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What one physical feature would you change about yourself?

My boss told me I have a perfect nose and is always envious. He does drag and went on about how much work it is to make it look prettier with contouring. He said its the one thing he'd change. What is one feature you'd change of you had a magic wand? (I'd get slightly bigger breasts)

pepperjones 8 Aug 22

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At this point, nothing at all.


Less hair and if I get a second pick, more hair.


My nose seems to be getting larger with age, it's not as big as it appears. Funny you should mention that, I was thinking, I need to start contouring...

@MissKathleen That's way F'd up and that lady in the Article looks like me. Now I'm sad. 😟

@CaroleKay you look great just the way you are but I would probably pick my nose as well. Being bald hurts my changes of dates more I imagine but I never gave a shit about that myself.

Your nose as well as the rest of you is fabulous! ?

@MissKathleen That's OK, it's kind of funny, I'll just add it to the list of things that are going to go as you age. There's quite a few now.


Bigger calves !


My Nose! My father used to kid the life out of me about it! You have a Roman nose son it roams all over your face! Lol ??

Coldo Level 8 Aug 24, 2018

Like a lot of other women would say, I’d probably make myself thinner.


Encroaching bald spot.


Very happy about myself. If anything was available... maybe I would ADD the ability to fly like superhero so I dont have to deal with other drivers inability to navigate their 4 wheel gas-powered shopping carts 🙂


better teeth


I would change nothing but would like to be more confident and comfortable with who I am.


I would not be in pain. At one time I didn't like the way I looked. But being sick threw all that out the window, so the only thing I would change now is having hands and feet that worked normally.


My body in general! Plans to start working on it soon!


I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller.

Oh, ok, I wish I had two great knees without any pain again.


Oh geeze I don't even know where to begin............... 😕


Too many to type here!


I'm too lazy to type everything I'd like to change.




I guess typical man...a little bit bigger down there, and little smaller in the belly ?


I'd like smaller feet.


Honestly, I think my belly. After I had my back surgery, (they went in through my stomach) the muscle has never been the same. So when I gain even a little weight, it looks like a small pouch. Other that that, I like me, as is.


I'd get rid of my double chin.

For many years I had no chin, until middle age blessed me with two. Hence having a beard since I was twenty.


Having lost lots of weight, I'd get the excess skin removed. I might have a slight nose job, get rid of my double chin and maybe botox for the forehead wrinkles or the "wtf lines" lol. But I'm also ok without all that shit.

@pepperjones lmao they are in order of importance!


I'll take the body I had at age 30.....and the energy! LOL

I'll take the body I had at age 50....and the energy! (No laughing matter)

@Donwhy Yeah...I should be happy at 51 that I still am active and in pretty good shape for 5 decades.... but, damn, 30 again sounds really nice.... 😉

@SkotlandSkye Well if you are going to get crazy, I would love to be the age of my brain, 28, with the athletic body I had at 18. That's a little like expecting god to show up and smote my enemies. As I said, crazy.


I can't come up with an answer.
I have had my nose broke several times this is just part of characteristics.
I have several scars these are reminders of battles I have won.
I am six foot 3 inches tall this comes in handy to reach the high shelf.
I am missing the cartilage the prevents your knees from going backward (double jointed) this gives me a couple inches more reach if I need it.
I do have a dad's belly I am loosing this.


Thigh cellulite.

From age 12 on, even when a size 4 and muscular -- it ain't goin' NOWHERE. I've always wished for "those legs."

Me too

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