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What do you call your mother-in-law?

I've mostly just called her by her first name since I met her, but now my wife wants me to call her "mom". I'm not quite comfortable with that, though, because I love calling my own mother that.


Rhetoric 7 Aug 7

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I agree with you. If I had a mother-in-law, I would call her by her given name. I have a mom and a dad. But, my daughter's friends call me "Ma or Mama" and it doesn't bother me in the least.


Mum. It's the grandmother name she chose for my daughter to call her when we married into the family. It's just easier to call her the same thing the kids do. Hubby calls my folks "your mom " and "your dad " - they don't have the best relationship ?

SaraY Level 2 Aug 7, 2018



I call her Karen. It's been 18 years, I don't see that changing.


Her first name.


None. I no longer have any parents-in-laws.




I called my in laws by their first names. My husband called my mom, "mom", sin e he loved her like a mom. I was never that close with my in laws, and would not have been comfortable calling them mom and dad. I think if you are uncomfortable with it, it will feel forced and awkward for all involved. I would stick with their first names.


I call her by her first name or grandma first name because of the kids.


It was never an issue.


I posted about this yesterday, but on reflection now she has been dead since 2004, I think I will give full vent to what I feel, and call her what I wanted to when she was alive. OLD BAG!! Wow that felt good! ? ?


Thanks for all the responses, guys! (Some of you are hilarious!)

I think I'll start doing a mix of Mom in some of the more formal moments, Firstname some of the time, and when/if kids come around, Grandma Firstname. We'll see how it feels.


I called my ex mother-in-law by her christian name as well as a lousy cook, not of this world and wet although the last three not to her face.


I don't have one (and don't want one!), but I had a cousin who didn't get along with the mom-in-law. The nicest thing he came up with was either "malicious old dragon" or "adipose harridan who broke every broomstick she tried to ride." Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that they didn't get along? 😛


Don't forget people are dying in Canada to fight the C16 law.




In the south, we usually address our elders as Mr. or So-and-so (first name), and the same applies to in-laws in my case. It's said to be out of respect. However, I do call his aunts and uncles Aunt/Uncle so-and-so.


I always knew when my mother in law was visiting. The mice used to throw themselves on the traps.


Ex-mother in law

Pilot Level 2 Aug 10, 2018

I called her by her first name because that's what she asked me to do


Bipolar. Nah she's actually manic-depressive.


I’ve always been happy to call mine Mom. She’s pretty damn awesome.


It’s ok to call more than one person mom, but it’s up to you to do what feels right to you. If it’s not genuine, you shouldn’t be pressured to call her that. If there is some other nickname that you both feel comfortable with, maybe ther is a compromise to be made, but first names should be fine.

I won’t say how I referred to my former MIL ?.


I used to call her mom, even after our divorce. She was a very kind and caring woman.

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