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What fictional character would you like to be real?

If you could meet your favorite fictional character, who would it be? What would you ask them or like to do with them?

Sirena 7 Aug 3

Enjoy being online again!

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"Five" from Dark Matter if I can't have the whole crew of the Raza. I would have picked "Two" but right now I need somebody who can fix my PC. Also while 2 can do some things better, 5 can do everything.


V (V for Vendetta)


Thor. Cool, witty....and I want that hammer.


A triffid, does that count as a character?


That love & beauty would abound.


The blue lady from Avatar


Carmilla Karnstein.

Jnei Level 8 Aug 3, 2018

God. So that, when I die, I can stand before him and say "You really are an asshole."

Jnei Level 8 Aug 3, 2018

I was wondering how many before god was mentioned.
? winner!

@Sirena I checked to make sure I wasn't repeating what someone else had said - I'm pretty surprised I was first, to be honest! 🙂


Of course... the one I was named after... Hector of Troy, Brother to Paris, Hero and Defender of the City, Killed in battle by Achilles. Troy fell after he died. Hector, Prince of Troy.


Hmmm... Possibly Gandalf, possibly "D" from Vampire Hunter D. Or possibly Arwen from LOTR. Any one of them could be an interesting conversation, and I'd welcome any of them into reality. With Gandalf, I'd start out by asking if he wanted to have a smoke. See where the conversation went from there.

You watch Hellsing anime series yet?

@Sirena no, what's the premise? I've seen the title but haven't watched it.

@Tampabrew If you like Vampire Hunter D, you should like Hellsing. Either version. The Hellsing family is a Vampire hunting Enterprise. Alucard is a pretty bad ass character.

@Sirena I'll have to check it out. I'm re watching Neon Genesis: Evangelian right now. Just started it again the other night.

@Tampabrew I don't remember how long ago I watched that.. good though. I had a big collection, but it became a lending library...

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