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What’s the worst injury you’ve ever gotten from the gym?

I think mine would be when I was doing the Russian twist and sit-ups, due to me overusing my abdominal muscles then had to take a few days and allow my muscles to recover before returning to the gym.

EmeraldJewel 7 July 23

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Inflamed right rotator cuff. I've been doing stretches from the therapist for a year or so, and it's still not quite right (a phrase which some people use to describe me overall). I've stopped doing flies, and some overhead work still irritates it.

zeuser Level 9 July 23, 2018

I pulled a muscle while reading an ad for a gym.


At the gym, doing seated rows, I accidentally set the weight at 70 lbs. instead of 50. Should have looked closely at the weight setting. This was in 2012.

"Why do I feel so weak?" I wondered, doing a set of 10 reps. at 70 lbs. Afterward, it felt like someone had jammed a knife between my shoulder blades. The constant pain never stopped.

Four months later, I met a Canadian medical doctor through online dating. I mentioned the knife-like pain in my upper back.

"Two vertebrae in your upper back popped out, rotated 90 degrees, and locked in that position," he said after examining my back.

"Do you know a physical therapist who specializes in spinal rotation?" he asked. "In Canada, we have physical therapists with that specialty."

I did. The physical therapist taught me weight lifting exercises to strength my upper back, and prevent this from happening again.

Here's my back in 2016 at age 62. I wanted to see if I had any back muscles.

Not possible for vertebrae to rotate. Was he a real doctor or just used that as his pick up line?


My medical doctor and the physical therapist confirmed his diagnosis. You are incorrect.

@LiterateHiker Collectively, the vertebral bodies make up the bony building blocks of the spine. The bones are stacked on top of each other and securely attached with a disc in between each one.

The thoracic spine makes up the upper back and has twelve vertebral bodies, labeled T1 through T12.
These structures have very little motion because they are firmly attached to the ribs and sternum (breastbone). There is little motion in the thoracic spine, so this region has less risk of injury or wear and tear.

Since they are major load bearing structures, vertebral bodies in the upper back are prone to developing compression fractures, particularly in patients with osteoporosis (which weakens the bone). These fractures can lead to chronic back pain and progressive misalignment or deformity of the spine.

Vertebrae are attached and don't have the capacity to rotate independently.

Spinal rotation and spinal rotation therapy refers to treating instability in the spinal column due to uneven load bearing.


A few sore and pulled muscles. On the other hand I got a black eye from the Jim once. He’s an angry drunk.


I had a cardiac arrest 30 ft off the ground in a climbing gym!

Salo Level 7 July 23, 2018

A sprained ego when a hot babe laughed at me. LOL


Snapped my ankle once, my foot was about 90 degrees off to the side! It did sting a bit!

Pete66 Level 6 July 23, 2018

Also got hit over the back of the head with a heavy beer stein in Germany! Knocked out and ended up with a split scalp and a lump like an egg. I swear I didn't know she was married and I certainly didn't know her husband was behind me! 😀


The worse injury I got was injury to my sense my psyche, when l showered and discovered I was not the biggest dog on the team.


Torn Achilles tendon, both of them, 7 years apart. I have matching scars on my ankles.


Not me but my daughter was using a treadmill at school when she was in 7th or 8th grade. She's clumsy like me and somehow fell and gave herself a fat lip. Called me to bring her home from school because she was embarrassed. She's a straight A student and I sympathized with her bruised ego so I brought her home, lol.


I threw up...after over doing it a little..I felt a little dizzy and faint...ran to gents..didn't quite make it to a ended up barfing into a urinal..the guys standing around there looked at me with a weird mix of ugh!..and empathy...??


I didn't get this from the gym but it's a sporting war story. I ruptured my ACL in my right knee while skiing. A fellow skier went over the back of my skis and we somehow got tangled up. So as she kept going it turned me round but my right ski was planted, so when she kept moving I got turned and kept slowly turning until my right knee popped!


I dislocated about $300 from my wallet.

Took a few weeks to recover.


The smell

EMC2 Level 8 July 25, 2018

Dislocated my knee while doing a split jerk. Not fun.


Dont like to remember such things ...probably heartbreaks from the anti social yoga gals ?


Slightly torn triceps


I pulled my left lower back muscle lifting weights. It took maybe 2 weeks of not going to the gym for it to heal. I went back to the gym, ready to work out again, and a day or two later I pulled my right lower back muscle. FML. I'm good now though lol


I haven't had an injury, but I did have a terribly embarrassing accident in a gym in that I intended to stop my jog on the treadmill and intead of pushing the stop button, I simply stopped jogging, on the still moving treadmill. I was swept backwards into the wall and made a hole in the sheetrock upon impact. I didn't get hurt, but I was humiliated at myself. :/


Blew out my rotator cuff lifting heavy. All replaced with plastic now, huge scar covered by a tattoo of hummingbird at a morning glory......


Herniated my disc in my lower back using the leg weights. Unbelievable pain.


Shin splints in both legs about 1/4 mile from the end of a 7-mile run. Not in a gym, but out with a running club.


Badly sprained a knee and was on crutches for 3 weeks.

I somehow ended up on crutches after capsizing a kayak!

@Salo That took talent. Was your leg twisted when the kayak went over?

@pixiedust no it's more embarrassing than that! As I capsized I discovered I had some previously unknown phobia to having my head trapped underwater. I saw red and tried to kick the kayak to pieces rather than sensibly push myself out of it 🙂

@Salo Oh my, that is awkward. I hope no one was nearby filming you. I bet lots of people have done the same.

@pixiedust it was 30 odd years ago nobody filming thankfully 🙂


Second degree muscle tear in my right calf muscle, six weeks.



i have never been injured at a gym, but i have a health ride, which has handlebars like a bike. twice in my life i walked into the end of a handlebar, hard, right in the gut. the second time was so hard i wondered if i'd been injured, then dismissed the idea, but not long after that -- long enough not to put the two together but not years or anything -- i noticed the shape of my upper stomach changing weirdly when i began to lie back. i asked the doctor about it and she said it was diastasis recti, and that this meant the tissue holding my organs together there had torn. i'd never have a six pack, she said. it only recently (now a couple years later) occurred to me that the timing was such that i almost certainly had caused this by walking into that handlebar. so i really was injured on a piece of gym equipment, but at home, without even realizing i'd been injured.



Former competitive power lifter, now have multiple herniated discs.

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