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Do you feel that your society has a bias towards extroverts?

Let me preface by saying, I enjoy and appreciate extroverts too. This is not a jab against extroverts at all. I enjoy a diversity of people.

I watched a great TedTalk awhile back called The Power of Introverts.

Susan Cain states "western societies, and in particular the U.S., have always favored the man of action over the "man" of contemplation..."

Do you see a bias towards extroversion? If so, and you're an introvert, how do you cope?

I think this is true in the U.S.

When I worked in the school, I worked with almost all extroverts. Apparently, teaching is a profession dominated by extroverts. Not something I realized or even thought about before hand (but it makes sense, you have to stand up in front of a classroom for 6 hours). I enjoyed working with students, but I needed a bit of a break to recharge.

So, most days, I didn't sit in the lunch room with everyone. But, every other Friday was chips and dip day- so I did join everyone in the lunch room that day. So, that I was mostly getting alone time, but not being unfriendly.

That's just one way I try to offset my introversion. I'm not a pure introvert- I do like talking to people. Just, not all the time. I perform best when given some alone time for contemplation.


silvereyes 8 Jan 13

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I saw something like that on TedX, too. I think that there is a naturally understood dynamic at work. Extroverts are quite simply easier to notice. People don't consider introverts' perspective as readily, because they seldom hear it.


I never met a stranger ...but I seen that in America society the "man" of contemplation is favored..


Yes. I hadn't thought about it, but I guess you're right about that bias.

skado Level 9 Jan 13, 2018

I see this at work all the time: the extroverts, even if they're not actually very good at the job, get noticed and promoted while the introverts, even if they're the best employees the company has, quietly get on with it and get overlooked time and time again.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 13, 2018

I definitely would agree. That's my perspective as an introvert. I have my own office and basically have alone time a lot given the nature of my business (medical transcription), which probably makes me like my job even more.

In my opinion, extroverts are the ones most visible in any venue, or setting. That being said, they may or may not be the most intellectual or intriguing, or for me, desirable to approach.



Introvert. I think society is similarly biased towards morning people. They may be somewhat related biases, too. Both biases make it harder to thrive in some situations, but I don't think they are usually too severe.

Introversion and extraversion are a continuum scale. I fall on one far end, but most who seem on the other still need their own me time.


Being in sales most of my life I've been an extrovert. However I enjoy my private time too.


There's certainly a societal assumption that quiet people are lacking in confidence and or capability and so they are over looked, However studies have been done that actually suggest that quiet people are cautious and more capable than their louder more extrovert counterparts. I consider myself an introvert but have performed as a front man and had to play an extrovert on stage, the lesson I learnt is that people love extroverts and almost feed from their apparent confidence. I can see how each has an equal place in society ans each have strengths and weaknesses.

Dav87 Level 6 Jan 13, 2018

I think society is biased against shy people. Introversion and extroversion refer to how we recharge. If you do it in quiet time, you're an introvert. If it's in groups of people, you're an extrovert. Businesses want people who are outgoing, friendly, assertive. Introverts can be assertive.


I suppose I'm outspoken and out there with my opinion most of the time. Pluss I always try to read everybodies post and comment. I've talked about things and taught things and I like it. When I'm home, thats it. I take it easy. So am I 50 / 50?


Yes. People see it as strength and confidence. There is a difference between being an extrovert and being an asshole though lol

I'm both an extrovert and an introvert. I pick my spots. I used to be a full introvert until after I got to college. I remember my freshman year when I had a speech class. I dreaded it. I had anxiety knowing I had to get in front of a class and give even a 3 minute speech. There were only as many as like 20 students at most in the class too.

I still don't go out of my way to start conversations with people in person though. I'm definitely not into small talk either. My networking has suffered for it. Extroverts seem to definitely have more opportunities in dating and business, etc.

When I see something where I have to speak up, I speak up. I'm not THAT introverted!


I couldn't appreciate silence without sound and vice versa. I do not mind being alone and I also enjoy the company others. Extroverts certainly get noticed more in the working environment and in a social setting. They are remembered for a variety of reasons.


I agree, there is a bias towards extroverts in the US. I'm not sure I do anything to cope. I think I might actually just avoid it. I've never really thought about it before.


I spend my planning period listening to music. I just shut the door.


Story of my life right there.


Oi, yes, there's definitely a bias! I can do short spurts of extroverted activity and noise, but then I need twice the time to re-center myself.

I think a lot of people fall midway in the spectrum from radical introvert to extreme extrovert. I think I do, but with a leaning toward introvert. A boss of mine used the "man of action" definition as an excuse for his random flights of fancy, leaving the staff the time-consuming task of putting together the trail of debris he left in his wake. When someone found a book stating that most successful companies are actually run by detail-oriented introverts, he was emphatic that it couldn't be so ... that introverts don't have the capacity to lead. Yeah, kind of hard to have that thrown out at me.

Have you read Susan Cain's book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking"? It gave a little more detail than the TedTalk in describing the power of introverts. Everyone doesn't have to be able to do everything (we used to have to sell school stuff door-to-door so we were "well-rounded" ), but introverts should be recognized as having value.

@silvereyes, I think you'll enjoy it. As an introvert, I kept having "Yes!" moments. It was quite nice.


I think some Asian countries value introversion more than western nations. I live in the US and find that extraverts are far more likely to be promoted to positions of management. In some ways it makes sense, because extraverts are more vocal, boisterous, and engaging — all in all, more "visible" to their supervisors and to potential employers. And because extraverts are already more likely to move into management, extraverted managers are more likely to see that as an ideal trait when hiring and promoting others, passing over the introverts. I'm especially introverted, so that may very well work against me.


I was introverted when I was young Something happen my teens when I left home at 16 my outlook positive changed and got away from suppression of my step father. Ever since then I had no reason to hide inside of my turtle shell.

@silvereyes I know was very shy bad analogy I suppose.

@silvereyes I was very depressed because of abuse when I was young some of my friend would have considered me suicidal back then. My analogy was not so good.


Most definitely yes


Definitely. Maddening! There's nothing wrong with me, thank you. I don't appreciate the institutionalized implication that I'm defective, and I don't care to be subjected to your (royal "you" ) insecurity--im not "judging" you nor do I think I'm "better than you" because I'm not talking to you. Good grief. Okay maybe judging...a little.

Recent research has begun to suggest that introverted leaders may be more effective than extroverts--because they are more cautious, listen to others more, etc. So suck it, world.


"you have to stand up in front of a classroom for 6 hours"
I am definitely an introvert but I have found that I am better at public speaking than I am in smaller groups. Interviews are terrifying, talking with a new hire, going to work events, or anything small scale where one might get noticed by someone higher up I feel inadequate because I can't "play the game" sort of speak.

I may sit at my computer excelling at any task handed to me but I don't go out of my way to impress anyone or draw attention to myself, I may go above and beyond in the work itself but it goes unnoticed(in the long term) because I didn't waste 30 minutes talking about 'sports ball', pets or some other irrelevant topic so my name doesn't come up in conversations later. They forget about the one doing the lion's share of the work because there's no personal connection to assist in remembering the good impersonal work later on...

I had more to say but this made me reflect too much on my situation at work and now I'm not sure if I'm mad, sad or some hybrid of the two...

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