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How many agnostics, atheists are out there who actually want to date another agnostic/atheist?

JavierCdotNET 4 Oct 14

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I think at this early stage its more of a community which I really enjoy.

I must say the men here are way more respectful than any other site I have ever been on. This is truly refreshing

I don't see why we can't be a community that also happens to have dating options. It really seems better than strictly a dating site.

It is possibly because the men here don't have a "god given right" to own someone.


I absolutely want to date an agnostic/atheist. I want and need to feel comfortable with the person I'm dating. The unspoken "Why don't you believe? Will you ever believe? You're going to hell." question / judgement is not something I want to deal with in that part of my life. I want to be able to talk openly and comfortably about my non-belief, without it turning into 'discussion'. I want my home life to be a haven, a place I can fully be myself.

Lanie Level 2 Oct 14, 2017

Somehow this feels more like a 'community' site than a dating site but to answer your question in general: I think I would PREFER to date an agnostic/atheist but it's not a dealbreaker. As long as the guy I was with wasn't super-religious and tried to push it down my throat, it might work out. I would think my NON-belief might be more difficult for him rather than vice versa.


I don't think I could date a religious person. At the end of the day, I just secretly don't respect them. Just like I couldn't date someone actively seeking out bigfoot.

@RandomMonkey You're absolutely right about that, it's not fair. Just like it's no ones fault if their indoctrinated into extreme racist beliefs as a kid but I still couldn't date them. I do think that at a certain point, the information is out there, and if you choose to stay ignorant at some point it has to be on you.


I'd say practically all agnostics/atheists would feel more comfortable dating a like minded person.


I would not date a women who had an imaginary friend, and thought this live is not worth living, and the party started once we were dead. Especially, if they thought they could take care of their problems with prayer, instead of actually doing something about the issue.


would find it very difficult i`d feel i was with a brainwashed person who need help


I would prefer to date someone like-minded, I just don't think I could handle any sort of serious relationship with a religious person.

Well, call me old fashioned, but I don't think I could ever see myself being in any kind of relationship with a horse, unless there was a lot of alcohol involved XD. Sorry, I had to.

In all seriousness, I agree, I just don't think I could handle that much... of a mental handicap I suppose is the nicest way I can phrase it. I'm not going to say it, but I wanted to say, "I'd almost rather marry a horse, at least they don't believe." but I stopped myself... kinda.


I can say I am one of those women


Ideally, I would want to date someone like minded. Although, I am open minded to dating someone of faith, but with that I have my limitations.

RJAU Level 4 Oct 16, 2017

That is precisely how I ended up finding this site.


That is what I am here for. Way too many people with "faith" or "beliefs" on the other dating sites, and I suspect because of that, there is a certain inability to connect on the same level with figments of imagination floating around in their consciousness.


I would prefer it. Religious folks, well, the nice ones, always try to get you to come over to their side. Its like their mission to "save" you. I don't want to have to deal with that again.


I joined for the community, and I'd like to make friends. Not terribly interested in dating. I guess I might consider dating someone who questions the existence of gods and isn't sure yet. But I wouldn't date a regular church-goer. Whoever my next date turns out to be, we should have politics and religion in common.


Me --- most definitely! I've been me so long I just can't see myself ever being relationship intimate with a religious person.


I think for me I would only date someone who is agnostic/atheist. I just can’t see being in a relationship with someone who is religious. I can’t see that working. I’ve heard people say they have made it work, but I think that is probably the exception. So chances are I will be alone as the dating pool is very small. Especially as I am in the South.

I feel the same way. I'm also in the South, and feel terribly out of place.


I agree with September Woman - I would prefer someone like-minded, but as long as someone is accepting of my beliefs and doesn't try to shove their beliefs down my throat, I'm okay with them.


Are you kidding??? I saw this site as a dating site. It says it's a dating site!


I do I do! But where oh where can they be~~

Central Texas?


Hey any gay guys here, we should stick together! We are disadvantaged by sheer numbers. Honestly, I joined this site first because I find a lot of my facebook comments lately tending toward matters of non-belief and the social travails of living in a society so overwhelmingly dominated by the religious. I doubt my chances of finding another like-minded gay man within dating age of myself close enough to go visit. But even if we are many states apart, it can be nice to chat. I'm speaking to you, MattV and Daddy4pugs! 🙂 I just have to add this anecdote: I recently joined a dating site for older folks, and set my profile very clearly as agnostic and man seeking man. I have some friends I respect who identify more or less as Christian but are thoughtful and not dogmatic. So given how ever-present the Christian label seems to be, I thought I'd give people a change to describe themselves beyond a mere label. Two days ago a man in Virginia messaged me, said I sound nice, and in the same breath--that he would never give up being Christian. I replied, diplomatically, so I thought, with a description of my path to how I define myself spiritually. He called my sick and said I need a "shrink." Funny thing is, I AM a licensed psychotherapist. Maybe this is his idea of how to "witness" to me? lol


I'm married, but if I were available I don't think it would matter unless the person I dated was constantly trying to recruit me. My wife isn't particularly religious, but she's still a believer in God and the afterlife. She doesn't push it on me. I don't push atheism on her. Religion isn't important to either of us, so it works. Couples don't need to agree on everything, so long as they can disagree and still respect each other. Now, if this other hypothetical person was a Trump Republican? Well...


My wife is a "recovering Catholic" and only went to church when her mother was alive. , She is my best friend and, quite frankly, I would not have it any other way.


It's certainly a preference of mine. As soon as a (potential) date mentions religious beliefs, I'll admit it rings alarm bells, and I wonder whether we'll be compatible. But I wouldn't rule out a relationship with someone who was religious. As long as we were able to respect each other's beliefs, and not try to bring the other round to our own way of thinking, it could be workable.

I always try to respect other people's beliefs. Myself, I see gender as a religion - a social construct that sets out to control behaviour and dictate societal roles (in this case, based on biological sex.) Precisely the kind of thinking that should be redundant in a modern and enlightened society. But I know plenty, even agnostics and atheists would disagree because they hold an unquestioning belief in gender.


Would love to date another atheist/agnostic person. Where I live, they're hard to find. My luck has it, when I find them, the only thing we have in common is a lack of belief in a god. It's a relief to date someone and not have to listen to them give credit to god for whatever reason. I try not to be a horrible person, but it gets irritating when they thank god for finding me. We've had so much in common, but that ends up being the deal breaker, or what turns me off.
I haven't found anyone non-religious where we've immediately hit it off just yet. Kinda why I flocked here.

Ember Level 4 Dec 18, 2017

Agreed, you find common beliefs but you lack the correct age, location, or simple chemistry.

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