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Donald Trump is losing his war on truth

An excellent article. Clear and succinct. This gives me hope.


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 22

Enjoy being online again!

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"I LOVE the poorly educated!" - Trump, 2016

"IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH!" -- George Orwell, "1984"


I read all of you bitching and whining about Trump, and yes he is a loud mouth that says stupid shit and all that, but seriously how does any of this affect you directly? I look at the bottom line, I am making far more on my investments now than when Obama was at the wheel, I lost a bunch of cash then. Unemployment is down, industry is up. His whole persona is about shaking up the system and if the liberal media weren't berating him at every turn, you might see that.
JFK was banging Marilyn Monroe and he was a hero, Trump banged Stormy and its a Federal Investigation. Whats the difference? Media coverage.

Being President is about a whole lot more than just putting money in your pocket. He is destroying the fabric of our society, such as giving white supremacy a voice, no respect for the rule of law, trying to control the media, sure isn't doing anything good about health care, destroying the environment, ruining education, causing everything to increase in price due to the trade wars, causing an absurd deficit when there is no crisis, alienating us from all of our allies, losing all credibility on the world stage except from a bully tactic perspective, a complete religious shame just using religion to push his objectives, on and on it goes. But if all you care about is your bank account and you are lucky enough to be in the top 10% so that you actually have a bank account, and your white, then kudos to you.

@Fezzik30 Yup, kudos to me!!

@16classic How classically empathetic, intelligent and altruistic of you! "SCREW EVERYONE ELSE...I'M MAKING MONEY!"


I hope you're right... although even if he loses, far too many people are more interested in affirmation than information and that trend needs to come to a full stop... :/


Regardless of what Comrade "Two Scoops" says or does, he will retain the support of those repubs who see him as a "savior". Fortunately for the rest of us, this is only about 1/3 of voting Americans. Even in the waning days of the Nixon administration, about that same 1/3 supported that crook. History repeats itself.


TRump is winning his war. His yes men will not be swayed. This does not turn out well for any of us.

I must disagree! We're in the middle of a mess caused by our inattention and lassitude. WE CAN FIX THIS. And, we will!

@LucyLoohoo I know too many that can not be swayed regardless.

@gettinthere Than...they need to get out of the way before they're run over!


When was he winning that war?


What I am afraid of is the Russians taking over the voting machines and servers that tally the election returns. Cheney tried to do this in Ohio in 2008 and it did not work because there were people who stopped it. I do not know if these people are available.


Did you watch Rachel Maddow tonight? Trump is not doing well. Shit is starting to hit and it will stick.

I like Rachel a LOT!


Time will tell.


I think the floodgates are about to open on the Donald. I'm sure the Mueller team is delving into his finances as well. I wonder if the stable genius ever had the thought, 'If I become president all of my dirty laundry will eventually be aired out'.

I don't think Congress will do Anything until they feel the heat from their constituents. And judging from fb, I don't see ANY change in their blind adulation.


He never waged a war using truth, honesty, authenticity, morality. He just said something, that either made his base roar or moan, he just stayed with the roar. Matters not if what he said is correct, just as long as his base believe. Make it up as you go, he will get really caught and get to a point where there is nothing else to say, but we do have a ways to go.


LOVE it..


Finally, an article that ties it all together for us. And, yes, he is loosing his mind. I saw a brief article that a TV was thrown out of a white house window!! Just curious who is going to walk into the oval office and tell him he's finished. of course the rest of them need to go also, Ryan, McConnell Sessions and many others who for their own personal gain ignored the laws and freedoms of this country for the payoffs that they have gotten. may they rot in HELL. (yeah, I know, dammit)

The TV through the window was satire from the Borowitz Report, seen in The New Yorker. But probably more true than spoof.

I'm a fan of Andy Borowitz: Link-[]

@birdingnut OK, thanks. But I'll bet one will soon really sail through a window.


I'm sorry, but I have ZERO confidence in the American voter. He has shown that he doesn't care and is incapable of determining truth from fiction.

Vote, n. The instrument and symbol of a freeman's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country. -Ambrose Bierce

I have no confidence in about 35% of the voters that's why the rest of us have got to vote in November with a BLUE WAVE from coast to coast.

"He" may be stunted in his ability to assess. "I am WOMAN. Hear me roar." PINK wave.


Remember that Hillary Clinton won three million more votes than Trump. I love this paragraph:

"Trump’s political success has infuriated and alarmed people who detest him. They can’t believe that so many Americans voted for, and continue to support, such an egregious fraud. His critics worried that his base would ignore most of his fabrications, and they were right.”

Last April with two other volunteers, we registered 74 high school students to vote, during four, one-hour lunch hours. The high school provided tables and chairs. (As volunteer college mentors, our high school background checks were done.)

"Register to VOTE!" I yelled, dancing and waving my arms with a big smile. "RIGHT HERE at these tables! It takes TWO MINUTES! The media says you will not vote. Prove them wrong!"

We will do it again in September and October.

At Democratic headquarters, I will call those students and urge them to vote in the Midterm Elections.

@starwatcher-al do you really think voting deomocrat or republican makes one rat ass difference. It's just two sides of the same coin. know there is the Liberaterian and Green parties you could also vote for - instead of keeping up the cycle of unproductive BS.

Also, once in office, how many people write their elected officials to weigh in on items being voted on? When people thank me for my military service, I try to be tactful, but essentially tell them that voting in a popularity contest and not being involved in their government shows me they really don't appreciate my service - they are just being lazy and want people to think for them.

@jondspen DOES matter! Voting DOES MATTER! Do you think the Obama administration was some kind of fluke? Recommending a SPLIT between various parties is suspicious to me because it will not end well. I'm sorry you're so cynical about our system.

@LucyLoohoo no well, you didn't address any of my points I made, and you then talk about some split between various parties?!? Nice way to deflect...and btw, Obama's talk of change went out the door when elected and started putting in the same ol' political faces that had been around for decades in Washington.
Also, not sure what your "split" comment inferred, nor if you even know the platforms of the various parties, but there has been multiple political parties in the USA and have existed for many years prior, so it's not a SPLIT, unlike the Tea Party movement ideological split from the republican party. It's just that american's are duped into thinking there are only two choices, or any other choice isn't a real choice.

Also, I am very cynical b/c I see how much we spend on the military, I have studied history (go look as Eisenhower's farewell address), and see via my time in the Marine Corps the lies that our government spouts about democracy and freedom compared to foreign and domestic policy. I'm sorry you're so naive and gullible about our system...and not realizing big money drives both the Republican and Democratic parties, and it matters very little to either what you or I think, feel, suffer, or endure.

@jondspen You're not only're also judgmental and have decided I know nothing of politics, party splits and platforms. Fine. Leave me to my many years of political activism and go on your merry way, ignoring the very real differences in the two major parties.


And his mind

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