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Advice needed please

I have been born and raised (and subsequently am currently raising my 3 children) in a very strict religious environment. I have, over an extended period of time, had my eyes opened to exactly what nonsense I had come to believe as reality. I would walk away today in a heartbeat but the problem is that every family member, every coworker (I work for minimum wage for the church-yes literally minimum wage-while the pastor and all his family live in million dollar homes), every friend, are all wrapped in this religion and my children are 100% in it to win it at this point (15, 13, and 11). How in the world do I explain to them all of a sudden that everything they know- everything they’ve been taught in christian school, everyone they know, everything I’ve ever told them is all a lie???? I have contacted a secular therapist to try to schedule an appointment (very hard to find deep in the Bible Belt) but I could you some immediate advice from the atheistic masses please and thank you

CoCoCatina 4 Sep 1

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36 comments (26 - 36)

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You could ask questions, a few a day, which they would need to think about the answers, such as why do es Gawd allow? such can use any of todays headlines so they feel relevant. Then you could go on to discuss parts of the Babble from an historical standpoint....for example, the peaceful canaanites being slaughtered so "gawd's chosen" could get their that age usually have a strong sense of right & wrong...just get them thinking, soon they will have questions for you! Good luck!


"Go for the cognitive jugular." @irascible nailed it (as usual).
My sentiments exactly!
I can't handle a timid approach to anything.

Be bold. Barrel ahead, and bring your children with you.
It's going to be a process for all of you, best to begin it.
Don't tell them, or anyone else, what your plans are until the
moment you are ready to put them into motion.
Put them in the car, under whatever pretenses you have to, leave
everything behind, and get all of you as far from the crazy people as possible.

Have your therapist recommend someone your kids can
talk to, as well.

This community is an excellent resource. Please avail yourself of the
knowledge and support of it's members.

Good luck to all of you.


Thank you so much for all the wonderful support! I am not financially tied to the church, in fact I have already turned in my notice. My husband makes more than enough to support us while we go through this. I have opened up and talked to him about this. He’s confused but supportive of leaving our particular religion (it’s very controlling) but he can’t grasp the agnostic/atheist thing just yet. I’m thinking a gradual step down may be in order. I may have to “fake it til I make it” and go to another church (that lets me wear pants, shorts, makeup, jewelry, cut my hair, etc) for a while until we can figure out step two. We live over an hour from my husbands job right now because our home is close to the church/school. I have told the kids they won’t be going to christian school this year (that was met with a guilt trip like you wouldn’t believe from my pastor who IMMEDIATELY preached, from the pulpit the same night after I told them, that if you take your kids out of this christian school environment they will basically be doomed). We are starting the process of selling our home and moving closer to my husbands work which gives me an excuse as to why all the changes are happening. I told my daughter last night that I don’t believe you would go to hell if you wear pants ?. I also told her they may teach evolution at public school because it’s fact and she should be open to learning new things and making new friends. I think slow is the way to go but I’m eager to speak to the therapist as well. Thanks again for all the awesome advice everyone!

Wow you're doing well making those tough decisions. It took me years to fully get out from the manipulation, guilt, and emotional blackmail. And it was just me, without a spouse and kids - that would be magnitudes harder.

There's been great advice given here. Remember that everyone takes their own time to leave and grieve (your life and people in your life is all changing). Go easy on yourself.

Also, reading the Bible (all of it, without cherry picking) is a great way to become an atheist.

Good luck and keep us updated.

Please do all the truth telling both parents through a united front to 3 children a family ongoing convocation of scientific Atheism use good Atheist books & role models to replace the pornographic misogynistic genocidal anti-science King James bible ....


Darrel Ray started a database of secular therapists. You can search it from this page [] There is also a link to Recovering from Religion [] Take your time and do your research and keep us informed as to how we can help.

Thanks,the challenges continue
and with human development we stay
aware of updated PROGRESS


I'm not certain how to proceed but a secular therapist is really the only therapist. All others eventually come back to the magic man in the sky.


Don't be in a hurry. You know what you believe but you can keep it to yourself while you find a new job. Meanwhile, you could emphasise the humanistic elements of Christianity, such as poverty, non-judgement and compassion. Since that's the language that's spoken around you, people can hardly object when you remind people not to judge lest they be judged, that the rich cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, that it's the PEACEmakers that are blessed, that doubt is an essential part of faith etc. There's a fringe of Christianity that's hardly distinguishable from secular humanism, so if you feel comfortable with it sit in that area until you are free from financial dependence on the church and try to school your kids in being decent human beings independent of church doctrine. You can hardly point out the hypocrisy of your own employer, so I would start with the job and I think the rest can follow.
Good luck, and keep in touch.

Very sound advice imo.


Perhaps you can start by teaching not only tolerance but acceptance of those who experience life and spirituality differently. The best way to do that is by getting to know people directly. Someone else suggested joining interest groups, which is a good idea. Introduce your kids to a more diverse network of progressive people—maybe thru volunteer work for an environmental or social justice cause where people tend to be more diverse

UUNJ Level 8 Sep 1, 2018

I think that you might be best to look for a new job first. What about the other parent(s) of your children? Be careful. You don't know how others will react and you don't want to put yourself and your children into a financially precarious position. There are ministers who have gone through this and there is a private group ( to help them. It definitely doable. I have heard an interview with scientologists, and mormans, etc. who have done the same, and wrote books. I would start some searching. There might be some facebook group or something that could offer support and advice. Congratulations on waking up. Best wishes on your journey.


Have you considered the implications of coming out as an atheist? I lost my wife, my children, friends, my home and life as I knew it when I came out. I'm obviously not happy being shunned by my children but that's the way it goes with indoctrinated people. I don't know to what extent it will affect you and it may not be what I experienced. I came out of the cult that is Jehovah Witnesses so perhaps your situation may be different. I wish you the very best in your decision.


I feel for you. That's a difficult situation to navigate. The first step is to prepare your personal knowledge system. I recommend reading Peter Boghossian's "A Manual for Creating Atheists". It is a framework for developing a personal style of asking quality questions. Questions which make the listener really think about their beliefs, unlocking doubts about those beliefs.
You can win this battle.


If you are indoctrinated for 10+ years the damage can't be undone so fast. Just think about how long it took you to realize your irrational believes. I would just try to plant some seeds of doubt. Ask them questions, tell them to be curious about the world. Show them the positive things science has brought to the world. Ask them how they know things that are unrelated to religion and let them compare how they go about it. Ask them why religion is the only thing where knowledge requires a different method. Would they believe other things on faith too?
Those kind of questions.
Show them the bads part of the bible, where slavery is supported, where there's unjustified violence, rape, genocide. Show the the stupid rules nobody adheres to. Ask them why they think the preachers today ignore them.
There is s much you can say, but don't say you lied to them, because you didn't. You believed those things yourself. Lying is done on purpose. You could tell your children that you thought about it more, that you have doubts now and that that's okay. It's okay to have doubts, it's good to have doubts. There are things you can't know no matter what anybody else says and becoming a grown up person means dealing with that fact.

Dietl Level 7 Sep 1, 2018
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