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Are there certain foods that the texture of makes you gag?

I am pretty hearty when it comes to eating but I really have a hard time eating coconut, mushrooms, and eggplant. These are mostly based on the texture of each of these things.
But I can eat oysters raw and other foods people think are disgusting.
What are your food texture issues if you have any?

Akfishlady 8 July 28

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Mushrooms. Love the flavor, but can't stand to bite a cooked mushroom. My mom used to chop them up finely for her yummy beef stroganoff, but I'd rather have them be big enough to pick out and set aside for someone who loves them.


Lima beans and peas. There have never been either of those in my house.




Everything about Beats makes me want to throw up taste smell texture just the very sight of a beat makes me feel like I never want to eat again

@Akfishlady I am of the firm belief that it is a big world and there are a lot of people in it and there's a lot of different ways to row your boat feel free enjoy your beets and goat cheese with my heartfelt support. To bastardize a famous saying , I may not agree with what you eat but I would defend to the death your right to eat it


Cottage cheese

Buddha Level 8 July 29, 2018

Raw oysters, cooked tomatos, sushi, .... I would just say "slimy things", but I happen to like whole okra, octopus and calamari. So I can't quite put my finger on the ick factor.



Marine Level 8 July 29, 2018

I do not like slimy. I once had a veggie burger that was mostly mushroom and not well cooked. I gave up trying to eat the slimy, tasteless mess.

P.S. I can't even stomach being near an open jack fruit - the smell.

Jackfruit doesn't have a strong odor, you are probably thinking of the closely related Durian.

@Normanbites Yes, Durian. They look the same to me and what used to be labelled Durian at the grocery store is now labelled Jackfruit.


I don't like sweets so things like cake, pancakes


Bananas, unless quite green. Even then, sometimes......


Canned okra, too slimy, I'm not a fan of canned spinach either. I only do raw or lightly cooked shellfish in small doses like stews. A big bowl of mussels is kind of gross.


Fish. Its too rubbery or gummy. And before everyone tells me that its just not cooked properly- i have tried it every way possible. As a bonus i can't stand the flavor either.


Cottage cheese.


So I suppose I'd better not cook eggplant, mushroom and coconut korma for you when I come to visit, then?!

Jnei Level 8 July 29, 2018

The slightest bit of fat on meat, I can't get it past my teeth without gagging. Those who know me well will cut all the fat off, I have to then redo the job before it's up to my standards. I eat very little meat, especially red meat, because of this which can't be a bad thing anyway.

Salo Level 7 July 29, 2018

Gauged the first time Mom put mashed sweet potatoes on our plates , same way with oysters , and okra .

I adore sweet potatoes and okra!

@Jnei Perfect , you can have my share !


Fatty meat. It can ruin the entire meal. Texture and taste.

Any meat at all would ruin a meal for me, but when I did eat meat I absolutely detested any sign of fat on it. As for gristle - even a hint of that and I'd feel so sick I wouldn't be able to eat for a couple of days!

@Jnei oh absolutely!


Eggs - I hate the texture, the taste and the smell. Eggplant (or aubergine! 😉 ) has a horrible texture, but it tastes so nice I can overcome that; same with sun-dried tomatoes. Mushrooms are quite horrible when cooked, but raw in salad they have a nice texture and delicious flavour. Coconut is just perfect - looks nice, smells amazing, tastes gorgeous!

Jnei Level 8 July 29, 2018
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