procreation out of it, what consenting adults do to amuse themselves sexually is none of anyone else's business.


If it is done by consenting people, I have no problem, people will do what people will do, it has been done for thousands of years, and we're all still here, so ?


Non Vote. But reckon poster is Very Amoral based on his post. Should had give us his definition of incest. What he believes incest is.


I had sex with a cousin when I was a teen. She was way older and married and many other things, but it was just one of those things. I don't consider what happened wrong, and neither does she. It only happened once, and I would never consider being with any other family members. It's just a little odd, but I was a horny teenage boy at the time, so it seemed like a heck of a deal. We broke the legs off my Uncle's pool table.


Leviticus 18:24 says, “'Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled.” What were “any of these ways”? Chapter 18 focuses on immoral sexual practices, including incest, bestiality, same-sex activity, and adultery. In addition to prohibiting sexual immorality, Leviticus 18 addresses the heinous practice of sacrificing children to Molech verse 21

Well, having sex with animals and sacrificing children is just sick.

@ArthurPhillips Reading the bible or following it is just plain sick.

@NormCastle did you know that the Bible is the most read and printed book in the world.


Morality or immorality is a human question and as such, incest per se is not immoral, but society has decreed (with some good reasons) it to be immoral. I am a product of my society.

It's like anything else: if society deems it acceptable, it is. But if it's not acceptable, when it happens, even if consensual, it can cause severe traumatic and psychological distress, especially because it is a highly sensitive issue.

marga Level 7 Apr 11, 2018

Moral relativism is more easily understood in comparison to moral absolutism. Absolutism claims that morality relies on universal principles (natural law, conscience). Christian absolutists believe that God is the ultimate source of our common morality, and that it is, therefore, as unchanging as He is. Moral relativism asserts that morality is not based on any absolute standard. Rather, ethical “truths” depend on variables such as the situation, culture, one's feelings, etc.

I have to disagree that if a society sees some thing as acceptable, then it is.
Western society deemed slavery as acceptable. It wasn't.
Some arab countries believe it acceptable to prevent women from driving or stone them for adultery - it isn't.


Ewwe wwww



How any one can find their own sibling sexually attractive is beyond me. My family is NOT a sexual environment I seek out.

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Look at president Trump how he goes on about his daughter. So it might be beyond you but...

@PontifexMarximus Oh yes I agree. But I am saying that to have that desire is not an issue of morality, it is a perversion


As long as they're both adults and consenting and aren't planning on making back babies, it's completely moral.

ronak Level 5 Apr 7, 2018

Morality is mobile. What may be immoral for us today, may not have been in the past or in the future.
For now, for me it's immoral.

Really want is meant is by your sense of your morality is it moral, immoral or neither.


Do 3rd cousins count?

If you think it does then, it does.

@paul1967 Then I'm good.🙂


Wealthy and powerful families used to intermarry with their own family members . This often led to health problems for the children they produced , Is it moral to intentionally and with forethought create geniticly sick children ?

Yes...there's a reason why aristocrats have weak chins.


Well... I voted "moral", as long it is between consenting individuals that are not in relation of legal guardianship/parent-child or other implying position of authority of one participant over the other.

  • first - sexual act as such has no moral implications of any kind to me - I see it as a physical activity no different than eating, breathing, drinking, etc;
  • second - the choice of a sexual partner is a matter lying purely in the personal domain of the individual. If something is immoral here this is the effort of third parties to meddle this deep in other people's personal affairs.
  • third - as long as consent is present and the participants are not in any relationship of authority (parent-child for example) I would ommit the "adult" requirement based on the facts that: most such activities take place between consenting minors, without observable negative consequences (there are easily definable reasons for this); the legal definition of "minor" covers the period of puberty which is normally the most intense part of an individual's life in regard to sexual desires, due to the hormonal storms raging through one's body in this period;
    All of the above based on the strict assumption of a freewill consent - any form of violence, coercion, manipulation or other way to involve a person (regardless of age) in (not only) incestous sexual activity against their free will automatically should render the act utomatically both immoral and illegal.

In my early teens I had a friend who was having intercourse with his younger sister. It was a sex education class put on by her Gril Scout Troop leader that helped her understand what she was doing was not the norm, and she stopped it. So far as I can tell they both grew up to have normal productive lives, both were well educated. Interesting that she knew that I knew and has made it obvious she wants no contact with me, so there has to be some ongoing self concousness about it.


Personally I don't have anythingagainst the act of incest.. Quite frankly I find it to be none of my buisness what consenting adults do.. My only qualm against it is when offspring are produced..There are too many risk involved with the offspring from such a joining.. However as long as no kids get produced then I say fuck all the cousins and sisters n brothers ya want. Might not be my cup of tea and I don't understand it but who am I to judge.


when my mother was a teenager she fell in love with her own brother but didnt know he was her brother my grandmother had given him to her mother to look after as apparently in those days it was often done espcially if there were already another baby on the way . Charlie, the brother had come back to my granny as a teenager because the grandmother had died - No-one told my mother that Charlie was her brother until things started getting out of hand - I imagine family secrets like this one are hard for the family to contain and or deal with and that when the truth does come out its uncomfortable for everyone. I suppose safe sex isnt always safe as it sounds and isnt good for the family gene pool- I really don't think its a christian influence as most people would be concerned about the genetic defects from close alliances.


Immoral isn't the word I'd use, revolting is closer to it

This isn't a judgement, but why is it revolting if it's between two consenting adults practicing safe sex?

@paul1967 I just used the fucking my mother filter but i sort of take your point but incest isn't usually about consent it's about exploitation

@ipdg77 oh and when it's that (exploitative) the answer is a no brainier. It's beyond discussing, it's vile and intensely damaging. Honestly I find it repulsive myself but I'm trying to determine if I've been indoctrinated into that feeling or if it has an evolutionary component to it. This question itself isn't designed to make that determination but I think it's a question worth considering.


I believe strongly there is a evolutionary reason why humans are biased against incest. Incest has been around millions of years before religion. If we had not evolved away from incest, humans could has easily died out long ago.


In this country, in this current social climate, I'd say immoral...some other place, another time?...who knows. There sure seemed to be a whole lot of it in the bible...


There is no such thing as morality. It's only all about suicidal ethics and whatever state society happens to be in. Currently, I think, anything beyond a first cousin is allowed to be married in the US, so technically incest is legal between 2nd cousins etc. Back in the heyday of middle ages, you can only imagine what interesting relationship dynamics existed. Morality and immorality suppose the existence of a set of universal rules regarding behavior, and I think we all agree that's basically bullshit.

Situational ethics, not suicidal... can't edit.


Here's my non-scientific take on this: Incest is not immoral per se. I think there is a natural evolutionary taboo because of the biological disadvantages (mutations, abnormalities, weakened gene pool, etc.). Some other animals share this taboo.

However, I also think the taboo was commandeered early on by religion and declared immoral. It's another tool by which to control the masses.

marga Level 7 Mar 26, 2018

Morals are made up by people, so technically, it's considered to be immoral by society's standards. If we lived in a society that thought differently, then it would be moral. What I'm saying is that morality is subjective. I voted "moral" but really I'm saying it's neither.


According to the Christian bible, it must be. ADAM and EVE only had two sons, Cane and Able. Able was killed by Cane.
According to logic Eve must have been pretty busy procreating with Cane and Adam. Wish I had an Eve in my life! ?

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