Found this on FB. Sanders breaks it down about the possible government shutdown next week.
I think it is going to happen. Pubs Cotton and Perdue are denying the "shithole" remark made by our piece of shit POTUS. I think the Dems should hold out on immigration reform till trump apologizes to Haiti and African countries. We don't need a white America. Bernie is right too much on the table.
His platform really resonated with me. I voted for him in the primary. I still think he would have won against Trump.
Me too
Me too!!!
I worked for the Bernie campaign. I adore Bernie, I'd follow him to figurative hell and back.
I would too...
Apart from being forced to give his endorsement to H. Clinton and apart from his age, has Bernie Sanders ever done anything to disqualify him from deserving the Presidency of the U.S.?
Not at all. Both Democrats and Republicans are afraid of Sanders' honesty and consistent message. I'm tired of him being labeled a Socialist, when he clearly labels himself a Democratic Socialist, like FDR, not Marx. If he doesn't annoint someone to run in 2020 that he believes will truly continue the political revolution, I sincerely hope he runs. Right now the mission, should we all choose to accept it, is to flip Congress in 2018. First things first.
Not in my opinion.
He is an honorable man - about the only one in Washington I think.
They would use his wife's legal problems against him. And for the republicans that all works for them, look how discredit Warren with the Pocahontas nick name. I think that if that's all they have she must be pretty clean, they still haven't proved it and the base doesn't care if it's true. Yet nothing sticks to trump, I just don't get why people are still afraid of the school yard bully? They are so juvenile, it's frightening.
@MauraGarin I'll take Bernies Progressiveness...push the Dems to the left further...yes...