SNOW! Anybody else like having all 4 seasons?
Yes! Lived in Belgium from 3rd-8th grade and it rains there more than the UK >250 days a year. After awhile you want to open a vein just to see some color. (Old Lewis Black joke ) Love it up here in the North Country. Considering my ancestry is all northern European probably predisposed to do well in this climate. We have all 4 seasons up here and, other than my old joints complaining occasionally, it's great.
I moved from Western New York to Georgia 17 years ago. I have always loved winter with lots of snow, and found South Buffalo summers unbearable. I thought in Hotlanta I would hate the summers. I find the dumners here ok, hot but not as bad as August in Buffalo. The winters here th are excruciating to me. Damn cold and damp and boring as hell!
I love the beginning of gardening, by August I am, "enough with the weeds & grass, already!" I love going snowboarding or whatever, watching my fire with a hot drink, too. Not much of a fan of humidity, but the beauty is, it all passes & something else comes along. I do not think I could stand to live somewhere with only one "season" ugh!
It rained ice for almost three days then dropped to sub zero temps on less than an hour...when it warms up it will get close to 100 with 100% I don't like the seasons. I'm a delicate flower and feel it should be about 72 and partly sunny with those big fluffy clouds all the time lol
I lived in Hawaii for 11mo and it was brutal. What's the forecast? Let me guess 15min of light rain at 3pm and sunny 75 the rest of the day. The monotony was brutal. "And to your left is the west beach, to your right is the east beach." Staying there for a couple weeks is a nice vacation but 11mo? It was a beach(or similar word).
Yep. It went from -6 to 40 to 60 to 12 in 3 days. It caused record flooding and then it all froze
I read this and thought "gee, that happened where I live too!" So I googled your town You're about an hour and a half from me.