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What things in life are rights and which are privileges to be earned?

I was exchanging email with a friend of mine and she relayed the following story.

"This whole Norway thing reminded me of when I went to Norway in 2010 with a tour group and saw so many breathtaking sights in Oslo, one of which was the opera house, which also features a huge public area outside, where people were picnicking with their families next to the sea, where glass sculptures and boats drifted by. "Isn't this amazing?" I said to one of my fellow American travelers. "Disgusting is what it is!" he said. "Did you know the taxpayers of Norway paid for this? What would our country be like if we wasted tax money on things like opera houses?" I just stared at him. "Do you know that Norway has one of the highest standards of living in the world?" I asked. "And is considered one of the places where people are the happiest?" He snorted. "It also has the highest taxes, so that can't be true. Where did you hear that crap? CNN?" Actually, no, but whatever. And that, my friends, should have been enough warning for me about what was coming, but it wasn't. Sigh."

I believe many of my fellow Americans believe anything outside of national defense is beyond the scope of responsibilities for society at large. Anything else smacks of big government and that the free market will take care of all of our other needs.

What do you consider basic needs that are the responsibility of a society at large? Healthcare, education, defense, retirement?

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SteveB 7 Jan 13

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People need health care and one they can afford so it doesn't bring on more health issues because they can't afford it. It is a human right and not just a privilege. As the baby boomers are now hitting retirement age and past that, we as a society need to feel secure knowing our health shouldn't be at risk for whatever political reasons out there.


If you are specifically talking about the rights of Americans it is a complex answer. When the Constitution was written there was a huge debate on whether or not there should be a bill of rights. It was insisted on and the first 11 amendments are just that. Hamilton didn't want a Bill of rights because he anticipated this debate we have today. As a fix he added the little used 9th amendment. In short it says that even if a "right" is not specifically described in the Constitution is doesn't mean its not a right. In theory, using the 9th amendment a right could be defined as any right agreed upon by the majority of the American people. After all, the first paragraph of the Constitution broadly claims that the document is written for the betterment of the citizens.


I've taken a few days to think this over. Think I'll take a few more.


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think it is wonderful that Norway invests in the art and well-being of their people. There are some beautiful parks in America. More energy into creating space for people to be healthy, creative, artists appreciating life sounds like a wonderful idea.


At the moment, I could not see all of these being implemented in the United States. Economically the US could not pull this together. There is not enough people that could keep up with paying the taxes to cover all these things. If the US wanted to head in the direction of these public services then I believe education is at the core. The more people that receive quality primary education will go on to seek secondary education, be it university, a trade, etc. Better education leads to better opportunities to make money.

On the other side of things I could never see the US completely providing for healthcare or retirement. The whole concept of the US government is to allow from freedom of an overbearing government. A good portion of the American people seem to prefer less government involvement. I don't really feel like this is a matter of rights or privileges. Its more like what kind of society do you want to be a part of? One that takes high taxes and offers a lot of public services or one that takes less taxes, leaving you to be in charge of how you spend your finances on these necessities.

clea Level 4 Jan 15, 2018

I like our constitution as it was written and the intentions of the founders as evidenced in The Federalist Papers. Government is force and limits. Government does not create or provide. It only has what it takes from people. Taxes are theft at gunpoint. No one has rights to be provided for by government theft from others. Centralized planning as been proven unworkable over and over again.

Wow, that's a really strong statement! My classmates thought I was nuts when I took a good look at the Vietnam War and decided at 16 that I would make not paying taxes my goal. So far all I've paid is the usual but no "personal" taxes, just the ones I am forced to pay. I have no income that they can tax, been living on my wits alone for well over 40 years. I'm 64 and it's winding down. My kids pay no taxes either, they "get it". Yes, we own proptery and that's the one tax we pay, but if you knew how you'd laugh your ass off. I have learned to make this government work for me.


I believe all americans should serve in the military and that should be a prior requirement before any elected office, state or nationwide. Those who are not allowed for a physical reason but are able minds can contribute in some other capacity.


My views are not clear enough to vote, I have never understood the term "rights". I understand need, and I understand privilege. Are rights something like an expectation?
I always heard democracy described as majority rule, minority rights. We have free education and health up to a point, pretty basic in my opinion for both, but apparently not compared to other countries. We waste ridiculous amount of money on art, opera houses and sporting facilities that are not used by the majority. Privilege? or graft and corruption? The greatest amount of rort in Australia though goes to propping up industry.


I believe we are all connected; if not in a religious or spiritual sense, at the very least in a "we are all in this together" sense.
We all deserve education.
We all deserve food, clothing, and shelter.
We all deserve these and more, for the simple fact that it is all here and we have enough to go around. Plenty, actually.


I think that every human should have food, shelter, clothing and Healthcare as well as equal rights.


I voted for them all, even other.

Nothing, but I didn’t want limit the possibilities. 😉@SteveB


A well functioning government (unlike our current Republican led laughing stock)could handle these and other needed services without difficulty. As an example, Germany has provided universal medical services for the entire population at a 7.0 percent tax rate on income. It also provides universal full retirement for ALL for an additional 7.0) and has done so ever since the 1950s . It works -- damned well.


My experience with disability taught me that I live in a society in which many feel I am entitled to nothing at all. I am not about to ask for anything from such a society, let alone demand it. I feel that the best thing I can do is live the way my society feels I should (e.g. no healthcare, drowning in debt, etc.) and let the consequences of that lifestyle make its marks on me so everyone can see what it does. That--in addition to not "taking" anything I don't "deserve"--is the only thing I can do.

I paid into Disability for 19 years. But when I needed it, I had to fight for years.

I suggest people take as much unemployment as possible. You pay into it every paycheck, when you don’t use it—it’s absorbed by the government.


Someone please let the president know that is why the people of Norway are not clamoring to immigrate to the US.

dkp93 Level 8 Jan 13, 2018

All of the above.

Civil Rights for all.

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