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Is this an agnostic site or a dating site? ????

magicwatch 7 Jan 12

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both as far as I'm aware


Looks like a dating site for agnostics.


well I was drawn to it as a dating site yet have found it to be a pretty cool online community and have already made a few connections that do not relate to dating.


It really is both. Learn something and make friends.




I can't find a compatible woman on the biggest dating sites, not sure a site whose target audience is only 7% of the population is going to have the peeps to support a dating component.


Another glass half empty pessimist without hope!

Btw @JeffMurray 7% of the current world population is somewhat greater than the whole population of USA ... about half a billion people. That to me is a very full glass.

@FrayedBear That is a stupid saying; it's full or empty depending on whether you are drinking or pouring. Anyway, I don't know what the world population of atheists has to do with anything. I highly doubt I'm falling in love with someone I can't even understand.

@JeffMurray the function of filling or emptying has nothing to do with the quantity in the glass or the perception of that half filled glass. Having just had a quick read of your profile I ask if you are familiar with self fulfilling prophecy

I also recommend to you, if you have not already read them Dr Berne's books "What do you say after Hello?" And "Games that People Play".

@FrayedBear Of course I know what a self-fulfilling prophecy is. So now the question is, are you trying to say that I am in the midst of a self-fulfilling prophecy, or you are, and I should try it, too? Can I ask why you are recommending those books?

@FrayedBear Oh, and I disagree with you about the glass. It is a simple function of our linguistics. If one were pumping gas and someone asked how far they were, I think they would describe it as half full, whereas while driving one would likely say, "We only have a half of a tank left" or "It's half empty". Furthermore, people are genetically predisposed to focusing on positive or negative imagery, and simply telling someone they should change is meaningless and kind of silly, as it is not under their control.

@JeffMurray I recommend the books in order that you may perhaps benefit from them and obtain the goal that you appear to be seeking - possibly find a partner or in fact once and for all determine that a partnered life is not for you in which case you can tell your work colleagues that you want no part of it.

Self fulfilling prophecy - may be you validating your displeasure of what your friends/workmates have put you into. My understanding of you is that I would not want you around me for long as I find you to be negative and argumentative. Perhaps you are depressed?

@FrayedBear That would work out great for both of us because I find you stupid and annoying.

@JeffMurray I hope that you have a fulfilling life you haven't succeeded in this string.

@FrayedBear I've succeeded in learning whether or not you're worth talking to.

@JeffMurray I am glad that you think so. LOL A friend once reminded me that to 'assume' is to put an 'ass' before 'u' and 'me' so I am pleased that you have learnt.

@JeffMurray I don't know why but this made me laugh so hard. This thread is completely out of control. LOL

@FrayedBear You realize you were the only person to use the word 'assume' in this entire post when you made that comment, right?

@JeffMurray - just getting the word into your head.
Now let's stop assuming and face reality - Jeff you are talking to me. Hello. 🙂:

@SonderOpia I'm delighted that I may have contributed to your "hard laughter" however isn't it an assumption to state that the "thread is out of control" just as Jeff wished to believe that this site, and I don't know where the 7% came from, is too small to be viable despite my pointing out it is a lot of people? Accept that and you accept that neither USA nor Russia are viable.

@FrayedBear I was laughing about the assume. About putting an ass before you and me.

@SonderOpia all cool then. But if it was a real ass and we caught the halter would you share the riding of it, taking turns to rest each other's weary feet and not overtax the ass?🙂


Some of each.


Both... it's on the other end of the dating site spectrum. The other end would be xian mingles or eharmony. They both are bad, well imo.


It’s pretty much just like any other atheist/agnostic web hangout area. Nothing new.


Tray both.


So far from what I've seen it is just weird. I've seen a bunch of political posts complaining about Trump mostly. I've seen some atheists doing what they do. As for dating, it doesn't appear to have the user base for that yet. I'm giving it a chance still, as it is free, but it is odd....

Change your preferred feed of posts?



Jnei Level 8 Jan 12, 2018

Go have some fun learning something brother. Give yourself a profile so people will get to know you. Theres more to this forum then just looking for a fling.


It’s an agnostic dating site.


Take advantage of what you will here.


Well... it's a new site building a community...


It's a little of both.

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